New class mate 2

while going to the library Clara ditch me saying she need to use the toilet and she will meet me in the library.

After I return all the books I waited for her but I couldn't see her coming any where so I went to the toilet to look for her but she was no where to be found I was starting to get worried when it down to me that she already ditch me to go eat.

I yell in my head Clara how could you ditch your best friend just for food ahhh.

I went straight to the cafeteria and saw Clara sitting with Christian and some other girl am sure I never met before.

So here you are both of you.

Clara I can't believe you ditch your best friend because of food once again and Christian I'm still in shock when did you start ditching your friends just to go and eat?

Actually Christian didn't ditch your guys he was showing me around the cafeteria when I felt hungry and asked him to accompany me to eat. He told me he always come to the cafeteria together with his friends and they must be waiting for him. But I had to beg him to accompany me and I also told him I couldn't sit alone and eat before he took pettie on me and.....

I see u don't have to explain or try to defend Christian I wasn't angry at him I was only teasing him.

Ooooooooo I was so scared that you are angry at him because of me since you are only teasing him am relief.

Cesi why are you just standing there aren't you going to join us so we can eat.

I am but I need to go buy my lunch first.

Cesi bought her lunch and came back to eat with her friends as soon as she sat down Christian said Karlee if you are full I will continue to show you around the school.Oh yeah am full when ever you are ready. Alright then I will lead the way, Christian turn to his friends and say girls see you girls in class.Wait Christian am also full I will tag along so we can show Karlee around. Hearing Clara statement one of Cesi brow rose on instant wait a second Clara is actually sacrificing her lunch break just to show some new girl around the school. That is so not what Clara would do.

Who are you and what have you done to my best friend the Clara I know will never ever abandon lunch break for any thing else and... Kerlee cut Cesi from finishing her statement by saying never said never change is the most constant thing in life so you never know change is possible after saying that Karlee gave Cesi a big smile and say Christian please lead the way.

Just like that Cesi friends where gone leaving her in the cafeteria to eat alone.

Cesi sat there shock for a moment she only start eating her lunch once she regain her self.

After Cesi finish her lunch she continue to review for the test as soon as lunch break was over she went back to class to meet half of her class mate gathered in her sit.

woohoo.... what is going on here why are you all gathered in my sit..... oh Cesi you are finally here what took you so long? anyways Karlee here is just telling everyone about her trip to Paris I know you have always wanted to go to Paris so why don't you join us.

Hey, hey Clara we are in school right now and we are about to write a test in a few minutes why would I want to listen to someone else trip to Paris I want to go to Paris and see for my self and is not like I haven't heard of a lot of other people trip to Paris. Cesi I you really serious right now? of course I am

Oh Cesi what should I do to you...? is just welcome back test and it only Carrie's 5 percent of our grades why are you so serious about it? Look even Christian our overall best student last school section is so nonchalant about it.

Why wouldn't he be as you said he was the overall best in our SSS 1and also in JSS 3 so now is my turn to be the overall best in SSS 2 and 3.

Hearing that Christian immediately cut in wait a minutes I can only allow you to be the overall best in SSS 2 as for SSS 3 is mine girl friend.

All Cesi could remember in all what Christian said was girl friend and a blush instantly creep to her cheeks and her class mate didn't help any less.

Oooh.....ooooooh their class mate all choruses.

Bella was the first one to speak Christian did you just say girl friend so you two start dating? I almost taught I was imagining things it shall did took you guys a while to realize your feelings for each other and am so happy we finally have another perfect couples.

When did you guys start dating?

Who confess first?

Have you guys have your first kiss yet?

Who kiss who first?

Oh my God you guys look at Cesi cheeks....

What are you guys all talking about who say they are dating. I don't know if Christian doesn't have the guts or is too shy to ask Cesi out but one thing I know is that when he eventually ask her out I will personally tell you guys.