Cesi Mum had a talk with her

When they arrived home Cesi took her comic books and went straight up stairs to her room she didn't come out till her mum called her out for dinner.

Cesi knew they was no way of escaping that topic of her out burst earlier in the car when they who but have dinner together but she till came out when her Mum called her out for dinner.



They both started eating dinner in peace but few minutes into dinner Cesi Mum spoke.

What was all that about this the one reason I didn't want you to start catching feels at such a young age and not with any other person but my best friend son and who is also your best friend why not somebody else why Christian for God sake why didn't you fall for somebody else why your best friend Francesca?

And what happened at school today is Christian dating someone else [no answer from Cesi] I believe I'm having a conversation with you Francesca.....

I'm sorry Mum I shouldn't have say all does nonsense back in the car and I am not sure if Christian is dating her he hasn't told me anything yet but he has been spending a lot of times with her so I figured. So you figured Francesca Justin you are better than this how would you make such an assumption with out confirming it.

But Mom I never said they were dating I only say they were holding hands. Oh you only said they were holding hands so you were making all those fuss because you so the guy you like holding hands with another girl who might just be his friend. Why does it feel like your feelings for Christian are going too deep..... Cesi didn't want to talk about her deep her feelings are for Christian with her mom so she immediately said..........

Mum it not just about them holding hands but is about Christian liking her and Clara seems to be so cool with the both of them but she got mad out me for one month when she found out I liked Christian. You can't blame her for that she felt you were breaking your friendship bond and if Christian also likes you and you two become a couple she will be the third wheel. And I also advise you to have a talk with your friends especially Christian so you don't ruin your friendship and also the little things your heart has for him just talk to him about it so you don't ruin your chances because of assumption and Who knows he might not even have some thing special for that girl and remember you are not stupid and I want you to know that you are more than a enough so have a word with him, knowing and believing that in feature when you are much more older you two can become a couple if he also has the same feelings for you.........




After dinner I went upstairs back to my room and did my night routine before hopping on the bed with one of the comic book I got earlier. And didn't if know the time I drift to sleep after laughing so much.

I woke up the next morning by 9am I always sleep in the weekends. After getting up I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face than I went down stairs to make breakfast my Mum also sleep in on weekends. I made breakfast and called Mum down stairs so we can eat together after eating breakfast I spent most of my day in my room reading comic. 

On Sunday was also chill me and Mum went to church and we had our breakfast/lunch at a restaurant when coming back from church. Me and Mum spend the rest of the day watching TV and playing ludo. Sunday was a chill day for me and my Mum but I shall miss my friends alot.




[Monday morning]

We are having mid term break this week we only get to come to school on Monday. Mid term starts from Tuesday and ends on Friday. We get to come to school back next Monday so we got four days mid term breaks every term.

We don't have any class this morning cause it got cancelled all our teachers are having a meeting with the board of directors. Our senior students the SS3 were in control of the whole students till the meeting is over. No senior students entered our class room even when it was so noisy they didn't want to waste their time and effort on us cause they know fully well that they have no saying in our class even some of the teachers can't get our class to shut up talk more of them.

I sat alone on my desk looking around the class room trying to find where to fit myself in and suddenly I remember my about my comic book I grab my bag and brought out the comic book and quietly walk out of the class room.

Our class room has two doors one in the front entrance and the other in back. Cesi went out through the back door and sat on the mini stairs that is attached to the door.

A few minutes into reading and laughing hard she felt some one present and was about to turn and check who it was and then she heard Christian voice.....

Hmmmmm Cesi when did you start reading comic with out me and you were even laughing really hard just now having fun with out me. Cesi kept her eye on the comic book pretending not to hear anything. Mean while Christian didn't stop talking why does It seems like you have been avoiding me and Clara lately...... Hearing that Cesi try to speak up for herself but words refuse to come out of her mouth sensing Cesi wasn't going to talk Christian continued you don't know how much I miss you why do you keep avoiding me and Clara? Hearing his questions I finally had enough of this talk and I stood up facing him with a straight face and said Christian I can't believe you are the one standing here right in my face and asking me why avoiding you guys when literally you guys have been the one avoiding me you don't seems to put me in any of your plans and when I try to get close to you guys you just ignore me and act like I don't exist.