Cesi finally had enough

Ever since Karlee came to this school you guys seem to forget you have a best friend named Francesca. Christian you and Clara don't reply to my massages all you will say is am busy let chat later and you guys literally never text me back.

At first I was trying to figure out what I could do not to lose you guys to Karlee who has berely not been here up to a term but I couldn't come up with anything cause I couldn't even get you and Clara to Pay attention in a simple conversation with me, and now you are standing here, telling me to my face that I should stop avoiding you guys. Huh... You are simply unbelievable tsk! Saying that Cesi walk pass Christian and entered in to the class room, giving Christian no space to say anything.

The remaining day at school Cesi felt angry at any little wrong thing someone do even when it was not done on purpose. And she scolded any of her class mate who made a very little mistake.





After dismissal I stayed back at the classroom with the other and tidy it up before going back home. To my surprise mum was already home. Good afternoon Mum, afternoon Cesi you are back how was school today? Fine Mum. Wow! Mum You actually came back this early on a Monday or are you going on an emergency work trip? ha... Don't tell me that the little problem between you and your friends made you forget that Yaya Mum (Clara auntie) is getting married. what!!! Yaya Mum is getting married no.... one told me about that, are you leaving today? No I'm leaving tomorrow the wedding is in three days I just came early today so I could prepare a nice gift for the new couple am actually planning on heading to the mall am just waiting for your Godmother (Christian Mum) to get her. Oh Okay then you go ahead I will be at my room upstairs. Alright then. Wait you were saying something.... No Mum nothing I will be upstairs say hi to Godmother for me. 






Francesca went straight up to her room and pick up her phone and dial Clara number. Clara pick the call after few ring as soon as the call connected Cesi started talking fast and in anger.

Clara was I even your best friend or have you ever taken me as your best friend even for a minute how could you abandon our five years of friendship for some one you barley know for a month. You actually stop talking to me over something silly just because it is related to Karlee You didn't even tell me Yaya Mom was getting married I just find out from my Mom that Yaya Mom is getting married in three days time put yourself in my shoes and tell me how you will feel if I was the one who did that to you.....[ No answer from Clara] excally what I thought you don't have any reasonable answer to make up caught you off guide right...? saying that Cesi ended the call and throw the phone on the bed. On the other hand Clara heard a beep sound indicating Cesi has ended the call she wanted to call back and explain but was surprised she had no worthy explaination to give her best friend who she has avoid and hurt for the pass one month and few weeks. Clara sat on her bed thinking about what she should do to resolve the fight between she and Cesi after thinking for so long she wasn't able to come up with anything. With the frustration of not able solve the situation she angry throw herself to the bed and use a pillow to cover her head and scream her lungs out.





[The next morning]


Clara couldn't have good sleep 😴 the whole night she got up from the bed when it was still very early and got ready for the day. She arrived very early for breakfast both her parents and Yaya was surprised she is on mid term the Clara they know would be sleeping in until 12 noon even on school days Clara doesn't wake up this early talk more of mid term they didn't understand what was going on with her today. Clara Mom kept a positive mindset maybe she is changing she said to her husband [Clara Dad] Clara Dad reply I don't think so am sure something is wrong somewhere Clara Mom replied that is your problem I don't know when you will ever have a positive mindset about something just for ones. You want me to have a positive mindset😧 if she actually change just like that wouldn't you be scared let not fool ourselves with positive mindset and figure out what is wrong with her and am hoping is not boys issues. Yaya was sitting at the dinning table with Clara observing and wondering why her cousin woke up very early today she gave her several glances but still didn't ask or make any comment. After breakfast Clara took out her phone and call Christian after few rings Christian answered the call.

Hello what's up Clara? Fine how u doing little genius? I'm good hmmmmm... this is the first time you are calling me this early since we knew each other I hope all is good? [ Clara cry's as she spoke] No Christian all is not good 😫Cesi called me yesterday and she was really mad😤 at me and I could feel she was really hurt with the way she spoke. I feel like a very bad friend right now I don't know what to do please Christian help me out. You have to help me out Cesi hates me I can feel it please Christian🥺. Clara you have to Calm down don't worry Cesi doesn't hate you and I also can't help you... Because Cesi is very angry and mad with the both of us I also don't know how to go about this. What?.... But you are very smart I didn't give you little genius for nothing come on Christian come up with something please Christian I don't want to loss my friendship with Cesi 😭😭😭.

Me too Clara I also don't want to loss my friendship with her she means so much to the extent I'm even afraid I will ruined it cause of other emotions I'm feeling.