Leaving for the wedding.

[Christian house]

Christian was laying on his bed pressing his phone, when he heard a knock on his door few seconds later the door push open, and christian Mom walk in and sat on the bed before saying, your Dad just called me saying, he had to attend to something urgent so he would not be coming back today until next week. The room fall into silence after christian Mom finish talking, christian stood up after a moment and say if that is the case I'm heading out, am meeting up with Clara at Cesi house so see you when I get back Mom. Christian was about to walk out of the room when his Mom said wait son you are not angry your Dad didn't come back as planned. Why should I be, I understand he has urgent work to do. Are sure son? Yes Mom am sure as long as you are fine I'm okay Mom. Okay, if that is the case go have fun with your friends alright Mom bye, bye son have fun.




[Cesi house]

Clara and Cesi where in the kitchen doing the dishes when the doorbell rang. Clara turn to Cesi and asked, are you expecting someone Missy? no I'm not, okay let me check who is on the door, while you finish doing the dishes saying that Clara walk out of the kitchen and headed to the front door, she grab the door handle and was surprised to see Christian on the door. And she immediately asked what are you doing here? Are you not having lunch with your Dad anymore? Yeah I'm not, have u made up with Cesi? Yes we have made up, left with you come let go inside, Cesi is in the kitchen doing the dishes by the way why aren't you having lunch with your Dad, or is he not coming back today again? Yeah he is coming back next week. oh are you okay? Yes I'm fine why do you ask? I'm just making sure you are not sad, why will I be sad? You used to be always sad when your dad didn't come back as promised. Oh my God Clara, that is ages ago besides I was young back then I'm really fine, okay if you say so. And I want you to know me an Cesi is always here for you no matter what, saying that Clara pull christian into hug. I know you love me Clara don't get a head of your self boy I never say so. I Know so even though, you don't say so I love you too Clara. Cesi was already out of the kitchen when they were both having the conversation but she didn't announce her presence and just listen but when Christian said I love you too Clara, she announce her presences by saying you guys are leaving me out and join the hug. Once they break free from the hug Christian Immediately apologize I'm sorry Cesi I never meant to stop hanging out with you it just happened I Know nothing can justify what I did but I'm really sorry, and I want to go back to being best friend and hanging out with you so can you please forgive me. Hearing Christian apology Clara Immediately say she has forgiven you already and turn to look at Cesi so she should comfirm it. Isn't that right Cesi, yes Clara is right I have forgiven you we are all good. So you have forgiven me already thank you Christian say out loud but he continues in his head I can't believe she forgave us so easily this is unlike Cesi.




Days pass by with the 3 friends having so much fun together. But thier fun was cut short when Clara had to leave the country for her cousin wedding the next day. You guys let have a sleepover at my house so we can have a little fun before I leave, and you guys can also see me off tomorrow at the airport what do you guys think? Is not a bad idea Clara Cesi says while Christian added you are only smart when it comes to fun. Non of ur business young Man I chose to be smart when I want.

The next day we had fun in Clara house but it was getting close to the time for their flight so we went to the airport we met Mom and Christian Mom there me and Christian said goodbye to everybody and left the airport. Clara drive took us back I got out of the car and say goodbye to Christian but he said not so fast am coming with you huh! You want to come inside my house? Yes you are going to be alone at home and if I go back I will be alone too so why not keep each other companie.... okay let go inside [oh no I'm going to be with him alone no Mom, and I'm sure the maid have finish her work and must have gone back home. Being alone with him at my comfort zone is not a smart move what if I end up confessing my feeling for him. No way I can't let that happen...] Cesi are okay? Christian voice brought Cesi out off her thought and she look at Christian blankly huh! What were you saying she asked, nothing are you okay you were so lost in thought am fine, okay open the door. Cesi open the door and walk in, Christian als follow her inside. They both got inside Cesi quickly switch on the lights and turn to Christian I'm going upstairs to change my clothes have a sit I will be right back.

After I changed into comfortable clothes I came downstairs to find Christian in the kitchen cooking. What are you doing in the kitchen Christian? who asked you to cook? can you even cook? Yes madam I can cook very well I'm a good cook if you teste my cooking you will fall in love with it. Look at how confident you are, if it was someone that doesn't know you am sure they will be convince that you are a very good cook you that have never cook before talk more of being a good cook 😂 let me take over before I eat food poison.