Spending time together Cesi and Christian.

No way you are not helping me out, I want to cook for you believe me when I say I am a chef. I can't leave you to cook by your self, you can't cook and they is no way I'm not helping you out, and you also have to stop fooling yourself you are not chef. I am not fooling myself Cesi and am not going to stand here and let insult my skills [Christian said with pity face]. Christian can you stop being stubborn come on allow me help you out if you are so interested in cooking you can learn but you seriously can't cook today because you can't cook but when you learn how to cook I assure you I will let you cook you can just stand over at that corner and watch me😉. Cesi seriously I can cook you have to believe me I learnt how to cook last summer. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my Mom and naturally I start cooking and whoever tested my food say am a good chef 😁.[Cesi look at him suspiciously. Seeing how suspicious Cesi was looking at him he then continue] okay fine I have might lie a little is only Mom that have tested my cooking and she say it was nice you know my Mom isn't the kind to lie about something and I also teste the food it was nice just allow me cook I promise I'm not going to cook any food poisoning. Okay fine you can go ahead and continue cooking I'm just going to sit here and watch you so you don't make a mess. Saying that Cesi sat on a stool and watch Christian cook.




After what felt like forever Christian was finally done he dish the food for both of them and they went to the dinning to eat. Cesi was waiting for Christian to eat first and Christian was also waiting for Cesi to eat first non of them ate they kept staring at each other then at the food this continue for a while before Christian said after you Cesi, no after you Christian no Cesi you should go first. [they continue arguing about who should go first for a while before Cesi said:] fine I will go first she pick up her spoon and dish a little quantity of the jollof rice into her spoon and directed it to her mouth closing one of her eyes and chewing the jollof rice inside her mouth not feeling the teste well because of the little quantity of jollof rice in her mouth she fetch a spoon full of jollof rice from her plate and put in her mouth [Christian was watching her closely to see her reaction] oh my God this is so good Christian I can't believe you can cook this well Cesi say as she eat more of the jollof rice. On hearing what Cesi said Christian was so happy and also start eating he was also suprise the jollof rice tested this good.[I guess is because I was trying to impress her🤫 and I did😊].




After we finish eating dinner we went to the parlor to watch netflix, Christian turn on the tv and asked what are we watching scary movie right? Yes of course I replied sitting down, and grabbing the pop corn on the table were Christian drop it. We watch a scary😈 movie together just like old times we even ran out of pop corn but our eyes didn't leave the tv, for even a second. Sadly the movie came to an end and Christian turn to me and say I will be going home now, is getting really late I hope you will be fine all by yourself? Yh of course I will be fine, I just need to lock the doors that all. But how will you get home? Oh about that my driver is already out side so fast, when did you even call him? I texted him 7 minutes ago and he is already here? Yes..... Is just five minutes drive. Yh correct your house is close by I don't know what I'm thinking😅 is okay am leaving now the driver is waiting if they is anything call me good night, good night as well. After Christian left few minutes later the door bell rang Cesi asked herself who could that be or did Christian forgot something? No I don't think he forgot anything either ways cesi still stood up and went to the front door to check. She look through the peephole to see Faith.[ Faith is their Cesi maid who comes often to help them clean the house]. Cesi open the door with suprise and asked: auntie Faith what are you doing here by this time? Miss Cesi madam told me to come spend the night over since she is traveling she is afraid to leave you all by yourself oh my Goodness I can't believe my Mom have to stress you for this she didn't even tell me about it I am so sorry for the trouble auntie Faith next time you don't have to accept my Mom request I'm sure it must have been inconvenient. It is not miss Cesi I am glad I could help. Thank you so much auntie Faith come in let go inside.




Cesi and Christian spend so much time together. They had so much fun trying out so many new things, they really got a good chance to spend time together, just the two of them which hasn't happened for a very long time.[Cesi has fallen more in love with Christian🤫]. Two days later they were back from Yaya Mom's wedding, Cesi was so excited to meet her Mom. she has miss her Mom presences in the house so much, she also misses Clara too. Cesi was in the parlor when she heard the front door open she knew it was her Mom, so she ran to the front door and gave her a big and long hug her Mom hug back tightly.