Cesi left the principal office and went to her class. When she entered the class room her best friends were chatting with Karlee as soon as she spotted them with Karlee she got scared.[ What if..... No this is real Cesi convince herself] Clara saw Cesi first and tap Christian before saying Cesi is back they both stood up leaving Karlee behind, and walk to Cesi. You are back, what happened? What did the principal say to you? [ Clara asked immediately they reach Cesi sit] Christian quickly interrupt her slow down young lady one question at a time give her space to answer my lady. Am sorry Cesi with the so many questions I am just worried 😫. Is fine Clara no need to worry I didn't get into trouble but my situation from now on is going to be trouble some. Why did you say that what did the principal say to you? [ Cesi took a deep breath before saying:] The principal ask me to start tutoring Karlee 😔... [ Cara took a breath of relief and say:] oh my goodness, Cesi you scared me I was busy thinking of the worst case scenario thank God is just to tutor Karlee I can relax now. Seeing how relax Clara was Cesi couldn't bear to say the remaining things the only word coming out of her mouth was hmmmmmm.... Until Christian asked is they something else you haven't told us yet? Cause it seems you want to say something. "No" I mean "Yes" actually they is a big problem the tutoring session starts by 5pm to 7pm😩. What! Clara shouted really loud draging their class mates attention towards them, she had to wave her hands indicating it was okay. Cesi continued and I'm also not feeling too good about this the principal stated Karlee parents asked for me and nobody else is kind of weird and am feeling a little uneasy about it. Is okay Cesi we can talk to Karlee so we either reduce the time or shift it so the could start from 4pm and finish by 6pm that will be better and I can also tag along and help you out. I agree with Christian and me too I will tag along as well my grade aren't doing too well a little bit tutorial will help me out. Wait a minute are you sure this is my lady talking, did I just heard "My grade aren't doing too well a little bit tutorial will help me out"? Wait a minute did I just hear my lady right? Yes you did Clara respond to Christian going with his flow. I hope we are all safe oooo hmmm.... This time my lady took the initiative to learn am so happy😁. Calm down little genius don't get too excited am tagging along cause of little Missy and my Mom nagging. She will stop with all her nagging about my grades once she knows am going for evening tutorial with you two "book worms". [ Christian clap his hands and point his index finger towards her and said:] I knew it you sneaky girl.
* * * * * *
2 weeks pass by smoothly. Everything was going well my best friends accompany me in tutoring Karlee every evening. My friends made everything easier but I still didn't feel right, I felt some thing bad is going to happen the uneaseness hasn't left. Any ways I Christian has gotten even more close I have a strong feeling Christian likes me more than best friend I was planning on telling Clara but change my mind. Clara is a big mouth 😾 what if she goes ahead and tell Christian my feeling for him and he doesn't feel the same way I will be so embarrassed 😣 and more over she is always telling me that Christian and I are a perfect couple if she find out I have feelings for him she will act rashly and tell him so am not taking chance and telling her, not any time soon. Some times Clara will give me and Christian some alone time I don't know if she already found out that I like Christian or am over thinking her act. Karlee always get really angry any time she sees me and Christian together. I always knew she had feelings for Christian but Clara won't believe me😫. After school today Clara followed me to my house we ate and rest for a while before trekking to Christian house so we could all go back to school for the evening lesson. We arrived at school and waited for Karlee to show up, we waited for her for so long but she did not show up so we decided to go home. As we were about to leave we saw her coming, she walk to us and start to apologize am sorry guys I didn't mean to keep you guys waiting..... Cesi was already angry so she fire at her. What is your problem Karlee you keep us waiting all the time but today you have gone too far, we have been waiting for u for over an hour if you are not ready to learn just say so instead of wasting our time. You are so slow in learning I have to repeat one topic for a week before you could get it is it that you are just dumb or you just want to be lazy. If you don't want to learn in the first place why put us through this stress is becoming clear that you don't want to study. [Karlee burst out in tears] Cesi I'm sorry I didn't mean to stress you, I have a condition I can't learn fast no matter how hard I try [ she continue to cry as she speaks] I want to learn fast but I can't learn fast is not just possible .😭💔 I never intended to stress you, I want to just learn and improve my grade so my parents would not be worried about me and the reason I choose you is because you are always so Calm when you help others to study even if they don't get it you have patience with them and repeat your self to make them understand. I'm sorry I should..... [ hearing her story Cesi felt pity on her cause she knows what is like to have a condition you can control so she cut her off from finishing her sentence].