Cesi is intensely afraid of the dark

I'm sorry Karlee I didn't know you had a condition... Is okay is not your fault you don't have to be sorry about anything, is getting late let use the remaining time wisely. And I'm also really sorry, Clara and Christian for keeping you guys waiting all the time am really sorry!🥺.


The evening lesson started after Karlee finish her statement. A while later Cesi check her wrist watch and say, is getting late after this equation we are done for today.... Karlee interrupted her and say "please Cesi can we stay a little longer" hmmmmm.... I ... Please don't say no I want to learn more equation since exams is around the corner🥺. Okay we can stay longer but just for a little bit.... Hearing my response Clara came close to me and whispered, are you sure about extra time? is getting really late already if you are not comfortable with it tell her "No" so we can go home. Is fine Clara I will do two more equation then I will call it a day. Alright if it is good with you then I will not object.


I felt a little uneasy but I relax my self and kept on teaching few minutes into solving the equation Karlee suddenly stood up! What is wrong I asked she replied me "I need to use the toilet" okay go ahead I will be..... Can you come with me? Hmmmm..... I don't think that is a good idea may be clar... Please just come with me I'm a little scared I promise not to take long [ you are a little scared but I'm really scared dummy!🥴 Cesi say to herself] alright fine I will come with you.


While going to the toilet I immediately regretted not asking Clara to tag along we reach the main door that leads to other small toilet space in less than a minute they were three other class room after the class room we were taking the evening class before the toilet. Karlee walk into one of the toilet I couldn't help myself but be a little scared but I kept my cools after what seems like forever Karlee finally came out and walk to the sink. She wash her hands with a very big smile on her face 😁 I was about to ask her what with the smile when the lights suddenly went off and every where was so dark I got really scared I felt like I went back in time to re_experience my childhood again my brain flood with all those memories I try so hard to forget I couldn't feel my self again darkness was everywhere I heard voice's from my past I was hopeless and was enable to do anything to stop the memories from eating me I was so lock in it and didn't know what was going on around me in reality.


Meanwhile Karlee was screaming her lungs out and saying: Cesi calm down let go of me you are hurting me what is wrong with you are you going insane she hit herself on the wall and continue screaming. The pain of the past was getting too much for Cesi to control the guilt her aunt planted on her didn't help and she started saying am sorry, am sorry, am really sorry!!.... I never intended for this to happen to her [ Karlee got a little surprised and confused is Cesi fooling her is she going to be the one who get in trouble 😥].


The school usually hold night class around exam time and student who came for it all gathered around Karlee and Cesi. Cesi was still not aware of what is going on around her in reality and was still saying I swear am really sorry, am really, really sorry😭 I never intended for this to happen 😭. No, no you are not allowed to say that!! and no one is allow to say that it wasn't my fault my dad didn't die because of me. I swear I try my best to reach the inhaler but I just couldn't reach it no matter how hard I try I was really trying to help her😭.... [What is she saying did she kill some one? A student asked in fear] Christian and Clara wasn't quick to come out, because for some reason the door to the class room they were in won't open no matter what they try.

[Flash back]

Cesi open the door and walk out of the class while Karlee follow suit and close the door without any suspicion. Later when the lights suddenly went out Clara and Christian were really surprised Clara asked what happened to the lights I taught night class has began.... No, no, no this is bad Christian said interrupting her. What is bad? Cesi... Cesi is in the dark you know she can't stand darkness, she must be in a lot of pain we have to get they fast before, her condition get worst saying that Christian ran to the door but couldn't open it Clara also try but couldn't open it. A lot of noise was coming from the ending of the building were the toilet is. Hearing the amount of screaming Christian got really worried so did Clara I hope Cesi is okay ooooo! Why is the door not opening Clara point your phone flash light closely to the door lock Clara point her flash light as Christian instructed and they found out the door was locked seeing the situation Clara immediately said what the heck how did the door get locked in this way? Clara..... Focus this is not time for questions we need to open this door Cesi need us Christian said desperately. Yes!, yes! you are right Christian hmmmm.... A spare key is usually in the teacher desks inside one of the drawers yeah that is right Clara, Christian say and rush to the desk and took out the spare key and rush back to the door and open it. They both rush out of the class room and ran to the toilet they arrived in less than 30 seconds and Christian Immediately hug Cesi while Clara flash them her phone flash light while calling Cesi name to bring her back to reality.