
In the vast, soundless space, lights darted in all directions, and colossal bodies floated in the vacuum. Some of these beings were nightmares incarnate, headless, limbless, or with grotesque cavities in their forms, while planets had become immense asteroid fields.

This cosmic battle had raged across the universe, leaving destruction in its wake. Entire worlds lay in ruins, stars were extinguished, and galaxies exploded. An increasing number of deities joined the fray.

The battle had begun abruptly; the gods had no intention of negotiation. Inmo, who had arrived with a specific purpose, sought to rid this dimension of all its inhabitants. In this dimension, the birthplace of gods, they were at their peak. Some attained powers on a multiversal scale. Zeus, engulfed in cosmic lightning that crackled freely around him, unleashed his full power.

Blasting his maximum power, colossal beams tore through space, rending reality itself. The dimension struggled to contain such overwhelming force. Inmo, though capable of evading this onslaught with his speed, chose to confront it head-on, crossing his arms to withstand the onslaught.

Inmo's resistance to lightning and magic was notable, yet the magnitude of this power pushed him to the limits. His divine attire was torn and scorched, and his arms began to burn when struck by the cosmic lightning. After a few seconds, he managed to nullify the damage inflicted by Zeus's attack, and it was then that Inmo prevented an attack capable of erasing planets.

Remaining in place, Inmo's upper attire lay in tatters, exposing his swiftly healing wounds, leaving no trace of damage. His power had grown, instilling terror in his weaker adversaries, who perceived his evolution in the battle.

Nonetheless, they did not retreat, as the battle had reached a point where only one side could survive. They fortified their resolve, assuming various forms—some grew in size, while others revealed their true monstrous appearances, titans with six eyes and eight arms.

Creation and destruction unfolded on the battlefield, celestial bodies turned into weapons, stars and planets hurled across the cosmos. Although Inmo was initially not on their level, he quickly adapted and gained new powers. He had to admit that the first time they hurled a planet at him felt like a rollercoaster ride, but it became easier thereafter.

At a juncture in the battle, several gods with control over suns united to create a massive supernova meant to annihilate Inmo, but it went terribly awry. Many gods were caught in the explosion, and only Inmo emerged from the blast. His upper body resembled a healing skeleton, with tendons, muscles, and skin visibly regenerating.

Residual shockwaves from the explosion still wreaked havoc across the cosmos, erasing entire solar systems. Yet the battle continued. Inmo soared through the starry field, dismembering his enemies with his lance, piercing heads and hearts.

The gods appeared to regroup, creating twenty suns aimed at Inmo. Unflinching, Inmo withstood the attack. This time, the gods changed tactics. Those with mastery over gravity united to collapse the suns, causing their cores to implode, forming a massive gravitational mass—a black hole.

The gods realized that sealing Inmo was essential if they wished to survive, and entrapping him within an event horizon was only the first step. Subsequently, the gods skilled in magic took action, encircling the area where the black hole had formed. Chants echoed through space.

Runes projected in space formed a colossal cage, sealing Inmo within. Numerous spells were cast simultaneously—magic nullification, deity nullification, healing factor nullification, stasis spells, and layer upon layer of sealing.

Chains extended from the seal, creeping towards Inmo as he tried to break free from the black hole's gravitational pull. These chains targeted his arms, legs, and neck, seeking to restrain his movements.

Inmo was now trapped in the event horizon, his body ensnared by chains. Yet even this did not daunt him, as he felt his powers escalating with every passing moment, his body adapting to overcome each spell.

Then, the golden dome, created through an array of spells, began to dissolve, extinguishing the glowing runes and mandalas. All fell silent, and the figure of Inmo, resplendent, emerged, hovering at the event horizon. His dark eyes seemed to absorb all light, serving as a chilling reminder that When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.

A tremendous gravitational force began pulling everything toward the black hole where Inmo was, even the gravity-controlling gods lost control. All attempted to flee, but they drew closer to Inmo with each passing moment.

Inmo had transcended the black hole, gaining a new power, mastering gravity to an extent that even gods with centuries of experience in gravity manipulation couldn't match. He harnessed this newfound power to capture and defeat his adversaries one by one. The gods could only plea for mercy as they were drawn into the black hole.

When Inmo finally dealt with these gods, in the horizon of the starry sky, a colossal planet ablaze with fire materialized. It seemed that Darkseid was finally poised to join the battle.