
With Apokolips approaching, Inmo, who had just pierced his final enemy's head, could finally pay attention to the planet moving through space.

This time, Inmo didn't stay still. He embarked on a rapid flight towards the planet, as if he were about to pierce and devastate it completely. However, he came to a halt in front of Darkseid.

His landing caused massive destruction, shockwaves rippling across the planet. His arrival sent everyone in the vicinity flying, killing the weaker ones like Parademons, leaving only Darkseid.

Darkseid had memories of Inmo and knew he could evolve. Nevertheless, he thought that since he could use all his power here, he could kill Inmo before he evolved. But it seemed he had arrived too late, so things were about to get a bit more complicated.

A strange silence hung in the air, but soon a buzzing began, announcing the start of the battle. The sky was filled with Parademons who screamed and headed toward Inmo, attempting to attack him.

For Inmo, this was child's play. He simply increased gravity in his vicinity. Whenever a Parademon got close, they immediately fell to the ground. Over time, he cranked up the gravity so much that he began to crush every demon that approached, turning them into a pulp of blood and flesh.

Darkseid stood still with his hands behind his back, observing the unfolding events.

Inmo stood at the center of a river of blood, gazing at Darkseid. He tilted his head slightly, as if questioning the purpose of it all. No matter how many of Darkseid's minions came, they wouldn't even touch his garments.

"No more games," Inmo had run out of patience for such a futile battle. After saying this, he shot into the sky, creating sonic booms along the way, heading directly into space.

However, the Parademons continued to swarm around him even as he left the planet, like a swarm of locusts forming a massive vortex visible even from beyond the planet.

So, Inmo, being followed upon leaving the planet, turned and stood still. He assumed an attacking stance, his lance cutting horizontally through space, targeting Darkseid, who remained on the planet.

For the first time since the start of the battle, Darkseid finally made a move. He raised his right hand, open at head height, to block Inmo's strike.

A clash of powers ensued as Inmo's attack landed on Darkseid's hand. It continued through, killing all the Parademons in its path. When it reached its main target, it carved a deep valley beneath Darkseid, who was seen floating when the attack's dust settled.

Up to that point, everything seemed normal; Inmo's attack had been thwarted by the enemy. However, at that moment, a large gash opened in Darkseid's hand, oozing a bit of blood.

At the same time, the valley beneath him seemed to deepen so rapidly that it spread across the entire planet. Inmo had split Apokolips in half while attempting to attack Darkseid.

Darkseid gazed at his healing hand with a scowl, then he looked at Inmo, who gestured with his right hand as if beckoning him to battle while taunting him.

His eyes filled with power as the Omega Force surged, saturating every cell of his body. His hands glowed red, reinforced by the Omega Force. He let out a resounding war cry and charged into close combat with his adversary.

His flight was as swift as Inmo's, and he appeared in front of his foe, delivering a powerful right-hook to Inmo's head.

As always, Inmo absorbed the blow with his left arm and retaliated with the same punch.

It seemed like space trembled with every exchange of blows between Inmo and Darkseid.

Darkseid was a masterful fighter, and combined with his other powers, he was nearly unstoppable. The combination of his Omega Force abilities during combat made him a formidable foe.

However, Inmo had no fear of that. His fighting style was pure offense, trading blood for blood, evolving in battle, leaving no room for defeat. Early in the fight, Darkseid lost one of his primary means of attack when he hit Inmo with his Omega beams, and Inmo transcended the very concept of decay, becoming immune to the Omega Force.

With the assistance of the Speed Force, Darkseid quickly bore visible wounds and bruises, yet he still faced Inmo without seeming as alarmed as he should.

"You don't understand, do you? I've conquered entire realities, I've reaped more lives than stars in the sky. Someone like you will never grasp my full power. Your dominion over humanity makes you as feeble as they are."

Darkseid appeared ready to play his last card as red runes began to surround him, his entire body turned red, and soon, these red runes began to manifest on Inmo, and his eyes seemed to have lost their vitality.

"Obey the mighty Darkseid," Darkseid, who had harnessed the Anti-Life Equation, sought to enslave Inmo, stripping away his free will. His final trump card appeared to have succeeded.

Inmo's mental and spiritual strength had been forged by time and tempered by pain. His will would not waver, not even before the very creator himself. He would not succumb to a mere Anti-Life Equation. That's when his power came into play, transcending Darkseid's control entirely, his eyes returning to normal, but with even more fury.

His movements transcended space and time, his strike seemingly holding infinite force, as if it could birth another Big Bang.

Now, Darkseid's lifeless, headless body floated in space.

Inmo was breathless, his hands trembling from the last blow. It seemed he might shatter the very fabric of reality if he didn't regain control in the nick of time, but now it was all over.

However, it was at this moment that space seemed darker, colder, and more terrifying. A voice containing the power of the universe emerged.

"I was here before the beginning, and I will be the end for all realities. I am the incarnate fear; as long as there's a sentient being that fears, I will exist. I am the fear of death, the fear of life, the boogeyman under the bed; I am the fear of the unknown. I will never die. I am DARKSEID."

In the vastness of space, an endless darkness spread, covering the entire area of the previous battle. The eyes of creatures could occasionally be seen in this darkness.

And in the midst of this darkness was Inmo, him suit shining as always, the only light in so much darkness. but until this lightseemed to be fading.

"Do you understand now that you will never contemplate victory?" The sound came from all directions at once.

Inmo placed his right hand over his eyes, obscuring his vision; his demeanor seemed to change, while his attire darkened, and his crown grew thorns, appearing increasingly redder as if blood might start dripping from it at any moment.

"I have dominion over humanity. I know how good and kind they can be, but I also have to bear the dark side of humanity. I try never to touch that side, for I know if it overtakes me, universes and realities will fall like dominoes."

"But with you, it's different. I know you can endure."

At this point, Inmo's voice was unrecognizable, as if each of his words were thousands of voices blending together. His suit had now turned dark, matching the surrounding gloom.

Darkseid didn't wait any longer; he attacked with the very concept of fear, beings that could turn even the mightiest beings into madness with just a glimpse, inconceivable entities.

And it was when Inmo opened him eyes, and they were as black as a black hole, just by looking at Darkseid, he took control of all the human evils residing in him, and that was the beginning of a battle between two conceptual entities.

Darkness spread throughout reality, breaking the barriers of space and time, destroying everything and everyone, rewriting realities, altering dimensions. Even the Endless had to take action to maintain the stability of the multiverse.