
While Batman was making the final preparations, he took the opportunity to chat briefly with Inmo. The Flash was still at the computer, checking the latest news.

"So, are you also a kind of hero in your reality?" Inmo, who was looking around the Batcave, observing the trophies, heard Batman's question and calmly responded without paying much attention to him, "No, I'm usually a sort of emperor and an adventurer in my spare time."

Batman raised an eyebrow, showing interest in Inmo's story, and continued asking, "So, are you some kind of Aquaman 2.0?"

This time, Inmo turned to Batman and raised an eyebrow. He was thinking about the past when he sank Atlantis in his universe. "There's no comparison between him and me; there's a vast abyss. Although, like him, I don't care much about those outside my empire."

"So why are you doing all this, helping us?" Batman seemed to have reached the point he really wanted to discuss.

"I don't know. On the one hand, I'm in adventure mode, and on the other hand, I want to see where all this will lead."

Batman didn't like Inmo's response, but he decided not to push the conversation in that direction and instead steered it back to discussing other realities.

Inmo may not have traversed as many realities, but he retained memories of his past life, which he used to fabricate stories and deceive Thomas.

Flash was eavesdropping on their conversation and grew increasingly curious about this new member who possessed the same powers but led such a different life.

As they were about to depart, a random thought crossed Flash's mind as he scrutinized the attire of the new group member, "Inmo, don't you have a uniform?"

Inmo glanced at his magically conjured clothing, one of the tricks he had learned from Merlin. 

He realized that regular clothes weren't suitable for infiltrating a secret base.

So, he used his powers to transform his outfit, deciding to don the classic attire of Gotham's main hero.

"I am Batman," his gravelly voice declared as he stood before a surprised Barry, while Thomas maintained his usual stern expression.

Afterward, Inmo changed his clothes once more, adopting the classic attire of a ninja, an all-black outfit that covered his entire body. "I am not Batman."

Thomas had already left, leaving Flash and Inmo behind, with the latter eliciting a few chuckles from the former.


The three of them were now on top of a Gotham building, waiting for Batman's contact.

While Batman remained quiet, it seemed like Inmo and Flash were fooling around.

"I am the darkness, I am a ninja," Inmo would step in and out of the shadow of the billboard on the building, just like a ninja. Flash, who should have been focused on saving the world, ended up getting into Inmo's mood and having fun.

Gunshots rang out.

It was at that moment when bullets were fired at Inmo's feet. He effortlessly dodged them all. Looking at the shooter, we realized it was Thomas, who seemed to have run out of patience. After that, Flash realized the seriousness of the situation and decided to focus more, while Inmo surrendered to the crisis atmosphere and fell silent.

After a while, Cyborg arrived. "I have to admit I didn't expect a call from you," were his first words.

Flash was the next to speak but seemed to forget that Victor didn't recognize him. Barry ended up talking to him like old friends, but Batman quickly interrupted Barry and got straight to the main point.

Batman explained that Inmo and Flash were rookie speedsters who had appeared in Gotham. Afterward, he engaged in a conversation with Victor about the deal. Essentially, Batman would be the strategist for the army Cyborg was assembling, and in return, Batman would select who joined the army. He mentioned that Inmo and Flash would be part of the army, and then he expressed his desire for confidential government information.

Cyborg was initially reluctant to hack the government, but Batman delivered a persuasive speech that convinced him to bend the rules. Victor ultimately agreed, although he needed some time to acquire the information.

Barry used this time to pull Batman aside and discuss how wrong their actions were. He argued that they should reveal the whole truth to Cyborg, leading to a heated argument that only ceased when Victor returned.

"According to government files, the rocket was retrieved and transferred to a secret underground facility beneath Metropolis called Project: Superman. There is a heavily damaged report that mentions they found something inside the rocket, which they refer to as Subject 1."

After Cyborg finished speaking, Batman wanted to head to the location immediately. However, an unexpected development occurred.

Victor volunteered to join them, so he would accompany the group to the base.

Thus, in the end, they set off for Metropolis.


Now, the four of them were walking through the sewer to enter the secret base.

"Since when can you fly?" Flash was looking at Inmo, who should be like him, but seems to have some extra abilities.

"I don't know, maybe about 6 million years ago."

Upon hearing Inmo's response, Flash and Batman, who was also listening, were surprised, but Cyborg didn't dwell on it much. Even if it was serious, it wasn't the right time to delve into this story.

"We're here, and this is the entrance," Cyborg said, then opened a small door in one of the walls.

They quickly walked through the base until they found a room where the super-skinny guy was trapped. Cyborg formed a soundwave weapon with his right hand and was about to destroy the wall when Inmo approached and touched his shoulder.

"Let me do it; the kid could get hurt this way," Cyborg, seeing Clark condition, decided not to use his weapon.

Inmo moved forward and crushed the door as if it were cardboard, and that's when an alarm went off.

Flash went to Superman and began talking to him; Clark wasn't well, but now they didn't have time to wait as the guards started appearing, so the group began their escape.

Upon reaching the outside, the group was surrounded. Superman unleashed his powers to fly, but after his heat vision injured a guard, he flew away. It seems like this is a universe where General Lane approached Clark in his childhood.

"And there goes the savior," Inmo, who was the only one not surprised, was the first to speak, and soon the rest of the group returned to normal, realizing they were surrounded by the military.

Inmo increased the gravity on the soldiers; he may have gone a bit overboard, not being used to dealing with regular humans, so some ended up dying from internal bleeding as their organs succumbed to the increased gravity.

"What are you doing?" Flash and Cyborg were about to start a fight when Barry began to scream and then passed out.

So the priorities shifted; Cyborg didn't seem to want to leave things like this, but he knew that starting a fight here wouldn't be good for anyone.

Victor suggested that they take Flash to a friend of his who could help with his mind.