A Date With Lisa

I got us home safely and lawfully, but I could feel the power of his vehicle and the ride was so smooth it was harder to NOT speed than imagined. As soon as we got inside of my place, I kicked off my heels,

"Oh, that feels so much better, leave your shoes out here," I instructed. Valin took them off as asked and then I saw he was wearing green socks covered with equations. "Those are cute. There's a lot of math symbols" He met my eyes, looked down, and blushed; then he mumbled,

"Yeah... I just bought them impulsively because I like math..."

"Oh! I like math too!" I replied and his eyes lit up with excitement. He's kind of a nerd, I must like him a lot because everything about him seems attractive. "Um, I'll pop some popcorn and grab us some sodas, then we can choose a movie... Do you mind if I change clothes first?"

"Not at all... is it okay if I walk around?" I nodded,

"Yeah, sure!" Thank God I cleaned up yesterday! I hurried to get into more comfortable clothes and came downstairs to see his Tuxedo coat lying across the arm of my couch but he was nowhere in sight. I searched all the downstairs rooms but ended up finding him in the greenhouse. He was squatted down in front of my potted plants; the top 3 buttons of his shirt were undone and his arms were folded. "Hey! I'm ready." I announced.

"... This plant is dying..." He noted,

"Oh... oh yeah that one. I can't figure out what's wrong with it," I replied nervously,

"You're overwatering it..." Then he stood to his feet, and patted my head, "It's not too late to save her, don't worry... oh... damn you look adorable." I'm wearing a pink, baggy tracksuit.

"I just didn't want to get my expensive dress dirty," I replied, assuming he was just flattering me.

"You looked good in the dress and you still look amazing now." He stated, sending my heart into overdrive and the sound of his voice seemed to reverberate in my chest.

"THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" I cleared my throat, "I'll make the popcorn now, come inside when you're ready and we'll choose the movie together."

"I will." He smiled at me and then scanned over more plants in my little garden. As soon as the popcorn was done he came in, I handed the bowl to him and grabbed a beer for me and a soda for him, and then we sat on the couch together. To my surprise, Valin seemed content with watching a romantic comedy. He laughed enthusiastically at the right points. Now that I think about it, I'm not used to someone laughing so sincerely, not holding anything back. It gave me the urge to cuddle up against him, so I did, he was so engaged in the movie that I don't even think he noticed. Once it was over he was still staring at the screen as if the credits mattered to him as well.

"Valin... I have a question." I began, his head turned to me as soon as I spoke and he gave me his full attention.

"What do you want to ask?" I'm suddenly nervous!

"Um... so... I had fun with you... And I rather know now where we stand before I get my hopes up... So... Okay, here I go... I would like to see you... exclusively. Do you feel the same? Let me know if I'm moving too fast! I'm okay with going on a few more dates first if you need to!" That was a lot of words for a simple question but I was so nervous that it was hard to stop talking.

"You want me to be your boyfriend?" He inquired, tilting his head and simplifying my question in a way that made me blush more.

"It's okay to say n-"

"Yes... I would like that." Valin stated, interrupting me, but in this context, I don't mind.

"Are you sure?" My follow-up question made him laugh,

"I already said yes..."

"So... you're not seeing anyone else?" I found that hard to believe, but then he took out his phone and started blocking multiple contacts.

"Well... I didn't have a girlfriend, till now. And I won't see anyone else from now on," He clarified, while still scrolling through his phone blocking and deleting numbers.... how many others were there?! A few seconds later he put his phone down and placed his hand on mine. "I don't usually enjoy someone's company this much... I like you, Lisa." I squeezed his hand and looked away from him.

"I like you too, that's why I asked you out... you're weird but... in a good way, I want to find out more about you but... I don't want to feel like I'm competing with anyone else for you, while we're together." He was silent for a short while then he said,

"Can I kiss you?" I turned to him shyly,

"That's sudden..."

"Because I suddenly felt like kissing you." He reiterated, his face was leaning close to mine, and on instinct, I closed my eyes. After his lips connected with mine, I don't know what happened, maybe that one can of beer had me tipsier than I thought, because I got swept away by his pace. One moment we're kissing, and I'm feeling like I'm floating on air, It was me who took the initiative to grope him, and then the next moment we're naked in my room, with my legs clasped around him. Maybe the real reason he liked my outfit was because it was easy to take off. I can barely recall how we got there, I just knew I didn't want him to leave or stop. It was clear what he was doing. His touch was more intoxicating than anything I've ever experienced, even just the kisses put me in a state of euphoria. I had so many orgasms, my mind was spinning too much for me to keep track, and that's never happened to me. I wanted to stay awake and return some of what he'd given to me but when I laid back and blinked my eyes, I was knocked out immediately.

The next morning when I woke up I caught him on his phone, I saw the contact's name was Snowe... did he tell her about what happened? Is this something guys would usually tell their Sister-in-laws?? "Good morning..." He greeted. The sun was hitting his face in a picturesque way and he smiled at me making him look even more stunning. "You're beautiful." He noted as if he was reading my mind.

"I was just thinking that about you! I can't believe you've blessed my eyes with such perfection first thing in the morning." He tried to hold in his laughter, snorting slightly as a result; and then he looked away from me.

"Do you want to go out for breakfast?" Does he want to go on a second date so soon?

"I rather... do some more of what we did last night." I hope he doesn't think less of me, since I'm admitting this. He raised his eyebrows and said,

"Do you work today?"

"I can be late..." I replied, then he smirked and said,

"That works for me." I feel like I didn't do enough for him last night, so today I want to be sure he's just as satisfied as I am. I want to dedicate this morning to him. I used my hands, mouth, and my tongue but it didn't seem like enough. There seems to be a huge gap in skill level and experience between us. After an hour of trying different things, he kissed my forehead and suggested that I should get ready for work and then he left so I rushed to get dressed, feeling dejected. I avoided getting penetrated this morning so I didn't need to worry about going downstairs or walking funny at work. But I regret it now. Nothing I did seemed to be enough for him. I realize why he had so many contacts on his phone... what if he gets bored of me? I need to study and get my skills up ASAP! I'm gonna buy books! Look up stuff online... oh god my search history is about to get so messed up. As soon as I got in the car I remembered to check my text and saw that Snowe wanted to know about my date so I gave her as many details as I could... but I left out that we are dating now because at this point I'm afraid he might end up leaving me. Her reply text read:

"I'm sure he doesn't think that I'll be subtle and get some intel for you. He seemed to really like you, so I'm sure it's good news." That's a big relief, a few seconds later I had a message from the guy who's on my mind,

"Text me when you get off, if you're up for it, I'll come over." That also felt like confirmation that he's not done with me yet. I replied to him that I would. At work, I met with my boss and a few clients in need of song samples. I had a few to present and thankfully they were well received. This day has been great, my only complaint is my sore back, achy muscles and the tingling kiss marks that I had to struggle to hide. I think I should start going to the gym again... that should help. "Working on a game for my company should be done soon." Valin messaged me just as I was about to message him,

"I'll head home when you're free then we can meet up, I'm going to meet some friends at the gym for now."

"Sounds like you want to see me," I could hear his voice in my head, teasing me, as I read his text,

"So what? I am your girlfriend now! I can miss you!" I replied, and I instantly regretted it, I don't want to be too cocky...

"I want to see you too," Reading his response felt like Cupid's arrow struck me for the hundredth time.

"You're gonna give me diabetes if you keep being so sweet!" I warned. A few seconds later he replied,

"Would it be okay if I meet you at the gym? Which one is it?" After I read his text I immediately sent the gym's name and its complete address. I should get a new workout outfit if he's coming!