Lyricist 2

(Lisa's POV)

I can't move, I feel like every ounce of energy has been taken from my body.

"Oh, you're finally awake?" Valin greeted me from my side in the bed. I turned my eyes to him but I couldn't move a muscle. He leaned down and kissed me, rubbing my cheek and then tickling my chin so I would tilt my head upwards and he could deepen it. "Good morning," His voice rumbled causing a tremor in my heart and I felt his hands moving down my waist.

"Wait... what are you doing?" I could be jumping to conclusions again.

"Are you surprised, because I want you this early?" His tone made me feel more flustered, "Truthfully I want you every second of the day but... that would be unreasonable... sometimes it's hard just sitting next to you." He whispered, moving his lips to my neck, leaving soft pecks as he moved downwards. "But I feel incredible no matter what we're doing." Okay... there's no misunderstanding this time...

"I want you too... but I'm so worn out from last night... you're a monster." He paused after hearing my compliment and sat up to meet my eyes.

"... I got so caught up in what I was feeling... I forgot to take care of you... I'm sorry." I found just enough strength to touch his cheek and say,

"Let's do it after I get something to eat at least... I don't want to pass out in the middle like before." He perked up then,

"Should I get something delivered or do you want to go out?" I prefer to go out... but I don't think I can in this condition.

"Let's get something delivered... I want seafood." After I said this he kissed me, 3 times, each kiss slightly longer and more passionate than the one before it.

"I'll order it right away. I love you." He's repeating it already?!

"I love you more," I replied, causing him to smirk and assault me with more affection. I was already feeling much more revitalized before the food arrived. I wonder why I feel so much energy when we touch, is that also a symptom of my feelings for him? Once I was finished, Valin took my empty food container and threw it away. Then he went to the bathroom, I heard him brushing his teeth so I got up to join him. We stood together at the vanity brushing when he made a weird face and smiled softly to himself. I spat out the toothpaste and after I wiped my mouth, I asked "What are you thinking?"

"... Was just imagining living together... I think it would be nice." He's going to kill me with all these surprises. I'm glad I have a healthy heart.

"Oh... we have been spending a lot of time together... it kind of feels like we already do... uh you know... sometimes." It's been a month already... he put his arm around my waist and pulled me against him, breast to chest.

"Do you like having me around all the time?" He's gonna make me admit something so embarrassing?!...

"Yes, of course... I never get tired of having you around." His response was kisses that were gentle at first but grew hungrier and more impatient by the second, then he lifted me onto the counter, grinding his body on mine and squeezing my thighs to keep me in place. I tried to hold back my moans but failed; it seemed the sounds I was letting out just encouraged him to take things further. I didn't sleep with underwear on anyway, so nothing was slowing him down.

"You're driving me crazy." He whispered... another warning similar to yesterday. I held him, placing my hands on his back, and moved with him. Since I would be too disappointed if we stopped now. We made love twice in the bathroom and then once more on the bed. I was too tired to continue after that so he laid next to me and we cuddled. I'm glad I didn't pass out, but I'm exhausted as heck. "... There's something I need to tell you." He would want to talk now... I might accidentally fall asleep, but it sounds important.

"What is it?" I mumbled out, 

"I want a big family... how many kids do you want?" That question woke me up,

"I haven't really thought about it... but I guess I'm okay with however many I have naturally." He pressed his face into my breasts.

"So 10 is fine? How about 20?" I gasped and began pushing him away.

"20 is too much! And we're not even married yet!" After I shouted this he looked up at me, giving me the sweetest and most heartrending face in the world.

"Well we're getting married, because I can't live without you now." Is that a proposal?! "Not yet though... weddings take a long time to plan, and there's so much work that-"

"I'd go to the courthouse for you! I don't care if we only have 2 witnesses and get married tomorrow!" What am I saying?! My thoughts are so divided, but what is coming out of my mouth is shocking, even to me. He laughed,

"You're so silly... we're not doing that, we have to invite all your friends and I need to meet your family... plus I should buy a ring that's worthy of you." Just a few days ago he couldn't even confidently say he loved me, and now he's talking about kids and marriage.... meeting my parents!?

"I... I'm okay with a small gathering, I never really wanted a grand wedding. As long as you're there, that's all that matters." If I didn't know any better I'd swear his eyes started glowing at that second and without another word he ducked under the covers and went down on me. Again?! Already?! I was too sensitive to stay quiet at all, "Wait... are we done talking?" After I said this he responded by popping his head out and kissing me while gripping my hips, and moving on to the next step of intercourse. Even after 2 more rounds, he was still hard so I urged him to continue and he didn't hesitate to give in to my suggestion. We ended up spending the whole second day of the trip in bed.

I was shocked I could even still walk the next morning when we were packing up to go. I've been tempting him constantly without realizing just what he was capable of, I should probably tone it down. We packed up the car and got into our seats and as soon as he pulled out the driveway he held out his hand for me to hold. Once our fingers intertwined he blushed saying,

"I'm sorry... about yesterday. I wanted to take you to more places... maybe visit the beach again."

"We can always come back," I stated soothingly, he held my hand tighter.

"I will bring you again, and we'll do more together. You know... I never thought I would end up with... someone like you." After he said this I felt myself starting to panic so I asked,

"What do you mean?"

"You're... just so incredible I couldn't even imagine someone like you existing." Valin doesn't say things he doesn't mean... but it's hard for me to take in such a huge compliment.

"... I think you're the amazing one, sometimes it's hard to even believe you're human." He didn't respond right away, I thought he might have been blushing but his expression was more downcast than anything.

"Have you been working on anything new lately?" I guess he wants to change the subject.

"Oh! I did get a commission to write about pining for an ex and a song with a party theme too. I've been working on them both in my free time." I answered.

"... Is there anything I can do to help? I feel bad for taking up so much of your time." Yesterday and the night before he seemed unhinged almost like a different person, but now he's being sweet and considerate again. Without a doubt, I'm enjoying all sides of him, so far. "Lisa... you haven't answered me yet, and you're staring again." I gasped and looked out the window.

"I can read what I have so far and you can give me your opinion. That would be a big help."

"I'll do that." His voice sounded pleased with my answer. We stopped at his house and when I started moving my things into my car he said, "Are you going home, now?" I thought for a second...

"Well yeah, I was planning on going back to work today and my USB and laptop are at my place..." At that moment he was behind me, pressed against my back with his hand on my crotch.

"Stay with me." Valin urged in a low voice. I thought he was back to normal?!

"I already took 2 days off for the trip... I should at least check in with Angela." He moved his fingers in circles and sucked on my neck, I felt my knees getting weak and my resolve leaving my body.

"I'll miss you." He whispered, his breath tickling my skin.

"I can go in a few hours later... She'll understand." He began lifting my dress so I pulled away and walked into the house. We can't keep doing this in the driveway. He met me in his bedroom and was on top of me within seconds with my arms thrown around his shoulders.

It was the late afternoon when I got to work. Angela remarked on how she assumed I wasn't coming in, so I handed her the USB with the files I'd been working on.

"I'm sorry... there was traffic and I was... um... tired after the trip." After my explanation she began asking me for details on where we went and what we did so I told her about the beach house and the festival. "I feel like our relationship has improved too..." I added bashfully. She pushed me playfully and laughed saying,

"You are so into this guy! I have to meet him! We're having a company meeting next week at that new restaurant downtown! You should invite him." I nodded and assured her I would.