Chapter 15

Mae's Pov

"Hi" he said


He looked at the dog with a smile

"So you already met Smokey"

"Your dog??"


"By the way" he said while giving a bouquet of red roses

I was shocked by him

"What does this mean kyle?? "

" Grand Christmas ball tonight at Austen's Hotel so amm .. Can you .. can .. you be my date?? " he stuttered


I stared at his eyes

A Kyle Edward Austen is inviting me as his date for the grand Christmas ball tonight??

He was still staring at me and waiting for my answer

"Don't worry, I already ask permission to your cousin and he agreed," he said with a smile

My cousin agreed??

"Yes, I agree to be your date," I answered

I was surprised when he suddenly hugged me

"Sorry" he said as he pulled away from me "I'm just happy that you say yes"

Calm down, Mae, it's just a date, it's just a date

"So am you going home?"

"I'm not. I need to go to Austen's Hotel because Ms. Gwen Austen is making me follow her there"

"Come with me, I mean with smokey"

Come along Mae, don't you know the way to the Austen Hotel

" Alright "

We walked to the parking lot and pulled up to a black car

He opened the door for me and I entered

I sat in the seat next to the driver's seat

" Umm can you hold smokey first?? "

" Of course "

He gave me his dog

And he walked to the left and opened the door and entered

He sat in the driver's seat

And it shook me

"Seatbelt for safety" he said while taking the seatbelt from where I was sitting

While he was putting on the seatbelt, I just stared at him



" What's that?? "

"Are you ok??" he asked me

Did he notice that I was staring at him??

" Oh..yes "

"I thought your not because you're looking at me"

He noticed!!

He smiled

Come on!!! Don't be like that Mr. Kyle Edward Austen

He put on a seatbelt

"Let's go" he said as he started the engine and drove the car away

On the trip

I stroke his dog's fur

Kyle loves dogs

"Actually smokey is not mine"

I look at him and I saw him driving the car seriously.

"It's my twin brothers dog when charles died, smokey hardly ate anymore but when he saw me when mommy chose to live here, smokey became energetic again because he probably sees Charles in me" he said

"Maybe it's because you and your twin look alike"

"Not all," he said, "we have different hair, he's all brown, he got brown hair from mommy, I'm brown mixed with black, I got brown from mommy, black from dad, Charles has brown eyes, and I have gray eyes " he added.

Yes it is

And we were both silent until his car stopped at Austen's Hotel

He got down first and opened his car door for me

I went down

"Thank you"

"You don't need to say thank you, I'm the one who should thank you because you agreed to be my date later" he said "So see you later" he added

"yah amm don't forget smokey"

"Oh yah come here buddy" he said while taking the dog from me

And he walked to the left and opened the car

" Drive safely "

He smiled

And he got into the car and drove the car away

I faced the entrance of the hotel

I can't believe that I will be the date of a Kyle Edward Austen

I am here now at the condo of Ms Gwen Austen. She said that it's important for me to be here because we are going to the hotel together

I knocked on the door

"Come in"

I immediately opened the door

And Ms Gwen exposed me. She's wearing a sexy black split evening long gown that suits her well, her hair is also in a messy bun and she's wearing light make up

"Wow you look so stunning Ms. Austen"

"Thank you Mae" she answered me

"Thank you for lending me the gown."

Ms Gwen lent me a gown actually its fitted red gown

Ms Gwen approached me and held both of my hands

"Look at me Mae you look perfect"

"Thank you" I said with a smile "I'll just return it tomorrow" I added

"Nah, that's yours " she said while taking her handbag from the table

"Ms. Austen, I don't have money to pay for this gown."

"You don't need to pay that Mae, that's my gift to you"

"Thank you very much Ms. Austen" I said with a smile

"I will not allow my brother's date to wear nothing"

I was surprised of what she said

She knows??

Am I Kyle's date??

"Don't worry, my good brother didn't tell me, but it's obvious that he's going to invite you as his date. Besides, I've noticed in recent months how much he's changed because of you"

"Me?" I asked

"Yes, did you know that you were the only one who made him smile??"

Just me??

"We were just kids, my brother Kyle is so naughty, I don't see him smile even once but you. You made him smile" she said while fixing my hair.

She opened the door of her condo and I went out next until we reached the elevator and we entered the elevator.

"Amm Ms. Austen"

"Yes, what is it Mae?"

" No offense Ms Gwen but you change a lot you gave me a free gown and then you bought your daddy's house and land and paid off their debts, you didn't care to pay and tell me even that you paid almost 3.5 million"

"Yes, I bought dad's house and land and paid his debts because I don't want to lose it.. That's the only memories of my dad"

"You're really smart Ms. Austen"


We got out of the elevator and walked out of the lobby and were greeted by the driver of Ms. Austen and opened the car door

Ms. Gwen Austin entered first

I followed


I took care of Ms. Austen

"Yes Ms. Austen??"

"Please don't tell Crista that I paid 3.5 million just to get the house and land back and to pay off dad's debts"

"Ok, Ms. Austen"

The driver of Ms. Gwen immediately drive the car. And just a few minutes later, our car stopped in front of Austen's Hotel

The driver got down and opened the car door for Ms. Austen and I followed

Ms Gwen walked to the lobby. And I also followed when suddenly my phone vibrated

I opened it

One message came form

President Austen

' Tell Gwen that I'm already here in Austen's Hotel at the ball room to be exact I'm with the investors '

I took care of Ms. Austen just got off her phone

"Ms. Austen, the other investors are here"

"Where are they?"

"Your mommy is in the ball room"

We immediately walked to the ball room

" Good evening Ms. Austen and Ms. Salvartes " said a woman near the entrance who was wearing a suit and had a device in her ear

"Good evening" Ms. Gwen answered her and smiled

"Invitations please"

We immediately received the invitation

"Enjoy the night Ms. Austen and Ms. Salvartes"

I just smiled at her and followed Ms. Gwen Austen enters the ball room.

I'm sure I'll gonna enjoy this night.