Chapter 16

Mae's Pov

I'm here now at a table while standing and drinking champagne

Seriously?? I came here before him

"Relax, he will come too"

I was taken aback by what he said

It's Benj

Benj is wearing a blue suit that really suits him

"I'm not waiting for anything" I lie

"And you really lied to me?? I know you're waiting for Kyle" he said

I was shock of what he said

He knows?

"How did you know??" I asked

"Because even if Kyle didn't tell us we know that he will ask you out on a date" he answered


" Ohh they're he here "

I turned around to see Benj staring

I saw two men who had just entered the ball room


And Kyle

They approached Ms. Michelle Austen with the investors, Ms Gwen, Ms. Rain Rodriguez is also with her fiance

And just a few seconds later he caressed me and walked closer to me

"He's already there," Benj teased me

He stopped in front of me and smiled

"You look so beautiful" he said


"I'm sorry I'm late because of traffic"

" It's ok"

" Let's go "


"There" he said looking at where they were sitting

"Ok" I grabbed his arm and walked towards the table

"Mom this is my date Mae Salvartes"

Ms Michelle Austen faced me

"Ohh she is your date?? I can't believe she is your date"

"Why mom?? Is there a problem??"

"Nothing son" Ms Michelle Austen said with a smiled

Kyle pulled me a chair and sat down

"Thank you"

He smiled at me

Crista and Ian also came

"Hey aunty"

"What are you doing? didn't I tell you that you need to call me mommy? after all, you and Gwen are sisters you can treat me like a true mother"

"Sit down" Ms. Gwen Austen said

"I'll do it later as Ian said he wants me to dance.." Crista said

"a.. Ahh ok.. Have fun" replied Ms. Gwen Austen

I see that Ms. Gwen become sad and I feel that she still loves her ex boyfriend who is her half sister's boyfriend now.

Crista and Ian walked to the center and started dancing

I saw that Ms Gwen stood up and Mr. Andrew Johnson extended his hand to Ms Gwen Austen

"My I have this dance .. Please?? "

Ms Gwen Austen's hand took Mr. Andrew Johnson's hand and walked to the front and started dancing followed by Ms. Rodriguez and Mr. Ortega

Until there were only 3 of us left

I besides with Kyle and her mom Ms. Michelle Austen

"Son, aren't you going to dance with Mae??"

Kyle stood up just after changing the song

"Can I have this dance??"

"Yes" I said putting my hand on his hand

And we walked to the center

Come on, hold my hand and🎶

Travel together🎶

Leave it, forget the problems🎶

And you feel no pain 🎶🎶

He put both of my hands on his neck and held my waist and we started dancing

Ohhhh, running, going away🎶

🎶 ohh I'm going with you

🎶You will dance in the clouds, feel the wind

The wind that serves our melody🎶

🎶 Along with the beating of our hearts

The stars are shining🎶

While we were dancing I just stared at him

And I feel like we're the only two people here

🎶Oh what a pity to see the light of

moon in your eyes🎶

🎶 I know you feel the heat already

caused by our love🎶

Ohhhh, running, going away🎶

🎶 ohh I'm going with you

🎶You will dance in the clouds, feel the wind

The wind that serves our melody🎶

🎶 Along with the beating of our hearts

The stars are shining🎶

And after the song I feel like everything stopped too

I see him smiling at me

"That's why I can't find you because you were busy with something else"

I was shocked by what I heard

That voice is familiar to me

Little by little I faced the person who spoke

A white, pointed nose, black haired man wearing black clothes

I was shocked to see the person I didn't want to see in front of me

"Long time no see Mae"

Kent ..

"Who the hell are you??" Kyle asked Kent

"Why didn't you introduce me to him, Mae??" Kent asked me

I didn't answer

"So I guess I'll be the one to introduce myself to him.. I'm Kent Villanueva.. Mae Salvartes fiance"

" Fiance? " Kyle asked in disbelief

"Yes" Kent said walking towards me which I immediately took away "So who is he Mae?"

Kyle stared at me

"His Kyle Edward Austen is the son of the owner of the school where I study and this hotel"

"And his your??"

Kyle stared at me and waited for my answer


"His what??"

"His just my friend" I answered

I saw that Kyle was disappointed with my answer to Kent

"A friend, it's good I thought you're going to marry someone else" Kent said with a smile, "So we're going to invite you to our wedding, I hope you can come."

"O..of ​​course" he said with a forced smile "Am by the way I have to go" he said walking away from us

I'm sorry kyle .. I'm so sorry

Kyle's Pov

"One Whiskey please" I said to the bartender

I'm here at the bar near the hotel I'm sitting near the bar station and I can hear the noise of music and different colored lights

"Here's your order sir"

I immediately took the glass and drank all of it

"Give me one bottle of whiskey" I said and he immediately gave it to me

I immediately opened the bottle and poured the glass

"Hi handsome are you alone??"

I immediately look at the person who spoke

A woman with blonde hair, white, pointed nose, thick make up wearing a red fitted dress. And I can almost see her soul because of her dress with matching high hells

"You have your own eyes" I said while sipping the whiskey I poured into the glass

"I'm Bethany"

I looked at her and saw that she was smiling at me


I was about to take the bottle to change my glass

* Boggghhhss *

Suddenly I fell from my seat and now I'm on the floor holding my phone

I immediately stood up

"Who'a shamelessly punched me!"

"Me" said the man next to me now what is his name when he introduced himself to me earlier

Hayzt never mind

" Why did you punch me? huh?? Did I do something wrong with you?? " I said annoyed

He still punched me

"You!!" he said while pointing at me "Why did I punch you?? Ok I will explain to you. You just flirting with my girlfriend" he said angrily


" I flirted with who?? "

"Well, you're still going to wake up this morning," he said as he walked over to the woman with very thick make-up that looked like a clown and you could see her soul in the clothes she was wearing.

She e was the one who introduced me earlier

Is that his girlfriend??


I burst out laughing

" Why are you laughing?? "

"Seriously?? She's your girlfriend??"

"Yes, why is there a problem??" he asked

"Actually she's like a clown" I said with a laugh

I saw that he came to me and punched me again

"You punched me once and I missed it but this second time I didn't" I said punching him as well

He would have punched back when I used some of the techniques I use in taekwondo on him

And now he's lying on the floor writhing in pain

And there are security coming

"Sir, that's enough" the security said

"For your information, I'm not flirting with your girlfriend she came to me voluntarily not me. If you don't want to see your girlfriend talking to someone else tie her up!"

The security lifted the man who could barely stand

And a man came up to me he's wearing a formal attire

And little by little I started to recognize him

Zac Caleb Hutcherson my friend and son of the owner of this bar

His one of my school mates back in the states

"I'm very sorry for what happened kyle don't worry I'll tell dad that man will never come inside this bar again " he said

"Its ok" I answered

"It's a shame it's your first time to come here and don't pay for what you drank" he said

"I can pay" I said facing the bartender "How much??"

"13 thousand sir"

I took my wallet out of my pocket and took out 15 thousand and laid it on the table

"Keep the change" I said while taking the bottle of whiskey I ordered earlier

I'm here now outside the bar sitting on the pavement drinking whiskey


I immediately look at the person who called me


"We've been looking for you for a while now, you suddenly disappeared from the hotel" he said while staring at the bottle of whiskey I was holding

"I'll take you're house so you can rest"

I stood up and followed him

And he opened his car door and I got in and he also went to the right and opened the car door and he got in and started the car and drove away

Why do I feel it?

You need to avoid this kyle

Because your just a friend to her..