Chapter 17

Mae's Pov

The next day

I'm here now inside his car

"Mae are you still mad at me??"

I didn't answer

"Mae, don't be so silent. I'm not use to it " he said

I faced him

"If you're not used to it, get used to it"

"Why are you angry?? Is it because of what I said to the man you danced with last night? Mae? Where engaged Mae, I will be your husband it's my right to stop you for doing nonsense."

"So? Do I need to thank you for doing that for me?"

"I don't know why you like that"

"You don't know?? Kent you cheat on me I saw you kissing another girl and then you don't know why I like this?"

"That's why I said so sorry, right??"

" Its too late kent we've been done for a long time"

"Why?? Because of him?? Because you love him?? "

I couldn't answer

"Remember this Mae, no matter what you do to me, you will still marry me because I hold the title of your beloved parents farm the Salvartes Farm" he said to me seriously.

Kent is my first boyfriend. It took us 2 years. We met in our own place because our farm is right next to theVillanueva's farm, but when there was a party at their farm, I saw him kissing another girl. I quickly left because I was very hurt. He went to our farm and asked why he didn't see me there in his birthday party and I broke up with him.

After a few months, my mom said that our farm is in debt, but she said that Kent and I would save our farm under one condition.

I have to marry him

I opened his car door and got out

We are now at the University

He said that he will let me study here until I finish senior high

"I'll pick you up later I got your schedule " he said

I do not care

I didn't look at him, I just kept on walking

Until I stopped at the School entrance, I tapped my ID into the machine and the data about me appeared on the flat screen TV.

After that I entered the university

When I entered the classroom, I immediately saw Ms. Hoffman and almost all my classmates are also here

"Sorry I'm late Ms. Hoffman"

" Its ok Ms. Salvartes have a sit "

I walked to my seat but I wondered why Kyle's seat was empty

Is he absent??

Why is it??

"Good morning class"

" Good morning Ms. Hoffman " we all said

"Get your laptop and open your eLSM account"

I opened my bag and took the laptop that Ms. President

*Phone's Ringing*

"Excuse me class I need to answer this call" Ms. Hoffman said as he left the classroom

"Girl, did you notice that Kyle was absent today?"

"Yes, it's too bad I can't see him now"

" Rumor has it that Kyle was embarrassed last night at AU's Grand Christmas ball at Austen's Hotel"

"Really?? Really? Why is he embarrassed?"

My classmate was about to answer when suddenly Ms. Hoffman

" Ms. Who called? " asked my gossiping classmate

Like seriously?? Do you really need to ask who called our teacher??

"Ahh, Ms. President is being told that Mr. Austen will not be able to enter the class today"


"There is a try out today in taekwondo and he was chosen to choose and coach the participants"

Kyle will play taekwondo??

"Ok so let's start"






I immediately left the classroom and went to the elevator. When I entered the elevator, I pressed the lobby


I got out of the elevator and walked to the gymnasium

I need to talk to him

I need to explain everything to him

When I arrived at the gymnasium, I immediately saw him standing, he's wearing a taekwondo uniform with a black belt

I was about to approach him as soon as I met my cousin

"Ohh Mae what are you doing here??"

"I need to talk to him " I said while looking at Kyle

"Yes, by the way the one that was made last night is very widespread here at the university, I'm sorry I couldn't stop Kent"

"There's nothing we can do cousin he found me. But can I ask a question??"

" What's that?? "

"Why is Kyle the only one with a black belt?? Is he wearing it?? Mostly white and yellow, what does that color mean, Cousin??"

" Ahh that?? " he said while looking at Kyle who was also wearing a taekwondo uniform " The white belt or also called 10th kup signifies innocence and purity as the student has no previous knowledge in taekwondo. Yellow belt or 8th kup signifies gold an elements of the earth gold in turn represents truth and the foundation of taekwondo. Green belt 6th kup signifies growth as taekwondo skills begin to grow and develop. Blue belt 4th kup signifies heaven as the students mature and progressing in training besides that," he said brother pointed to Kyle's partner who was wearing a taekwondo uniform with a red belt "Red belt or 2nd kup signifies the sun, the center of our solar system. Red also signifies danger cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away. And last black belt or 1st kup is the most highest rank in taekwondo is the opposite of white signified maturity and proficiency in taekwondo it also indicates the wearers invulnerability to darness and fear. Black represents the universe. " My cousin's long explanation

"Has he been a taekwondo player for a long time??"

My cousin nodded

"When he was at Harvard University in the states, those he do his sports"

I nodded my head at my cousin Eros said

"Go ahead and go see him"

I nodded and walked closer to Kyle

"Ok guys, I'll give you a 15 minute break and after that I'll tell you who passed"

They left

Kyle was about to walk when he suddenly saw me, his face suddenly changed

He walked and stopped in front of me

And I noticed that he had a bruise on the right side of his lip

Did he fight???

"What are you doing here?" he asked without emotion

"What's wrong with you?? Did you get into a fight??"

"Its none of your business" he said as he walked to the seat where his bag was placed

I followed him

"I would like to explain about what happened last night"

"Why??" he said facing me "Why did you need to explain to me huh?? Remember I'm just a friend to you?? So you don't need to explain everything" he said as he walked away


Why do I feel like you're back to the way you used to be??