Chapter 32

Kyle's Pov

"Are you okay??" Mae asked me as she helped me stand up

"I'm fine" I answered

"You have a wound on the side of your lip"

I held it

And she is right, I do have a wound on the side of my lip

"It's far from the gut" I answered her

She elbowed me

" Stop Stop me kyle edward austen "

I'm sick of you benj

"You didn't even help me"

"We know that you can handle that monkey" Benj answered me

So what are they doing here?? If you don't help me?

"Linda, can you get me some ice" said Mae to linda

"Yes" Linda said as she walked into the mansion

"I'm fine you shouldn't have asked Linda to take ice" I told her

"Don't be naughty Kyle" replied Mae

It only took a few minutes and Linda came back and gave Mae the ice wrapped in a cloth

"Let's go inside first" Linda said to us

"But your father might be angry" I told her worriedly

"He's not there"

We entered inside the mansion and even inside the design of the mansion is very cool. As soon as you enter you will immediately see the huge chandelier with paintings and expensive figurines.

"Prepare them something to eat" said Mae to their maids

The maids bowed and left

" We still full yet" Ethan said

"Yes Mae it's embarrassing" Gino said

"They're right, we're still full," I said to mae

"You guys are full, I'm hungry" Benj said

"You're not ashamed of your body, are you?" Ryan said

"You'll take that shame. I'm hungry," answered Benj

Mae smiled

"Its ok guys, are you eating spicy food?? They cooked something like bicol express and I think they didn't think they would run out of it"

"Umm not too much" Ethan said

"Me yes" benj said

" Young lady, the food is ready in the dinning area" said their maid

"Alright Jo, please join them in the dining area"

"Come on, I'm hungry" Benj said as he pulled Gino, Ethan and Ryan followed

I saw her sit on the sofa and I also sat next to her

"Aren't you going to eat with them?" She asked me

"I'm not hungry" I answered

She stuck the cloth with only ice on the side of my lips

"Oh, slowly," I said

"I thought it wouldn't hurt??"

I didn't answer

"I'm sorry"

" Sorry for what??" I asked her

"Because..because you got punched because of me" she said while bowing

I held her hand

"Even if that kent punches me again and again, it's ok and I came here to stop your marriage because I don't want the girl I love to marry someone else"

"Thank you for everything Kyle.. Thank you for always being there for me."

" I'm always here for you no matter what happens " I said hugging her

I will do everything Mae

I will do everything just to prevent your marriage from going through with that kent

Mae's Pov

The next day

" Young lady, your father is calling you," said one of our maids

"Where's dad?"

"He's in his office"

" Okay thank you "

I got up from sitting on the sofa and walked to dad's office

I stopped in front of papa's office and knocked three times before entering I saw papa facing the window

I approached his direction and saw that he was holding a glass of wine

"Your mom is not my first love"


" I met a girl way back when I was in highschool she was the prettiest girl i ever met. I fell in love to her we became friends but when she introduced me to her parents they didn't accept me. Because i came from a poor family nothing to be proud of. No money and then they didn't trusted us. Since then, I will persevere, I will study hard, I take business management and agriculture then I meet your mom" said dad facing me.

"Even if she's not my first love, I'll make sure she'll be my last.. Your mom and I got married we bought a small piece of land from our savings until it grew bigger and bigger so this is it.. So you can't blame me if I don't want to lose it because I don't want to suffer again but one day it will go to you too.. I will leave it to you"

"Papa why are you telling me this?" I asked him

"Do you want to know who is my first love??"

"Papa your drunk" I said while taking the glass of wine he was holding

"My first love is Michelle .. Michelle Austen"

"Michelle Austen? Mother of Kyle" I was shock

"Yes Kyle's mother is my first love"

I stopped

kyle's mother??

Papa's first love??

"But even though I love Kyle's mom first, I love your mom more"

I smiled

"And I just want to say sorry if I've been controlling you since then.. Besides, I only want what's good for you you can't blame me"

"I have never once been angry with you papa"

He smiled

"Do you really love him don't you??"

"Yes papa I love him so much"

"Ok then.."

I looked at him in wonder

"I don't want to stop you from who you love"

I smiled and hugged him

"Thank you papa.. Thank you so much"

"Get dressed, we'll go to the Villanueva's and we'll tell them that your marriage is off"

I broke away from my dad's hug

Looks like fate is on our side kyle

Nothing will stop us both

The car we were riding in stopped in front of the Villanueva's mansion

Our driver got down and opened the car door for us

Dad went down first and I followed

And we walked into the Villanueva's

"Where's kent??"

"Young master left" said one of their maid

"Alright, we'll just wait for him"

"Oh, what are you doing here??" said Uncle Arnaldo

"We are here to talk to kent" dad answered

"He left but he'll be back soon," answered Uncle Arnaldo. "Sit down first" he added

We sat on the sofa

"Lorna, bring us some juice and something to eat" said Uncle Arnaldo to their assistant

It immediately left

"Oh, he's already there," Uncle Arnaldo said

We took a look outside the mansion

I saw that Kent's horse stopped and he walked inside the mansion

He stopped in our direction

"Uncle Alvin.." he said while looking at dad "Mae" he said while looking at me "you came to visit me" he said while sitting on the sofa "I'm sorry, I just went for a walk"

"That's fine actually we just arrived " answered dad.

"That's fine Uncle" kent answered

Dad sighed before he spoke again

"That's why we came here to talk about your marriage"

I saw that Kent smiled

"What about marriage??" he asked

"I have made a decision that your marriage with my daughter will not continue" dad answered seriously

" What? Why?! "

Dad looked at me with a smile

"I don't want my daughter to marry someone she doesn't love"

" But how about your property? The Salvartes farm and the mansion? If you don't marry Mae to me, you won't be able to redeem it"

"We will find a way to get more money to pay to you and get the ownership of the Fram and the mansion "

Kent laughed

"And where are you going to get the money? Mr. Salvartes?? Remember that the title of your farm and mansion went to us because you were in debt right?"

"I will find a way" dad answered seriously as we sat on the sofa together "I'm sorry Arnaldo but I hope you understand my decision" said dad while staring at Uncle Arnaldo

"But I'm not!" Kent said as we sat on the sofa "I will not allow Mae not to marry me"

I stood up and approached Kent

"You heard what papa said, there will be no marriage" I said turning my back on him and approaching papa and together we walked out of the Villanueva's mansion and got into the car to leave

I am here today sitting under a big mango tree here at the Salvartes hacienda

My eyes are closed and thinking about what happened earlier


I saw that Kent was chasing us on his horse so I decided to stop the car we were riding in

"I'll just talk to him"

Dad nodded

I then opened the door of the car in front of me and got out

The horse Kent was riding stopped in front of me and he got off and walked towards me

He held both of my hands

"You can take back your father's decision we can start over, right?? Besides, I promise I won't hurt you again"

I removed his hand from holding mine

"I'm sorry kent I can't"

"Why?? Is it because of Kyle, tell me!" he said holding both of my arms tightly

"What the hell Kent. Your hurting me " I said

"Tell me! Is it him! Is it him?!"

I suddenly removed his hand from holding my arm

"Yes kent, I love Kyle now and not you" I answered him seriously

He laughed

"Will you still love him if you find out that he is hiding something from you?"

"What are you going to say?" I asked him

" Alexa is Kyle's ex girlfriend she's beautiful, smart, and rich but she's pregnant right now. And guess what who's the father of her child "

I didn't answer

" Your beloved Kyle Edward Austin "

" You're just lying "

"If you don't want to believe it, ask Kyle"

End of flashback

I slowly opened my eyes

is it true kyle??

Alexa is still pregnant and you are the father??