'So, that is why he so frustrated about, because the person who was powerless than him doing great now, isn't it?'

The current Duke of Ludwig and Count Riegelhoff have been rivals since childhood.

At that time Duke Ludwig, who was powerless than Count Riegelhoff, was awarded the title of Duke after contributing a great victory in the war.

And Count Riegelhoff who believed that the duke title, which was supposed to belong the Riegelhoff family, had been stolen from them.

"Originally, it was an honor intended to be bestowed upon our family by your grandfather's great achievements. But they stole it! Even the emperor is foolish. Why does he give a Duke title to those bastards!"

Yeah, well, just win your mind like that, I understand very well why you so upset about.

However why do i have to be their scapegoat for his revenge? 

According to the owner of this body memory that just popped into my head, I was being sent off to marry the second son of the Ludwig family as bait to hide Count Riegelhoff secret activities and he know it very well that if things went wrong, it was me who lose head first.

'Why does my family look the way it does, whether in my previous life or in this life? What did I do wrong?'

I felt like I was about to burst into tears, but I held it back. Because this wasn't a family that comforted their daughter who feels down and cried.

Still, it doesn't mean that there's no hope at all.

Only one week left, I will leave this house anyway, and I will find my way to make a living in the duchy of the Ludwig family, the main setting of the original story.

'I know, there's a great crisis at the beginning of every villainess possession in romance novels. However, as long as I don't do all the bad things Edith did in the original story, I could survive!'

I made up my mind and prepared myself for the dinner between the two families this evening.

* * *

Although I had strengthened my spirit, I was overwhelmed by the majesty of Duke Ludwig's mansion. Even Count Riegelhoff mansion was enough to make me stunned, but becoming a duke is on another level. It must be a great deal for him to receive the duke title after winning the war against the neighboring country. The mansion was so large and luxurious.

'No wonder Count Riegelhoff was so jealous when the Ludwig's, who were powerless than himself, received such luxurious mansion like this. . . . ?'

The difference was big enough to make me think that way.

Also, I'm sure that it wasn't only the mansion he got. I don't know, but he must have received something more than this, like an estate and a lot of gold chest coins.

Anyway, that kind of thing has nothing to do with me.

'What more important now is that I don't get beaten up for interrupting the negotiated deal today.'

Count Riegelhoff will try to negotiate them to send some maids with me to Ludwig duchy after my marriage. Of course, it's not because he's worried about my safety or worried about my life being threatened there.

Those maids that he wanted to send in with me at the duhcy of Ludwig were all mercenaries, trained in assassination and theft.

'How could you call them as a maid in the first place?'

Especially Sophia, the maid who brought my washing water in my room this morning. She was Count Riegelhoff favorite loyal dog, who was assigned as my personal maids and watch over me at the Riegelhoff mansion.

Although she was using honorifics on me, in terms of the power within the Riegelhoff mansion, she has a position above me.

'Also, she is the one who helped Edith do most of her evil deeds in the original story.'

In other words, just because I didn't bring Sophia with me to Ludwig family duchy, that wouldn't make my life considerably safer.

I took a slow, deep breath, trying not to show my nervousness, and followed behind Count Riegelhoff and Shane Riegelhoff, my eldest brother.

"Count Riegelhoff, Mr. Shane Riegelhoff, and Ms. Edith Riegelhoff has arrived."

After the butler's polite introduction, we were ushered into a large dining room. The members of Ludwig's family were waiting on the side of the large dining table.

'I can't believe I could see them in person the characters I've only read about or guessed their appearance in the novel!'

I didn't think much when I saw Count Riegelhoff and his people, but when I saw the main characters of the novel i read, I was overwhelmed.

'That's must be Duke Axel Ludwig, and the person who sat next to him must be his wife Duchess Jocelyn Ludwig, and. . . .and. . . .That's guys must be Cliff, the male lead!'

As expected, the male lead is so handsome.

With his gold eyes and black hair, he looks cool even though he shows no expression, but His beauty, which make anyone who looks at him will melt their hearts away, especially when he smiles.

Just running my gazes over his toned muscular body through his clothes made me drool.

'He's the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life. My heart pounded.'

But Cliff was a man only for Lizzy, the main character of the novel.

The person I'm going to marry is the one that is sitting next to Cliff. . . . .Oh, my God!

Cliff has just been demoted to the second most handsome man I've ever seen.

'. . . . Now I know why Edith is so crazy about him.'

Even though He's an enemy, with that visual of his, it was hard not to be crazy about him.

Killian Ludwig has black hair and mysterious gray eyes. He was a handsome man with a rebellious aura.

There's no frowning on his face, but the cool gaze in his eyes clearly shows his sense of displeasure, a straight face, his sharp nose and his chin line. . . . like a veil, his face overalls looked more seductive than Cliff's.

His physique is similar to Cliff's, with a wide chest and a slim waist, and then the thick, strong thighs are- Ooppss, I think I sexualized them too much. . . . .

Anyway, let's just say that my unfair death in my past life has been rewarded with the pleasure of my eyes today.

The final visual shock comes from our main character, Lizzy Sinclair.

Lizzy, who was not a member of the Ludwig's family also come to attends the dinner was so dazzlingly and beautiful perfectly fit like her character that was mentioned in the novel as,'the goddess of spring'.

Her light blonde hair seems to float on its own, with blue eyes that looked like the blue sea water of Jeju Island -i feel so pathetic that my expression was like this- with that fair skin looks soft and smooth, and a delicate body that makes me want to protect her even though i was a woman too. . . . .

'This is the majesty dignity of the main character of romance novel!'

She was so pretty that I made me grasp.

So, I had to keep my mouth shut because i almost spit the word 'wow' come out of my mouth without me knowledge it.

However, well, i was the only one mesmerized by Lizzy's beauty, Count Riegelhoff's brow furrowed in displeasure.

"Thank you for coming. I have prepared some veal for you, i heard that Ms. Edith said she likes it, I hope it suits your taste."

"I can't believe you cared her so much, As a father who sends his daughter, I feel very relieved but. . . . ." Count Riegelhoff's voice trailed off at Duke Ludwig's polite greeting. 

Then continue his word, "Isn't it only the families of both sides were supposed to attend this dinner?"

Cliff and Killian's faces turned cold at Count Riegelhoff's question, who was clearly uncomfortable with Lizzy presence.

Ugh, they clearly do what the male leads always do.

"Lizzy is already part of our family. I asked her to come down because I thought it would be a good idea for them to greet each other since they will be seeing each other a lot in the future."

Duke Ludwig explained it, but he didn't look too pleased either. It was clear that there's a sign that if the count says one more word, he wouldn't let it slide.

'Why are you doing this already!'

I tried to calm down the situation before something got worse, but Lizzy opened her mouth first. "I'm sorry. it's not a place for me to. . . . "

Killian grabbed Lizzy wrist as she was about to turn to leave her seat. "Lizzy, there's no reason for you to be sorry. You're part of this family. Those who don't understand that don't deserve to be part of this family." 

In the original story, it was written that Edith eyebrows rose fiercely at this scene, and it was an understandable situation.

But I had no intention of doing that.

Because I have to look good in front of Lizzy since my life depends on it. and when I see a pretty girl, I want to get close to her.

"The Duke and Killian are right, Father. She's someone I'll keep running with anyway when I get married, so there's no problem for her and me to greet each other now."

I'm not sure if I smiled properly because I was nervous, but I did my best anyway.

Count Riegelhoff nodded his head broadly, wondering what i was thinking, and smiled humanely.

"Well, Ms. Lizzy is like Killian's 'little sister', isn't she?"

Wow, this is definitely 'Crazy'.

Because Count Riegelhoff was aware that the two sons of the Duke Ludwig were in love with Lizzy.

I was nervous inside, but Killian turned away without saying anything. Lizzy stared at him in bewildered as he avoided the question without answering.

"Well then, let's start the dinner now."

Duke Ludwig cleared the uncomfortable atmosphere as a warning that he wouldn't allow any further disturbance, and the servants who were waiting began to serve the foods.

Hooray! Long live the aristocracy of the world romance novel! Where all you have to do is just sit still, and having the best menu prepared by the best chef is placed right in front of you. I still couldn't believe it.

I was worried that Count Riegelhoff would pierce their pride again but he was very polite and friendly in front of everyone, maybe it's because he was a kind person who stab the back of his prey with sharp knife with a smile on his face.

But all it facade.

After our second wine was served on our glass, Count Riegelhoff broke the slient with his actual plan. "By the way. I have no doubt that the Duke and the Duchess will take care of our Edith. But no matter what, it was not easy for a parent to send off their daughter to get married."

Count Riegelhoff looked at me with a sad look, then turned his attention back to the Duke and the Duchess of Ludwig.

Duke Ludwig nodded his head with a look that said 'finally the real purpose has begun.'

"I fully understand how you feel. But don't worry too much. I will take care of her personally so that she doesn't lack anything."

"Oh, who i am to ask the Duke for such favor. I just want to send some of my daughter maids along with her. I think the maids who have been serving her for a long time will suit Edith tastes well."

The crisis has finally come.

However, Duke Ludwig didn't answer immediately, depending on being a perceptive person, but he hesitated.

Well, even Edith could be seen as a spy for the Riegelhoff, and it would not be surprised to hear directly that Count Riegelhoff would bring in more of his chosen people.