"My family's maids are also quite talented. They will suit Miss Edith's standards."

"Did the Duchess of Ludwig not bring a single maid when she married?"


In many ways, Count Riegelhoff had the conversation in his favor. At the end of this conversation, in the original story, Sofia was sent in with Edith.

Count Riegelhoff looked at me again with a pitying, pleading expression as he tried to bring the negotiations to a close.

"Dear Edith. It's seems that the Duke of Ludwig doesn't want you to bring a few of you maid with you. what should I do?"

The acting, which seemed to shed tears at any moment, gave me goosebumps, but I had to pull myself together. The decision i made here will determine my life.

"I... don't mind not bringing a maid."

"Eh…..? Edith…..?"

"Isn't the maid of the duke family as good as the maid of our family? I don't want any maids to leave the county they love because of me. So you don't have to think of sending me with a maid, father."

Not only the Duke, but also the Duke's two sons were watching me with keen eyes. They seemed to think that i would ask for other conditions after putting on the other cushions like this. But i'm innocent, guys!

"Please forget my father's request, Duke. My father must have been too worried to send me off to marry when I was still immature."

"No, well, at least one person....."

The Duke of Ludwig sounds like he's in trouble. What are you thinking about? i'm not asking you to be weak minded here!

"As the daughter in law of the Duke of Ludwig , I don't want to look like a pamper in the future. I will come alone. I believe that the duchess will find me a good maid with talented skills."

I try so hard to make a smile that looks as gentle as possible. Edith's eyes were slightly raised, so it was hard to make a gentle expression. The people of the duke's family nodded because they had their way, although they were somewhat uncomfortable, and Count Rigelhoff's expression hardened.

As soon as we got into the returning carriage and left the gates of the Duke of Ludwig , the Count Riegelhoff shouted.

"Are you crazy!"

I wondered if he would hit me in the face first, but I was glad. From now on, I had to act with all my might.

"Father! Didn't you see the Duke of Ludwig's face earlier?"


"The Duke already noticed what father's intentions for sending a maid with me. How can you be so blatantly demanding?"

At that words, Count Riegelhoff's eyelids trembled.

It was strange to see my daughter, who had only been doing what I told her to do, put her head up and say what she needed to say. but i couldn't let that stop us.

"What's the point of bringing in a maid if you've already aroused suspicion? what's the point? there will be more eyes on you. That's better than nothing, Father."

"That's it.…."

"Have you forgotten what the purpose of this marriage was? It was to dispel their suspicions. First, we must blunt the edge of the vigilance they set against us."

How is it, the Korean Peninsula Marketing Department staff who has been trained in all kinds of presentations since college! Unsurprisingly, the count's expression, which had been darker, became more softened.

"Then... What are you going to do from now on?"

"For now, I'll have to go in alone. And when their suspicions are allayed, I'll make an excuse like homesickness or something and say I'll bring my own maid 'for a moment'. I won't stop you for that either."


"Don't mess things up in a hurry, Father."

In the end, Count Rigelhof was persuaded by me. I felt like the knife under my neck was about 10 centimeters away.


And after a hectic week, here I am, standing at this black comedy wedding. The priest is still reading the prayer. In Korea, there is a trend to get rid of long and boring officiating, but I guess there is no such trend here yet.

"And so the faithful children of the God Hershan will make another nest, blessed the ring they will share and the eternal covent in them."

Oh, it's finally a ring exchange. I turned towards Killian as I practiced. Unlike me, who lightly turned around even in an uncomfortable dress, he slowly and barely stood towards me as if he really didn't want to. Now that I've seen him properly, his robes were so cool that I couldn't help but drool. Looking at him stunned now, it seemed like a big trouble would happen. Fortunately, I was distracted because of this revealing dress.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Killian. I know how you feel. so let's get it done quickly.'

I meant it, really, because i also hoped that this uncomfortable and terrible situation would pass quickly.

The two flower girl and boy approached, placing their rings on a small cushion. the kids were so cute that they could have been seven years old. Unlike the adults of the two families on the both side of table, who glared at each other as if they were going to eat each other, the children's cheeks lit up with excitement just by being part of this beautiful wedding ceremony. I couldn't help but smile as if i were disarmed.

Killian looked down at me coldly and picked up the bridal ring. I calmly held out my left hand, and Killian was... Really just slipped the ring into my left ring finger, barely touching my hand. He didn't even use his other hand to support my left hand.

'Wow, you must really hate it.'

What happened next was even worse. He reached out and snatched the ring before I could pick it up. Then he put the ring on himself and stood facing the priest as if his business was done. I was the only one who was about to pick up the ring, but I ended up standing awkwardly facing him.

There was a sound of laughter in the groom's guest side, and guests from the bride side, I felt the anger that seemed to be getting up right away. It wasn't that I was okay with it, but if I showed off that I was offended now, it would only make the situation worse. I lightly kissed the children's cheeks and stood facing the priest. And as i thought, i could feel the cold air gently spreading from Killian's side.

'Yeah, it's okay if you don't have men in your life.'

If I have a healthy body with a rich life, I should be satisfied, and if I am greedy to have a man, I will be punished by heaven.

'A life where I can enjoy my hobbies, eat well, and relax without worrying about getting beaten up by my father or brother. How nice!'

If you're lucky, you might be able to sleep with that nice, handsome guy a few times, using your status as an excuse. even if that doesn't work and you're lonely, you'll make a lover later. Yeah, that's enough. I made up my mind once again to give up 'Ro' of Ropan and enjoy 'Pan' to the fullest.


The reception, which I was worried would be too noisy and crowded, rather than hanging out with each other, ended early in a chilly atmosphere.

'I never realized how grateful I am that the two families don't get along!'

Lizzy seemed worried that I might be upset, but I was actually quite happy. My dress was too low-cut, and I had to keep my back straight all day, which made my spine ache like I had broken every bone in my body. What about feet with high heels, uncomfortable shoes, and fluffy calves.

Just when I wanted to scream that this was torture, Lizzy showed up at the Duchess's request, and she escorted me to the bridal room. The waiting maid took off my embarrassing and uncomfortable dress and changed me into a gown.

'I thought I was going to die before the story even started. Ha….'

Only then did I sigh of relief that I was alive. But Lizzy, who sent the maid out, hesitated.

"Do you have anything to say, Miss Lizzy?"

"Ah, that's..."

I could have ignored it, but no matter how tired I was, I didn't want to miss this opportunity to talk to the female lead. In addition, one of the laws of survival, which is based on the romance of the evil woman's possession, is 'getting close to the good heroine'.

'A kind and righteous Rize would never avoid my friendly approach. Whoops!'

Laughing insidiously inside like a character who hid a plot, I realized again that Lizzy, who wriggled her hands because it was hard to open her mouth, was beautiful. Lizzy, who was wearing an ivory-colored plain but luxurious dress, was much more dazzling than I had been earlier when i was covered in sparkling jewelry. Lizzy was more suited to being a chaste and shy bride. That probably what the author was aiming for.

"Today… I apologize for Killian's rude behavior towards Miss Edith. i hope you don't hate him too much. Even though Killian looks cold and blunt on the outside, he's actually a deep-hearted person."

uh? I remember this scene!

As in the original story, Edit talked to Lizzy first. And she exploded to Lizzy, who told her not to hate Killian, and said, 'What's wrong with you wearing a white dress to someone else's wedding', Are you talking about Killian's name to me, who just became his wife?'. Honestly, as a reader, I know the reasons why Lizzy said that, but Edith who had to listen to that without knowing what was going on, I thought, she has a right to be upset. But i'm a possessed person who has read the original.