She covered her shoulder with a thick shawl and delicately flipped through the bookshelves, so pretty that even the same woman would stare at her in awe. But I was the only one who saw her pretty.

'Why are you alone? I thought there would be a male lead where Lizzy is...'

But as soon as I thought about it, Cliff appeared somewhere.


"Oh, Cliff!"

"The wind is still chilly. Why are you here?"

That was what I wanted to say, too. It's still cold to make a scene of reading outside. I'm cold, too.

"It's so frustrating to be stuck in the room. It's chilly, but the air is clear, so I feel refreshed."

"And then what if you catch a cold."

Cliff speaks affectionately and sits close to Lizzy.

"What book do you read?"

"It's a book about the history of the imperial family. I didn't get this kind of education…. Just in case I didn't know, i was afraid if i would become someone for the Duke."

Although Lizzy is listed on the family register of Count Sinclair, she is ignored as an illegitimate child and has not learned anything that noble should learn. So she felt indebted to the Duke and his wife, who treated her like their daughter and feared that the duchess would be disgraced because of her. That is why she always lived with books.

'Poor Lizzy, it's not her fault that she was born as an illegitimate child, it's was her father fault for making fun of his lower body!'

As if I wasn't the only one who thought so, Cliff wrapped his arms around Lizzy shoulders with sadness expression and lightly kissed Lizzy forehead.

"You will never become anyone."


"It doesn't matter if you read it because you like it, but if you read it just because you don't want to become someone, you should stop. All you have to do is just have fun here, Lizzy."

Cliff kindly soothed Lizzy, but Lizzy smile was somehow looking bitter. And I thought i knew how Lizzy felt right now.

'Cliff, you must think it's all right because you know it all. But those who can't learn and don't have it aren't like that'

No matter how much Cliff cares about Lizzy, he can't get rid of Lizzy's complex thoughts. I think Lizzy discovers and studies on her own it's was for herself. And Cliff, who is obsessed with Lizzy. He didn't like Lizzy to stand alone without him. That's why he secretly flirts with words like that. In the meantime, I saw Killian coming.

"Lizzy says she will study hard. Why are you interrupting her? Lizzy, do whatever you want. If that's what will satisfy you, I'll help you as much as you want."

It was a different consolation from Cliff, but if I were Lizzy, I would have felt more grateful to Killian.

However, it was a bit weak for the male lead line. The only line that the male leads would utter in a romance novel is, is it.

'Killian. I agree with you that you're right, but that is why you can't beat Cliff. Cliff is a sweet bastard.'

Cliff would rather hope that Lizzy would be someone who couldn't do anything without him. He can put up with Lizzy kindness to Killian. He was sure Lizzy would feel uneasy standing alone. Anyway, as expected, the two men gathered in the place where Lizzy was.

'But don't they have work? Is it they work to follow Lizzy all day?'

It is virtue for nobility not to work, but they were only cycling around Lizzy all day, that i was wondering if they were playing too much.

'If I were Lizzy, I would have kicked they out because it was annoying, but Lizzy accepts it well.'

Perhaps it's because you know it's not used even though you try to kick them out, or you don't realize that they have been clinging to you…. Either way, it's clear that it's not normal. Or is it the basic patch for romance female lead to have that much attention?

'No, but by the way. If Edith were married to Killian, Home: The Envoy> It must have been the beginning of the 4th volume, right? Then Lizzy must have already made up her mind towards Cliff....?'

That is how the story Killian married to a villain comes out. However, looking at it now, I don't have an idea which sides Lizzy gives her heart more to. Even those who read the original story are confused, so maybe those two guys may not have really noticed.

'Wow, Lizzy Sinclair. She's got a lot of skills to take care of the field. I need to learn something like that, too.'

If she didn't know what to do, it was innate, and if she knew what to do, then she could be called a villainess. Of course, Lizzy is innate.

"Killian! Why did you leave Edith alone?"

As Killian approached, Lizzy greeted him warmly. But was it necessary to split my name out of there, Lizzy?

"It's none of my business with what she's doing."

As expected, Killian's voice instantly became dry.

"But Edith must be bored alone…."

"Lizzy, you don't have to care about her that much. She's just a hostage to stay here for a while and leave. I think so."

Ugh. That's what you thought. Indeed, it was the same in the original. Killian considered this marriage as a 'disaster to bear for a while'. And it has become a reality today. Even before the volume 5 began.

'Should this spying on them end for today?'

For some reason, I felt a chill around my neck, so I carefully turned back and returned to my room. That day, Killian's words disturbed me all day.

* * *

With a clang, the expensive teacup broke.

"Ahh! Are you crazy? Is it crazy? Why would he want with such a woman!"

A voice shrill like a scream made her hysterical.

And Damien Sinclair, who came slowly at the request of the maid who ran hurriedly, looked pitifully at his young sister Layla, who was having a temper again.

"What's going on again this time?"

At her brother bored voice, Layla turned her head and stared at her brother.

"Do you ask because you don't know?"

"There are many things. Which one of them?"

"Edith Riegelhoff is married to Killian Ludwig!"

"Ahhh. That?"

The Sinclair family was not invited to the wedding held by Duke of Ludwig. The reason was that he wanted to have a frugal ceremony with only his relatives, but the closest aides nobles seemed to be attendance, and Count Sinclair's pride was torn to apart . Above all, the fact that the bride of the wedding was the daughter of the Riegelhof family and almost drove Layla into crazy. Count Riegelhoff had a bad relationship with Count Sinclair, and Layla had a long-standing crush on Killian. How upset it was Edith, who used to be arrogant, being the daughter-in-law of the Ludwig family…

"Why must Edith Riegelhoff? Why!"

"The Ludwig family seems to have a hobby of collecting rare women…."

"Is that something to laugh at?"

"Then what should I do? Don't tell me, do you think that place should have been yours?"

Layla's face turned red with anger and shame.

"Is my brother still the heir? As a daughter, I also try to help the family by finding a good partner, but why is my brother so carefree?"


"Do you come back from talking about useless things when you go to a party? I'm here to hear famous stories of society."

"It's like... Have you heard any rumors about this marriage?"

"Of course."

Damien gestured to the trembling maids to clean up the broken teacups and sat down opposite Layla. Layla, with brown hair that wasn't light as Lizzy's, but still noticeable, and her blue eyes that weren't clear as Lizzy's, but they are beautiful, had a fierce personality that belied her pretty appearance. The only people who could beat her brother from the same boat, Mian and Anton, and her parents. Her brother, Damien, was the one she leaned on the most.

"What's the rumor? Don't hesitate to talk to me quickly!

"Anyway, you going to have a temper..."

Layla urged, but Damien didn't speak until after he had sipped the freshly prepared by the maid.

"Do you think the Duke Ludwig would trust Count Riegelhoff?"

"You mean that's Duke Ludwig is stupid if he believes such a snake personality."

"I say this because the Duke of Ludwig is not stupid. but Count Riegelhoff's side controls the distribution of iron ore from the southern mines."


"You know that iron ore is an important mineral for making weapons, right?"

Layla didn't answer, averted her gaze. Damian sighed deeply and shook his head, but he had no intention of putting Layla down. Originally, it's enough for a woman to dress up pretty and know how to make her husband happy. Rather, it was a bitch who was in trouble if she knew too much.

"Anyway, the right to distribute such iron ore is the family of Count Riegelhoff until the end of this year. That's why the Ludwig family needs to hold on to the Riegelhoff family's leash."


"There are also rumors that Count Riegelhoff is interested in the Grand Archduke Langston."

Archduke Langston was the uncle of the current emperor and a person who opposed everything he said. Rumors spread that he coveted the throne.

"If it's Archduke Langston, isn't he an opponent of the emperor?"

"That right. So what happens if Count Riegelhoff, who has the distribution rights of iron ore, joins the opposite side of the emperor? It's going to be very dangerous, right?"

Layla nodded as if she understood little by little.