"By the way, Count Riegelhoff is a man not usually cunning. To the extent I wonder if he deliberately spread a rumors that he might be on the side of Archduke Langston."

"What do you mean?"

"After annoying the Duke of Ludwig by spreading such rumors, he asked for his innocence to be trusted and offered a marriage alliance. Isn't it amazing that he took the place of Duke's son in law easily?"

"What? Such a despicable thing!"

Damien grunted and sipped his tea again. but Layla's frown didn't lift.

"But how is the good news? it did not change the fact that Count Riegelhoff already took the position of son-in-law with the Duke of Ludwig."

"Aww, our naive Layla. Do you think that anyone can receive the Duke title?. Duke Ludwig isn't that easy."

"Don't turn around and tell me quickly!"

Damian grinned and leaned toward Layla.

"Of course, if Count Riegelhoff had calmly saved himself for the sake of his daughter, whom he handed over as a hostage, he would not have missed the chance of son-in-law to the Ludwig family"

"What ? Are you teasing me now?

"But Count Rigelhoff is greedy. To the point that he has hated Duke Ludwig for a long time. In the end, he will do something before the end of this year, and Edith Rigelhoff will be blindfolded and abandoned."

Not many people were aware of the fact. Everyone in society knows that Count Riegelhoff loves his daughter dearly. But Damien knew more than just the rumors about a relationship between the Duke of Ludwig and Count Riegelhoff. he still hasn't forgotten the scene he witnessed while attending a party of a certain count's family.

"You stupid bitch! You can't do it better!"

"Well, i was wrong father."

Count Riegelhoff, who usually seemed to listen to everything his daughter said, hit Edith on the head fiercely, and Edith, who usually stood tall and proud in front of her father, shrugged her shoulders and begged for forgiveness. at first I thought I was mistaken, but the conversation was unmistakable.

"How many times do i have to told you it's the Count of Aberdeen, not the Count of Leybarton! do it right this time. approach the Count of Aberdeen and get the information on all cost about the Ang Curtain Bridge order. do you understand?"

"Yes father. I'm sorry This time, I won't make any mistake."

Damian, who watched the two of them for a while, was convinced.

'The image of Edith Rigelhoff's arrogant villain it's was completely made!'

Edith, who was sensuous and beautiful, was gorgeous enough to stand out wherever she went, and there were also many men who coveted her. And Edith seduce those men to steal information for her father.

"Nonsense! If Count Rigelhoff is talking about Edith, that girl is going to die!"

"Everyone thinks so. But this is solid information. Don't make fun of your mouth anywhere. This is a top secret. Got it?"

"Yeah. Got it!"

Damien grinned at his younger sister, who had been struggling to overcome her anger until earlier, nodding her head calmly. Then he added affectionately.

"Hang in there, Layla. Killian Ludwig and Edith Riegelhoff's marriage is only valid until this last year. Next year, we'll get the iron ore distribution rights from our family, so I will give you the seat next to Killian Ludwig."

It was only then that Layla's expression brightened.

"Ah, brother… !"

"So stop crying. There's no man likes a woman with wrinkles between her eyebrows."

"Yeah! Thank you, brother!"

Layla smiled happily, acting cute to her brother, as if she had never done anything wrong by throwing a teacup.

* * *

A moment ago, I was guided throughout the mansion by Philip and learning a little about the Duchess's work that I would have to help with in the future. Maybe i was have been more peaceful day because I tried not to actually run into each other while observing the three main characters. I decided to take Killian's words lightly, which I was worried about for no reason. It's a character that was set up like that in the first place, so what can I do about it.

"Ah, the weather is so nice."

Closing the book I was reading, I took a long stretch and yawned. Apart from my precarious situation, this moment was so peaceful. There has never been a day since I grew up without worrying about money. but now I don't have to worry about money, I don't have to worry about work, I don't have to worry about my parents or my brother. i felt like I was dying and then comeback live. suddenly, I'm wondering what happened after my death.

'What did my brother do after I fell down the stairs and died?'

At that time, my brother's pupils were not normal. It's like the eyes of a complete gambler. I couldn't see anything like reality in my brother's eyes. you're always chasing after the golden city in the distance. when you've lost that much money, you should realize it's a mirage that will never be caught, At the gambling house, it seemed that someone make him win money from time to time so as not to lose a customer like my brother.

'Maybe he took my wallet first. It would be nice if he could have hidden my death body in a suitable place, but there is a high probability that he would have left it as like that….'

If the time between here and there was the same, he would have been caught by now. the old multi-family house I lived in didn't have CCTV, but it was a luxury apartment complex opposite the site. there's no way he wasn't captured on CCTV at the entrance to the complex.

'If he had been caught and got punished, he would have come to his senses….'

I wish he had. I'm not out of revenge, but because I wanted him to at least do his part as a person.

'Did my mother and my father be sad?'

My parents, who farmed in the countryside, were responsible for dressing, feeding, and taking me to the hospital until my siblings graduated from high school, but basically, they weren't very interested in their children's affairs. They didn't want to know how much Nana oppa studied, what his friendships were like, what his dreams were, and what worries he had. And when they found out that his brother was addicted to gambling and borrowed money from me, they didn't care.

'Maybe they just thought something bothersome had happened. I'm sure they will pretend to cry because it's a person but…'

I'd rather not be sad. Because if they love their children so much, it would be more of a headache if they lost the will to live because of my death.

'My mother and father must have taken a few days to breathe. They probably cared more about my brother than about me who's dead'

In addition to my family, I thought of my company people and my ex-boyfriend, but there was no great appreciation left. I'm sure everyone was surprised by my death, but they will soon forget it. I felt a little lonely thinking that no one would have cared about Choi Suna's absence, I was actually glad for the people who were left behind.

'Yeah, that's it.'

after thinking about it, I decided not to worry about the people left in my previous life anymore. I took a sigh, and Anna told her that the Duchess was looking for her.

'Let's keep clam down. now is the time to worry about dealing with people in this life, not the people in the past.'

after getting a little sentimental about my past life, I pulled myself together and got up from my seat. I visited the duchess with the face of innocent daughter-in-law, and then the Duchess delivered me good news with a generous voice.

"Edit. i've called the tailor like you asked me to last time. they'll be here tomorrow morning, so if you want to order something, think about it in advance."

"Oh, already? Thank you for doing me a favor."

"What do you mean, thank you. Thanks to you, it's been a long time since I and Lizzy have been able to match a dress."

As expected, she's not the wife who can't leave Lizzy out.

'Oh, by the way, wasn't this an episode from the original?'

I called the tailor to mend my dresses, but the original Edith called to order an expensive dress. And then Lizzy was called come to the place. I think there was a sort of fight between Edith and Lizzy...

'Wow, I'm getting goosebumps. Whatever my intentions are, the original episodes are still going well, right?'

,i swear, it gave me goosebumps on my forearms. i didn't think much of it, but that's how the original story goes...'

'How did this episode go?'

I tried to draw my vague memories. Perhaps the two of them ordered each of the dress design they wanted to wear, but Lizzy found a design that suited her perfectly, and Edit asked for a frenzied dress with everything on it to beat Lizzy.

there's no way a "two much" dress would have been acceptable, when the compliments continued only on Lizzy's dress, Edith pissed off and got angry saying that the level of the tailor was terrible. and Killian, who heard about that, led him to criticize Edith.

'Well, I'm not trying to buy a new dress, so the result will be completely different.'

i thought lightly in that way. Then i spent time picking out my dress to drop off at the tailor and trying to figure out where and how to fix them.

The long-awaited the next day.

"Miss. The tailor from the dress shop has arrived. Let me escort you to the duchess's drawing room."

"Oh, she finally here! Thank you, Anna."

i followed Anna into the Duchess's drawing room, feeling exhilarated. lizzy was already in the living room.

"Thank you for inviting me, Mother. Hello, Miss Lizzy."

"Oh, hello!"

Lizzy jumped out of her seat and greeted me as if she were glad that I greeted her first. It's been a long time since I've seen you, but you're still dazzlingly beautiful.

'You should get used to it soon. . .I think I'll be mesmerized every time I see it.'

I almost made a silly face again, but I managed to hide it with an awkward smile.