"Hello? my name is Emily Luayal from the I'm honored to be here."

Emily, the owner of the Royal designer shop, has a soft brown haired woman who appeared to be in her early 40-year-old and a half. It seemed that she had bought not only a colorful fabric and laces but also a lot of style books with various designs.

"Why don't we start with the Duchess first?"

Madame Luayal took out a style book for the elderly ladies and opened it in front of the Duchess. However, as she handed her a few pages of the style book, the duchess looked up and smiled.

"Umm... As I get older, I think I only choose similar designs every time. Can you guys pick a design for me this time?"

The Duchess looked back at me and Lizzy and asked.

'Emergency! Unexpected situation! why are you giving me an unannounced test?'

It felt like a cold sweat was flowing on my back. what happens next is pretty obvious. Among the designs Lizzy and I choose, the duchess will like the design Lizzy chose for her than me, or maybe she'll make both but pick Lizzy design after getting more compliments. I was so nervous, but Lizzy looked rather happy.

"Can I really do that?"

"Of course, Lizzy."

Thanks to that, the same style book was placed in front of Lizzy and me. As if asks you to look for it in there. I calmly looked over the style book, sweating profusely, but this was clearly a test stacked against me. Lizzy has been living in this house for five years, so she probably has a pretty good idea of the duchess tastes, and I. . .

'It hasn't even been two weeks since I fell into this world!'

I never thought that the style battle episode with Lizzy would turn out like this.... The flow of the original work was much stronger than I expected.

"I wonder what this design would be like. I think it will suit very elegantly to the Duchess."

Lizzy chose a blue silk dress. Madame Luayal quickly fetched a sample fabric and draped it over the Duchess's shoulders, flattering her with what she considered an excellent choice. It's not that she didn't, but I thought the Duchess would look great in a pearl earring and necklace set, as illustrated in the style book.

'It's a really right choice, isn't it?'

The Duchess, with her milky hair, amber eyes, and very white skin, would look good in any color, but blue seemed to be the closest to the right answer.

"You've made a great choice, Miss Lizzy. It's the latest design from our warehouse. This silk is also the highest quality, supplied to the imperial family..."

Madame Luayal was pleased and praised Liese's discernment. The Duchess also smiled with satisfaction as if she liked Lizzy's recommendation.

"What did Edith choose?"

"Uh.... i'm....."

As the atmosphere floating around Lizzy subsided slightly, the Duchess's gaze turned to me. is this the flow of the original? I chose the one that the original Edith would have picked, a dress picture with a slightly colorful fancy design. Of course, whatever I choose, the Duchess's will prefer the blue dress that Lizzy chose more than mine, but...

"I think the dress Miss Lizzy picked out would be perfect for you, mother. But sometimes when you want to refresh yourself, I think this style would be fine too."

I pointed to the brown silk dress. The coppery, lustrous brown silk was trimmed with golden vines, and a dark purple underdress was elegantly pleated through the slit of the robe. The trimmings on the anglaise (lace or ruffles under the elbow-length sleeves) and the robe were the same color as the underdress. But in my 21st century eyes, this design would digest elegantly and class to the duchess, but I doubt anyone else would think so.

"Miss Riegelhoff's eyes are also great! "Riguelhof Young-ae's eyes are also great! These two color combinations It's rare for people to find out the true value."

"The dress is very beautiful... but doesn't it look too flashy to me...?"

As expected, the Duchess shied away with a slightly perplexed expression. But as people get older, they have to wear something flashy to look bright! I opened my mouth, trying to make an innocent expression.

"First of all, Madame Luayal. I'm not a Riegelhoff daughter anymore. If you don't feel comfortable calling me Miss Ludwick, please just call me Miss Edith."

"Uh-oh! I made a mistake. ho-ho!"

"And mother. This dress looks glamorous at first glance, but it goes well with the dignified atmosphere of the Ludwig family. Besides, mother has the beauty and class to match with this dress."

The die is cast. The Duchess, embarrassed by my answer, said that she would order the two dresses that Lizzy and I recommended. I had no intention of winning this match anyway. Even if you beat the main character, it's a terrible point to build up. Of course, if you lose, you will be told behind your back, but I encouraged them to try this design 'for a change of mood' just in case. It's just a dress for a change of mood, so why not make it a little more colorful? anyway, once the Duchess was done picking out her dress, it was time to start picking out Lizzy's dress.

"I'm just here to watch. I really don't mind wearing anything. The dress i have is enough."

Lizzy, who knew the price of the dress, waved her hand and refused. Well, a person with a beauty like her would be praised for her avant-garde fashion even if she wore a giant robe. Because originally, the completion of fashion is the face.

"There will be a lot of tea parties soon, so you need a dress with a bright design."

The Duchess, lightly ignoring Lizzy's futile refusal, began flipping through the style book to find a dress that would suit Lizzy, and Madame Luayal pulled out the fabric she found and held it to Lizzy.

"How about this, Lizzy? i think the floral print would be perfect for a spring tea party...oh, that would be nice too. A light blue and pink ribbon would look really good on you."

I'd been watching the pictures of dress that the duchess was excitedly picking out, and I pointed it out without realizing it.

"This too! this kind of pink isn't suitable for anyone. Miss Lizzy has fair skin and strawberry milk-colored cheeks, so they'll suit her really well."

"Oh, I see. I suppose so, Edith has a good eye. how about this white empire dress?"

"I think Miss Lizzy would look too young. If it's a simple style in white, wouldn't this one be better?"

I pointed to a Greek robe-style dress. If she wears this, she will really look like a goddess. With a pretty model in front of us, there were many things we wanted to do with it, and the Duchess and I were stumped for a while. We weren't struggling with what to choose, but what to give up. Lizzy just laughed embarrassingly next to her.

"Hah, well, just get about five of these...."

"It was a difficult decision, Mother."

"Yeah. next time, if i called the dresses tailor shop, I'm going to call it earlier than the season."

Madame Luayal checked the dress Lizzy was going to wear with happy expression. Finally, it's my turn.

"Edith, as well pick a design that you like, too."

"Uh, I didn't call the dress designer to order a new dress."


Hoo hoo hoo. One of the rules of survival for the evil woman possessed a romance novel! Try to reverse the image! In the future, I will spend my money as i please, but right now, I need to overturn my image. So, instead of being the queen of luxury, ordering an expensive new dress, I wanted to show my thrifty-though not thrifty at all - who is mending the dress she had. I made eye contact with Anna, and with the help of a few maids, she brought ten dresses I had picked out that morning.

"I'm going to have some repairs on these dresses, Madame Luayal."


"By any chance, aren't you not in charge of the repair?

"Oh, no! It can't be. But... how would you like to have it fixed?"

"I'll explain that to you from now on."

When the maid unfolds the dress, I'll go in front of her, and I explain to her what needs to be fixed part by part.

"Please cover the chest area of the dress. It's uncomfortable because there are too many holes. Cover it like this."

"Ho, ho, ho! Your taste has changed a lot from before."

"Let's say yes. And please take off all the gems on this dress."

"But it would have been considerable to pay for the diamond beads embroidered."

"So I kept a few dresses that really worked hard on, Please just take this off."

"Oh..... Yes, I'll do that for you."

Honestly, I was feeling pretty good about myself, thinking that if I could just take off the jewelry on my dress, I'd be able to secure my slush fund. In that way, I finished the alteration order for ten dresses, and i made a double-check if Madam Luayal had written it down thoroughly and sat back down.

"But Edith, why don't you order some dress, too, since I've already called her in person?"

"I can't even wear all the dresses I brought with me. I'll order a new dress next year. Thank you for taking care of me, Mother."

In fact, starting today, I've been deliberately avoiding the title of "Duchess" and calling her "Mother" instead, trying to establish an inner closeness with her. I could feel the Duchess's awkwardness, but it's a title that's harder to change later on if you don't establish it early in the marriage. Anyway, I stood up wishing that this situation had ended successfully.