CHAPTER 28 ~ First night and flashbacks.

'It's warm. . . . .'

I could feel his warm body heat over the soft epidermis of his lips, and his scent, which was hard to explain, tickled the tip of her nose. He always acts cold, but I don't know why this man body temperature and his body scent were so warm. And I was ecstatic, even though I was just touching this part of his body. So that my mind just goes blank. . . . . so i stayed on his lips for a moment and slowly took off my lips from him and exhaled carefully.

'Now, you have to keep your mind firmly.'

I knew what was going to happen from now on. When you open your eyes, you will meet Killian's eyes full of astonishment. He will despise me, for being horny, for being prostitute, for being no shame, and he will grab my forearm and throw me out the door. And the two guards who were patrolling would be embarrassed to see that. Well, I can't help it. I was prepared to be embarrassed anyway and slowly opened my eyes.

'Oh, as expected. . . . .'

When I opened my eyes, I saw Killian's startled eyes less than an inch apart. My mouth dropped open.

"I'm, I'm sorry. That. . . . . I'll get back. So what i mean. . . . ."

I tried to say something natural, but I was caught off guard and just blurted it out. Killian, who was watching me like that, smiled and raised his body halfway. Then, He grabbed my forearm.

"You been pretended that you not all this time, and now are you so horny that you can't even hide it anymore?"

Ah, yes. that was a similar line, by the way.

"No, I just want to kiss. . . . ."

"Well, that's good."

"Yes. . . . ? What, what is it?"

With no loss of strength in the hand that holding my forearm, he completely raised his body. Yeah, so he must drag me out the door. . . . .but why are you throwing me into the bed?

"Satisfy me like Riegelhoff's flower snake. Well, who knows? I might be interested in that body of yours."

"Yes. . . . ?"

Uh? Why are you doing this? This isn't it! Why is the original starting to change now!!


On the day of Edith's collapse, Killian had been in a bad mood since morning, He couldn't quite explain why he was in a bad mood. Maybe it's because Edith didn't confess to her crime until the end or because he knows he lacks evidence to accuse her as a culprit.

'Or maybe it's because of the woman's diary that I stole yesterday.'

she's right. I shouldn't read other people's diaries carelessly. If I hadn't read that, I wouldn't have felt this way.

~ Again this morning, I hid on the road next to the training grounds and peeked at Killian. My face glows every time I see it even though I've seen it several times. Why are you so fit? I'm drooling again. As expected, my taste is Killian rather than Cliff.

When I read that far, I was angry and a little funny at the same time. You were acting so arrogant in front of me, but you were doing something so naughty in the back. But when he read the following, his mood somehow subsided.

~ But his good looking weren't the only thing. As Lizzy passed by, she waved her hand, and Killian smiled brightly and waved back. I thought I was going to be blind at that time. I can't believe he could have been more handsome there! i didn't know because he never smiled at me. how much virtue did Lizzy accumulate in her previous life, when she could see that face every day? i'm jealous, really.

Edith wrote it as if it were nothing, but the sentence 'I didn't know because he never smiled at me' weighed in strangely.

'What's there to laugh at this woman?'

That what he thought and tried to move on. But when Edith said, 'You have no intention of being polite to me.' made my heart throb. She ran out with a face that seemed to hold back tears, but somehow, he had no choice but to follow.

"I can't trust you."

Why did he say such a thing to a person who was already suffering. Maybe he wanted to be convinced that he was right. No, it was more like self-brainwashing.

"I know! It has always been like that, and it will always be like that!"

I was the one who hurt her, and I didn't know why her words felt like a dagger. The thought made my head throb. I've always had a headache like this when I've been digging into one thought for a long time. The headache was strangely eased only by Lizzy presence.

"Oh, Killian. . . . .Edith. . . . .!"

So, I was relieved to see Lizzy in front of Edith's room. Because I can get rid of my headache. But it wasn't.

"I'll go in now. You two can talk."

He realized as he watched Edith walk out, leaving him and Lizzy alone. She didn't expect anything from herself. Giving up. Hopelessness. Futility. There was no moisture in her eyes, only dry feelings.

"If someone stole the document. . . . .Maybe it was then."

Even though I heard Lizzy's important testimony, I was not comfortable because I only remembered Edith's back. And even though Lizzy was next to me, my headache didn't go well. so I thought I'd just bury the matter and forget about it, but the next day, it happened. As usual, it was the moment when he was about to start morning training with Cliff. A servant quickly approached and whispered.

"Miss Edith has collapsed."

"What ? What does that mean!"

"They said that she fainted while talking with the duchess in her office earlier. Now the servants. . . . ."

Killian was running before the servant's words were finished. I was running up two stairs and heading to the Duchess's office on the second floor, when the servants were about to carry Edith around.

"Let go of it."

"Killian! Killian, what should i do about this!"

The Duchess was flustered and even shed tears. He hugged Edith, who had collapsed and carried her the congressman, knowing that it was better to be seen than heard. And when I looked down at her, I found that the arrogant, high-nosed woman's face was full of tears.

"This, what the hell. . . . ."

"Killian! Let's move her first! Because I sent someone to bring a congressman."

". . . . .yes."

The whole time I carried her, who had collapsed while crying, my heart was shaking strangely, and my head hurt so much. The congressman who was called in a hurry calmly examined Edith and asked quietly.

"Have she recently experienced any serious mental exhaustion?"

Then the duchess answered with tears in her eyes.

"Yes. Edith's been in a lot of trouble for a while."

"Well. . . . .Right. There's it's nothing serious. I think she fainted because she was anxious after consuming a lot of mental energy. As long as she wakes up, there will be no big problem in her daily life, but for the time being, I think she should take care of herself so that she can relax."

The doctor wrote the prescription with a casual look on his face, but Edith's face, who is lying down, was still pale. Killian looks at the face that doesn't have a piece of life left, and he asks the duchess.

"What did she talk about with you, mother?"

"She knows i won't believe her, but she says she never leaked the documents."

"That's what she has been saying lately. . . . ."

"That's why I said I believe it."


"I said to Edith that i believe in her."

For a moment, she couldn't say anything. She sighed and said.

"That what Edith wants to hear the most. She been crying after that. and said no one believes her. . . . She began to thank me for those words."

My breath caught in my throat. My headache and tinnitus worsened, but I couldn't help but think of Edith's despair. Even though he is her husband on paper, he hasn't been able to support her. even the word 'believe'.

"Ugh. . . . !"

"Killian! What's wrong with you!"

"Oh, no. Lately. . . . . My headache got a little worse. . . . ."

"Anna! Go and catch the congressman! I think I'll have to check Killian, too!"

"It's okay. I'll be fine soon."


Killian barely stopped his mother from showing him to the congressman and then stared at the sleeping Edith for a long time before going out. When I got out of Edith's room, Lizzy was waiting.

"I heard Edith collapsed. It must be difficult to pay. . . . .a visit right now, right?"

"She sleeping now. I think you have to come later."

Lizzy held Killian's hand with a worried face. there was something refreshing about Lizzy's hand, and my throbbing headache began to subside.

"Killian. It's not your fault."

". . . . .i guess so."

"So don't bother yourself with feeling guilty."

"What do you mean. I'm just worried that it might be annoying if some strange rumor flows around."

Killian assumed it was this nagging feeling, like a weight on his shoulders. at Killian's complicated look, Lizzy changed the subject.

"I think Edith is more soft-hearted than she looks. I can't believe she was so anxious that she fainted. . . ."

As soon as I heard the story, a sharp tinnitus scratched Killian's eardrum. He felt repulsed by what Lizzy had just said. I don't think Lizzy meant to be malicious, but it sounded like Edith was trembling with anxiety because she wasn't innocent.

"She may have been hurt because no one believed her when she were innocent."

"I guess so. Poor Edith. . . . .Anyway, I think you're surprised too, so take a rest. Yes?"

Lizzy's hand caressing his cheek didn't calm his shaking inside, but strangely, he couldn't disobey Lizzy's words.