CHAPTER 27 ~I steal his first kiss

The next morning, the Duchess called me to her office. There was no one in the office except her.

"Edith. I heard you had a hard time."

"There was not such a hard time. I was comfortable in my room."

"Isn't mental hardship harder than physical hardship?"

I couldn't even deny that. The tip of my nose frowned, so I took a deep breath.

"Just in case i want you know, I really didn't steal the document. I can risk my life."

The duchess nodded quietly.

"I know you won't believe me. it doesn't matter if i get more probation. I really. . . . "


Her warm hand took my hand.

"I believe it. I trust you."

Oh my gosh. When I hear something like that in this situation, I burst into tears...

"Ugh. . . . .uh. . . . . "

"How hard have you been. You did a great job, Edith."

"No one believed me. . . . ."

"I believe you. I know that you did your best to help me and that you are somehow trying to adapt to this house. How can i not know that. I've experienced it all in the past. . . . ."

She was understanding me from the same daughter-in-law's point of view. After getting married, she came to live in a house she didn't know, and somehow she tried to get liked. The days she tried to adapt were a big part of her life.

"I don't know who played this bad prank, but I know it's not you."

"Ugh, hhh, thank you very much. . . . ."

My tears poured down on my eyes as I was overcome with emotion at the first "understanding" I'd gotten since falling into this damned world. I wanted to respond in a more mature way, but I couldn't breathe because my tears wouldn't stop, as if I had broken down somewhere. as I hanging to the patting hand and clinging like a child, I thought of one hope.

'Maybe. . . . .The duchess might believe me.'

As i thought the Duchess would believe me if I confided to her about my situation on Riegelhoff house and And then i thought she wouldn't kick me out. I decided to confide in her, as I think I would be able to endure this situation if even only one person would understand me.

"Mother. I'm actually. . . . ."

"Yes, Edith."

"I in Riegelhoff's house. . . . . The fact is. . . . !"

". . . . .Edith?"

"Ugh. . . .Ugh. . . . ."

"Edith! What's wrong with you! Edith!"

It was weird. The moment I tried to confide in my situation to the duchess, my eyes turned blank, and I was out of breath. My tongue wouldn't move, my tinnitus was ringing, my head hurt like it was going to crack, and then suddenly everything stopped, and I was in a blackout. a moment later, from somewhere in the darkness of the night,a neat and insensitive voice came in, like the announcer of the morning news.

[Until Edith Riegelhoff meets the 3 stage exception conditions. . . . .]

At first, it seemed to be buzzing. As I focused my mind, the voice gradually became clearer.

[Edith Riegelhoff's can not reveal hidden settings about herself until she meets the 3 stage exception conditions]

I understood it clearly, but it was difficult to understand the meaning.

What? 3 stage exception? What is that?'

But no one explained it. It was just an insensitive voice that kept repeating the same thing.

[Until Edith Riegelhoff meets the 3 stage exception conditions. . . . .]

As I kept listening, I got a little scared, so I struggled to wake up from my dream. I've been pushing myself for a while. I clenched my teeth and pulled myself together. When I opened my eyes, i found myself on the bed in my room. And Anna was standing by my side.

"An. . . . .i. . . . ?"

"Miss! are you awake?"

"You seem to have used up a lot of energy during that time. It sounds like you passed out from the tension. . . . ."

It seems that the congressman had already been there.

"I. . . . .How long have i been lying down?"

"Miss, you've been awake for two days now."

Oops. I slept much longer than I thought. Somehow, I was hungry. Maybe because I slept for a long time or because I was hungry, my head was a little blank, but the dream I had earlier was strangely vivid.

'I can't reveal hidden settings about me until I meet the 3 level exception?'

I don't know what a 3 level exception is, but I do know that I can't reveal my truth right now. It was too strange to dismiss it as a dream, so I told Anna as a test.

"Anna . I, actually."

"Yes. Tell me, miss."

"I, Riegelhoff. . . . .ugh. . . . ."


The tinnitus rang again, and my tongue hardened.

'Okay! I won't tell you! I won't do it!'

As soon as I thought about it, my tinnitus disappeared, and my tongue loosened.

"Heo-eok, Heo-eok. . . . ."

"Miss. You're still sick. Don't try to force yourself to talk, and take a good rest. I'll be by your side."

"Thank you. . . . ."

"It's my job."

"By any chance, Kill. . . . . No. No."

I was about to ask if Killian had come and gone, but hurriedly changed the subject. There's no way he will come. and you don't have to feel bad about it. As Anna advised, I slept again and finally woke up at late night.

'I slept too much, so I couldn't sleep anymore.'

My mind went blank. While I had nothing to do, I thought calmly about the last three months or so of being possessed by Edith Riegelhoff. When I first woke up from Edith's body, I thought I was the main character of the evil woman in a romance novel. I thought that if I was a kind heart, I would be able to escape from death like other cider romances and get a great male lead. That false hope was shattered in less than a week. After that, i gave up on my husband and vowed to live without worrying about money as a daughter-in-law in a rich family. that seemed like a good idea. but strangely enough, however, the episodes of the original work went steadily, and no matter how I twisted it, I got the same results as the original work. and the document leak convinced me of one thing.

'It's the law of survival, and I'm just possessed by a villain who's going to die. I can't change this story.'

I wanted to hold on to someone about where this kind of possession is, but I just misunderstood it in the first place. For Edith Rigelhoff, this novel can't be a happy ending. Because me and Edit were not the main characters.

'There's no way I could be the main character. The dream is wild, too.'

After pondering the whole story for a long time, I decided to stop struggling and accept death. You've died once anyway, and you can't die twice. I don't even give up. It wasn't even suicide. It's just that I accepted my fate as the time limit. Of course, I was scared that my neck was cut off, but wouldn't it end quickly if I closed my eyes? Killian is a great knight, so he'll probably cut it at once so it doesn't hurt. At the same time as i thought about that, a strange feeling is coming to mind.

'If you're going to die anyway. Should i going to make it look like the original Edith. isn't that right?'

The episode I'm thinking of was the one where Edith tried to seduce Killian with her body. Edith, who felt a sense of crisis over the document leak, sneaks into Killian's bedroom at night and kisses him while he is sleeping. When he woke up, she took off her thin sleep gown and tried to seduce Killian, but she was chased out in a shameful outfit under the huge contempt of Killian. She was humiliated by the guards on duty who were watching the situation , right?

'So let's just kiss, just a kiss.'

At first, I thought it was a crazy idea, but as time went on, I thought, Why not? i changed my mind about that. The fact that I thought of this seemed to be the flow of the original work, and since I can't change the original work, I have no choice but to follow the flow. Besides, I don't think it's fair to be possessed by a villainous extra for no good reason. I decided to go ahead and do it right now. In the original, Edith wore a see-through nightgown and a robe, but that would have let her naked in front of that man, so I just wore a robe over my nightgown i was wearing And wear my soft fur slippers and be careful not to make any footsteps, then i came out of the room. Everyone was sleeping, but there wasn't a single guard in the hallway.

'If it's not now, when would I be able to hit my lips with such a handsome guy? Even if you die, i want to have a good memory about it.'

Taking a big deep breath, I walked slowly in the time without making a footstep sound and reached Killian's room. I was nervous in case it was locked, but the door was open for this episode. 'It's a huge flow of the original. For the first time, thank you. I wet my lips with my tongue because I was nervous. Oh, is it a little dirty. I wiped my lips again with my gown sleeves. I was going to turn around with only warm, pure, and soft kisses that were never squishy. . . . . honestly, I don't think Killian would approve of anything more than that, unfortunately.

As I approached Killian's bed stealthily while holding my breath sound. I saw Killian asleep in a clam position. He even in state half naked, his top body is undressed.

'Wow. . . . .It's a face that i didn't get used at all. . . . .It's new every time I see it, really.'

My heart thudded in the center of my chest, wondering what would happen if Killian woke up. If the heart is only the size of two fists, why does it sound so loud.

'Wake up! You only have one chance now. You just aiming for his lips quickly and accurately. Right.'

I don't know if what I'm doing now is a crime, but I'm going to die anyway, I'd rather commit a sin than die innocently, right? I looked at his handsome face and his naked upper body as if fascinated, then took a deep breath and approached his lips. As I got closer, I heard a low breathing. I've probably been holding my breath since then.

'I'm sorry I stole your first kiss, Killian. I really tried my best not to like you. . . . .but i guess i failed?'

I even apologized in my mind and pressed my lips to his lips.