"If Joslyn never taught anyone else, it would be only Edit and her family who would know and use this method."

"Yeah, maybe. But.... why did you ask that?

also.... does it work?"

Lizzy asked as she looked around the room with a frightened look.

"It's not something you should care about. You can go back now."

Contrary to the cold looked directed at me, his voice spoke to Lizzy, which was soft. Lizzy looked in at me for a moment in nervous, wondering if she had done something wrong. But she couldn't disobey the Duke's order to leave, so she bowed slightly and left the room.

"That's a strange thing, Edith."

I sighed. I feel like I've been sighing a lot lately, and that's a big deal.

"A table is something that anyone can understand the concept with just one glance. . . . .! haa. . . . No. Never mind. I think you've concluded that I'm the culprit anyway, whatever."

"You're saying it's not until the end."

"I showed you a completely different table from what I usually drew, and a different handwriting, but with Lizzy's words, it became useless. I already gave you a great testimony I had. . . . ."

Honestly, i was disappointed. I didn't remember how Lizzy drove Edith as the culprit in the original, but I thought the main character would put in some more plausible reasoning or evidence.

'Did the probability granted to Lizzy decrease because of the evidence I presented?'

'Well. . . . .it left a bitter taste in my mouth.'

I would have gotten a lot of flack by readers if I wrote a novel with such an obvious plot, but the flow of the original story still pointed to Edith as the culprit. Moreover, the Duke expressed it as "Edith and our family. I also have the surname Ludwig and the Duke have been excluding me, perhaps intentionally, ever since.

It's was getting messy, but the duke sighed for long and nodded his head.

"Yeah, you have a point. with testimony like that, it's hard to be sure, but I'm going to let this one slide. I'll also rescind your probation."

It was an admission that I wasn't the culprit, but it didn't mean that they believed I was innocent. In the original, it was clear that Edith was the culprit, so the ending of this episode wasn't so blurry, but now I feel uncomfortable and stuck not knowing if this situation is beneficial to me or not.

"I see. So, I'll go back now. . . . .Wait! What are you looking at?"

While I was paying attention for a moment, Killian was reading my dairy entry. I hurriedly snatched the diary from him.

"What do you think you're doing, reading someone else's diary carelessly?"

"Did you write something down that you don't want anyone else to see?"

"Is there anyone who can't show you because they wrote down the information in the diary? It's because it's my secret story! Really everyone. . . . .You don't have the slightest to be polite to me!"

I turned around with anger and left the Duke office. Then Killian followed and grabbed me. Of course, he didn't mean to apologize or anything like that.

"I can't trust you."

"I know! It has always been like that, and it will always be like that!"

"After all you've done for the Riegelhoff's family, it's no wonder you're under suspicion, isn't it? there were so many things that happened that I could have just asked."

"It has nothing to do with me."

"I care. You've helped your father with much of his conspiracy so far."

"What the. . . .!"

The moment I tried to refute, the things Edith had done in the past began to come to mind. Edith not only seduced men and stole information, but also ruined a family party that was favorable to the Ludwig family according to her father's order, and interfered with the marriage by creating a scandal among the children of the family.

'Why is her memory coming in now!'

Thanks to you, my mouth was shut in front of Killian.

'This possession. . . . .does it look like there are too many flaws for some reason?'

I'm getting more and more anxious. I thought I was the heroine of romance, the evil possessed, but no matter what I do, the situation doesn't change. when I remained silent, Killian sighed as if he'd given up on something and began pulling my arm.

"I'll take you to the room."

Like Killian, I sighed heavily and followed his step. But Lizzy was waiting in front of my room.

"Lizzy. . . . ?"

"Oh! Killian. . . . .Edith. . . . !"

She looked at me with a worried face.

"Are you okay? i was so worried that I might have said something weird earlier that I thought I'd try. . . . ."

Killian stroked her head as if to reassure Lizzy.

"Nothing's going on, so don't worry, Lizzy."

"But. . . . .Then why Edith. . . . ."

I unknowingly stared at Killian's hand, stroking Lizzy's head and coming to my senses.

"The duke was trying to figure out who could teach him about tables. His Highness the Duke is very interested in it."

"Ahh, I see! If that's the case, that's a relief. I haven't been able to see Edith at all lately, so I was wondering what happened."

"I just took a break because I had a cold. But It's all better now."

Only then did Lizzy smile broadly. I don't know why her sunshine smile is so uncomfortable.

'Lizzy. . . . .You really, don't know anything. . . . ?'

She said she couldn't understand the concept of 'table'. To the extent that she can't teach anyone. But Lizzy clearly understood everything I said that day. It's not a hard concept to grasp, and there's no way that smart Lizzy couldn't have gotten it. I shouldn't be doing this, but I keep getting suspicious of our heroine, Lizzy. I don't know if it's because Killian left me and went off to Lizzy, or if it's because that's what the role Edith looks like.

"I'll go in now. You two can talk."

I purposely smiled brighter, then went into my room and closed the door. On my back, i can't hear. Lizzy wanted to say something , 'Uh, uh. . . . ' But I pretended I didn't hear it. But when I was right in front of the door, I heard all the sounds outside.

"Killian. I think Edith is offended. . . . ."

"It's not something you should care about."

"What happened? Is that right?"

Killian sighed and paused for a moment before answering Lizzy's question, which seemed to be stamping her feet.

"Edith. . . . .was suspected of stealing internal documents."

"Yes? Don't tell me, are you talking about that document earlier?"

Killian nodded his head, so she stopped talking for a while, and then she began to talk again with a low voice.

"It can't be!"

"I want to believe that too, but. . . . ."

"Did you find any evidence?"

"It's a little vague."

"Oh my god. . . . ."

The voice seemed to be shocked. It's kind of pathetic as if it's about to be watery soon. . . . .

"It's my fault."


"There's time, I stopped by the duchess office in the afternoon to do some more work and left the office with the door open. If someone stole the document. . . . .It was probably that time."

I was eavesdropping, and I frowned without realizing it.

'Wait a minute. she talking about something weird. . . . .'

Lizzy said as if she were almost certain that the documents would have been stolen from the duchess office while she was away. If you only listen to that, you will think that the kind Lizzy is blaming me for nothing, but if someone who knows the situation on this mansion hears it, of course they will doubt her. The guards are always guarding near the duchess's office, and she's someone who can pass there without any suspicion.

"Well. . . . ."

I heard Killian's tired voice.

What should I do? what can I do to beg the Duke's forgiveness?"

"You don't have to. We decided to bury matter anyway, and we not I even certain that Edith stole it."

"But who knows where that document is in the duchess office. . . . ."

Lizzy blunted her, but it was clear who she wanted to accuse as the culprit.

'Lizzy Sinclair! You make me. . . . !'

It was so ridiculous that I couldn't stop laughing. She said I wouldn't possibly do that! but contrary to what she thought, Lizzy made me suspicious of her.

'A person who can enter and exit the room freely, knows about the table, and knows where the documents are. . . . .and Lizzy match with that.'

But that was just my idea. Killian, who sees nothing but good in her, will be convinced by Lizzy's words that I'm the culprit. I'm about to start screaming or slamming this door.

"Lizzy. Let's not talk about this anymore."

Huh? why is his voice so calm? is it to fuel his anger?


"Don't dig up what is done. Just forget about it. okay?"

Killian didn't get angry, and he didn't frame me as the culprit. I was really surprised. Even Lizzy seemed surprised.

"Yes. . . . .I got it. I'm sorry for disturbing you."

"No. Let's go back. "

He took Lizzy and left in front of my room.

'What is it, until just now, you seemed to believe that i was the culprit. But aren't you harsh into me like you used to do?'

I stood on the door for a long time even after they left. I couldn't understand Killian at all.