"I had a bad feel just thinking about her. I can't believe that child is pretending to be nice, innocent, and charming the Duke and Duchess of Ludwig. . . . .it's so sneaky."

"The problem is, that cunning girl even bewitched Cliff and Killian as well. Seeing that Killian married Edith, she seems to have given up halfway, but thanks to that, Lizzy has a higher chance of marrying Cliff."

"Are you crazy?"

Layla got angry as if she were going to spit fire out of her mouth.

"It's not something that will be solved if you get so angry."

"You mean if I marry Killian, I'll have to treat her like my boss! I absolutely hate it!"

"That's why i said Lizzy is more of a problem than Edith. Besides, if Lizzy becomes Cliff's wife. It's would be more difficult for our family to become close aide to the Duke family. Perhaps that is the biggest obstacle for you to marry Killian."

Layla eyes seemed to be blank for a moment.

"That bitch is a sin for being born. And are you telling me that she going to be next Duchess of Ludwig? That's ridiculous."

"So before you take the seat next to Killian, we have to figure out what should we do with that bitch."

The sinclair siblings fallen into silent for a moment. They need to get rid of Lizzy immediately, but there's no way they're going to lay their hand towards Lizzy, since Lizzy is protected by Cliff and the Duke of Ludwig. Layla, who was patting her hand on the armrest of the sofa so nervously, suddenly stopped her hand and said carefully.

"How about using Edith Rigelhoff?"

"What do you mean?"

Anton frowned and asked back, but Layla's expression was fading with a light smile.

"Edith must have a crush on Killian too, because she was bragging about him like that before they got married. If that's the case, doesn't that mean she hates Lizzy too?"

At that, Damian also nodded his head slowly.

"Well, there's no woman who won't fall in love with Killian."

"So we're just going to poke Edith in the side. Make her hate Lizzy even more, So if we set the trap, she'll take care of the rest."

"Hmm. . . . .sometimes you have good ideas, too."

"I know. If it's related to Killian's, my sister squeezing her brain too!"

"You, are you done talking now?"

The three siblings, who looked like each other laughed cheerfully, bending their eyes that looked like each other. However, the laughter had an insidious inner feeling, and the maids who were waiting seemed to be chilling down their spine.


It was a day that i should called it 'probation' but it was like a 'vacation' to me. I had gotten into the habit of dressing up my dolls, so I spent my free time practicing embroidery.


"Mom. What a surprise!"

I pricked my fingertips with a needle and small amount of blood come out, thanks to Killian's sudden entrance.

"Killian! Did you forget the etiquette of knocking on the door. . . . .!"

"A document written in your handwriting has been found! You're saying this is my fault?"

He grabbed both my forearms in a painful grip and shook me.

"Ah! it hurts, so let it go!"

"My father will call you any minute now. what are you going to explain to him?"

He looked impatient and nervous. I don't know why he making a fuss when the evidence that I'm the culprit was founded.

"I'm going to say, 'You tried to frame me for something I didn't do. why?"

"You. . . . .are you out of your mind? or are you trying to making fun of the Duke of Ludwig?"

He glared at me like he was going to eat me alive, but to be honest, I know that, the duke will not kicked me out or killed me because of this incident. I still have a lot of time left to disappear in this world. In the original, it was all Edith's doing, and the evidence was found as it is now, but in the end, the Duke Ludwig buries it. . . . .Of course, with this he gave the Count Riegelhoff a stinging warning.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. But the duke called miss Edith."

As if the original story needed to move forward, Anna and the Knight I saw before picked me up.

"Yeah. Let's go."

I tossed the embroidery frame aside and stood up lightly, but Killian still looked frightening.

"Straighten your face, Killian. Wouldn't it be a pleasure for you if the evidence was found?"

Before come out I've jokingly offered to change the mood, but Killian stiff and walks away. He getting a little pissed off. I follow Anna and the knight to the Duke's residence, where the mood is lighter than last time. Killian was the only one who seemed serious.

"Sit down, Edith."

"Yes, Duke."

When I sat down, he put the 'evidence' that Killian had said before.

"This is a list of transaction requests that the arms dealer has received from Count Riegelhoff. written in your own handwriting."

I see how the original drives me as a criminal. I picked up the paper and looked at it. And at a glance, I noticed that someone forged my handwriting. The tables wasn't the way I drew it either.

'The duchess or Lizzy, Or someone who would have learned how to draw a tables from the duchess forged my handwriting.'

It was a strange thing. Why did that person have to imitate my handwriting, as if the person knew this would be found out, and that person needed to frame me as the culprit. . . . . In any case, it's wasn't me who should to take the blame.

"Someone is copied my handwriting."

The duke and the cliff snorted at the same time.


"That's part is the dukes and others need to find out who is it."


The Duke called out my name in a voice that was almost laughable.

"On the contrary, the Riegelhoff family suffered losses of big amounts of money, so to be honest, I won't punish you."

I've never missed forensics so much. In modern times, this wouldn't even be an issue in the first place. . . . .

"Your Excellency. this is not a matter of punishment. it's about my honor. Can you bring me the documents that i had organized at that time?"

The duke, though he seemed displeased, handed over the documents at the time. I unfolded the part I drew the table myself and compared it with the "evidence" presented by the duke.

"For me, 'table' is a concept that allows me to adjust the height or width of a square according to the amount of information. But when I first explained this to others, everyone said it was a table with the same size as a grid."

Then the duke also found that the table I drew was a little different from the table of 'evidence'.

"I don't draw this crudely. this means that it's nothing more than someone who hasn't yet grasped the concept of a 'table' copying me."

". . . . .Or maybe you drew it like this on purpose."

"For what? I wouldn't have written it in my handwriting in the first place if I was prepared for being caught. You've been looking at me like a fool since last time, haven't you?"

I laughed out loud because it was so absurd.

"And if you look closely, you'll notice that the handwriting is a little different. I probably haven't used a capitalized zero in this entire document."

'The capital Q written in "Evidence" was written by the aristocrat by rolled in s single fluid line that could be used by a lady.'

But I don't use Q like that.

"I'll ask Anna to get my diary. my diary probably has an Q in it."

The duke gave me permission and Anna brought me my diary. It wasn't a great story, sometimes i wrote a lot of thing because I was emotionally ill, so I hid it from the duke and others while searched for zero.

"Oh, here you are. I write Q like this."

Everyone's eyes widened at the completely different handwriting from the Q used in 'Evidence', where the circle was drawn first and the stick was drawn second. Killian, in particular, seemed was surprised enough to pick up my diary and take a closer look.

"See? this is a document that someone forged to frame me. the Duke have to catch that rat."

"Ummm. . . .!"

At first glance, the duke felt like he was agreeing with me. At the same time, someone knocked on the Duke's door.

"Duke, It's me Lizzy."

It's seemed that Lizzy didn't know there was a "trial" going on here. I expected the Duke to tell her to go away or to come back later.

"You're here. Come in."

"Excuse me. Ah! Did I disturb you by any chance?"

When she saw the serious atmosphere, Lizzy opened her eyes as if she was surprised, but I wonder if she was more surprised than me.

'What the hell, why are you letting Lizzy in the room?'

Then I realized the obvious fact that I had completely forgotten.

'Oh, that's right. Lizzy reveals Edith's crime, by the way!'

I guess it's time for the main character to step in.

"No. I called you because I wanted to ask you something."

"Yes. Duke."

Lizzy looked at the Duke in nervous and wide-eyed.

"Lizzy. It's has been 4 years since you helped Jocelyn with her work right?"

"Yes. It's already like that."

"I see. Last time, Edith told you how to organize the contents in a table, right?"

"Yes! It's a very efficient way, the Duchess was pleased."

"Who knows how to do the menthol?"

Lizzy seemed to be thinking for a moment and then answered in a clear voice.

"Edith explained it to the Duchess and me, but I didn't really understand it. the Duchess seems to have understood, but she's not writing it well yet because it's different from the format she used so far. So we're not using it well yet."

"Other than that?"

"I'd have to ask if the Duchess taught her aide. Cliff, Killian, you've probably heard about it from the Duchess. I don't really understand the concept, so I've never tried to explain it to someone."

The duke cool gaze turned back to me.