"You must be crazy."

"Hah. . . . "

"Do you betray the grace of the family that fed you, dressed you, and raised you?" Do you think we'll keep a traitor alive in our family?"

I hurried to wipe my tears and looked at Shane.

"You right I've been fed, dressed me and raised me, hah. . . . . Well, yes, if you called it grace, but that is why it's necessary, well My letter at that time was sent to returning a favor. My warning, you'd better not ignore it."

Despite my sincere advice, Shane smirked at me and flowed low.

"A hawk is medicine for a dog that doesn't recognize its master. Just because you're on Ludwig family, it doesn't mean I can't tighten your leash?"

After that, he walked away. It wasn't until he was out of sight that my heart began to pound frighteningly. It's because the old memory of Edith came to mind belatedly.

"I'm sorry, Father! I'm sorry!"

"You stupid bitch! how many times i have to taught you. You still can't do it!?"

"Oww! I'm wrong! It's my fault!"

Her cheeks,head, back and forearms. . . . . . No, Count Riegelhoff beat her anywhere on her body with his hands and feet wherever he could reach. I don't know why he did that to his own daughter. But little Edith couldn't dare to rebel or think to run away. No one helped her, and she had no choice but to move as her father's puppet.

'For Edith, this marriage is. . . . . Killian is . . . . . .she must have been really desperate.'

That's why Edith couldn't resist Riegelhoff's order to steal Ludwig family inside information, because she wanted Killian so much. The tears in my eyes heated up. Even though there were many differences, I could understand Edith's feelings. I wonder if that's why I beige possessed by Edith character and not by anyone else. As much as it would save my life, I didn't want to let Edith die a miserable death. So I took a deep breath and came to my senses.

'Hah, i been gone for a long, if i'm late to go back. I'll be suspected.'

I hurriedly took my handkerchief out of my bag and wiped my tears. When I looked at the mirror, my cheeks that Shane slapped earlier were red. But i can just make an excuse, saying that, i get a little sunburn while wandering around because the sun is hot. I practiced smiling a few times because the corners of my mouth seemed to keep falling, and then I turned to the corner of the building. And it was then that I made eye contact with Killian.

"I've been looking for you since a while. where the hell are you coming from?"

"Ah. . . . . This mansion is so beautiful, so i got curious what it's look like so I went around for a while to look. . . . . ."

"Is there a lot of things to wonder about."

I bowed my head and covered my cheek with my hair, and asked in a cheerful voice.

"Well, did you come to find me on purpose?"

"No way. I just come out to wash my hands and found you."

"Ahhh, I see. I almost got excited."

"Are you excited about something like that?"

You are full of nuance.

"It's exciting to know that someone cares about where you left off. isn't that right?"

I mean it. So it was bitter somehow. Would anyone have cared about Choi Suna's vacancy after her death? if I die as Edith Ludwig, who will care about me? I followed a speechless Killian back to the tent. Feeling a little weak as I thought about Shane's threats and my situation where i had no place to lean on. But it wasn't just bad things.

"All donations were sold out at high prices at this year's bazaar! Thank you. We'll make sure your generosity is matched with the supplies each orphanage needs. "

Madam Hermenia, the organizer of the bazaar, announces the end of the bazaar with the news that all the items have been sold.

'Uh? Then someone bought my handkerchief too! Oh, that's a relief!'

Originally the item donated to the bazaar are not all sold and there are no leftovers. However, I decided to believe the organizer's words that "all" items were sold at "high" prices. If I hadn't met Shane, today i would have been a great day. . . . . .


Returning from the bazaar, Count Riegelhoff threw down Kravat hysterically, and slumped on the sofa. Then he turned his head to Shane, who followed him into his office and his eyes shone sharply.

"Tell me more about that story you brought up at the bazaar."

Shane sat down across from the Count, and later the maid Sophia came in with tea for the two of them. once his teacup was filled, Shane took a sip of tea before speaking.

"Edith has definitely changed."

Shane frowned, remembering Edith who he meet at the bazaar.

"Even though she meet her brother. Instead of being polite, she becomes very arrogant."

"How could she become so arrogant?"

"I'd rather understand if the Duke hit her head so hard. I doubted if she was Edith, because she talking to me with her head up straight."

At those words, Count Riegelhoff's eyes narrowed. Since she was beaten and taught to obey the other family members from a young age, Edith did not dare to look into Shane's eyes unless they were in front of other people's eyes. He couldn't believe that Edith would raise her head and speak up and Shane gritted his teeth in frustration.

"At first, I asked nicely. If she being watched by the Duke and what is going on."

"Did you?"

"But she asked me when and from whom I received the documents related to the fake weapon, and she also asked me if I knew that she was in a precarious position in the Duke family."

Beside him, the maid, Sophia, gasped in disbelief.

"I was freaking out, and when she told me that the letter she'd written to father, she really meant it, which is she say we shouldn't even think about fight against the Ludwig's family. Than I slap her cheek. How dare she betray the family name."

"Does that mean she didn't come to her senses even after being beaten by you?"

"Yes she even added a word. That the letter she sent is to repay the family's favor? She said Don't ignore her warnings. Ha!"

At those words, Count Riegelhoff also had a ridiculous smile.

Edith must be lost her mind. Or maybe the duke controls her more horribly that us.

"Maybe she thought she was free now that she's out of this house."

Even Count Riegelhoff is gnashing his teeth now. I wonder if this is what it feels to be bitten by a dog I raised.

"I should have killed her mother in the first place!so i shouldn't have raised such a hybrid that I don't even know whose seed it is!"

Edith was not the biological daughter of Count Riegelhoff. Far from being a biological daughter, he didn't even know who Edith's father was. However, Edith's mother is Count Riegelhoff younger sister.

"Brother! Please save me! Please!"

My younger sister, who was not normally well-behaved, sat on her knees in front of me, begging and sobbing, until she was too full and couldn't hide it. What more ridiculous is, she told me she didn't know when she had a child or whose child it was. . . . . However, he couldn't bear to kill his sister with a child, so he sent her to the estate under the pretext of medical treatment and put her on his family register when the child was born. It was possible because my wife was also down to the estate for medical treatment, and I was forced to do it for the honor of the family, but I actually didn't want it from the beginning.

'That woman died as soon as she gave birth. Tsk.'

My sister who begging for her life, she gave birth to a child and bleeding nonstop then die after that. I should have abandoned Edith that time. When the fortune teller said she was unlucky, who ate her own mother.

'If only Anais were healthy. . . . . !'

Hid wife, Anais Riegelhoff, was a beautiful woman, but her body was too weak to bear children after giving birth to Shane. It was a relief to have a heir Shane, but it was a little unsettling for a noble family to have only one children. That why I kept Edith as a family and raised her as a puppet, hoping that she would be useful someday.

"I took her in who is deserved to die and raised her as the daughter of count, and then she betray her family without grace?"

Count Riegelhoff clenched his fists and trembled. At that time, the maid Sophia, who had been sitting quietly beside him, stepped out.

"Master. I'll go and teach Miss Edith a lesson."

Count Riegelhoff and Shane's eyes turned to her. It was something she had already discussed with Sean, so she didn't mind.

"I'm sure the lady doesn't know about railroad and doesn't know anything about water. I will make sure that she won't leave the Riegelhoff family even if she belong to the Ludwig family."

"The Duke Ludwig might be harming you. Are you really sure okay with that?"

Count Riegelhoff asked a question that he had never asked Edith.

"What can't I do if it for my master and for the young master."

Count Riegelhoff nodded as Sophia smiled.

"You're so much better than Edith. Then go get Edith back to her senses and spy on the inside of the Ludwig family as well."

That's when Shane interrupted.

"What if Sophia's 'discipline' doesn't bring the bitch to her senses? what if she reports it to the Duke Ludwig?"

But Count Riegelhoff's idea was different.

"If she was going to tell them about her situation, rumors would have already spread in the social world. She's a stupid bitch, but she knows her place. If the Ludwig family knew she had been abandoned by her family, would the Ludwig family want to keep her?"

"Well, I see."

"But you should always be prepared just in case."

He grinned and ordered Sophia the maid.

"Sophia. If that doesn't work, i think it would be good for Edith being assassinated in mysterious. It would better if the culprit was her husband Killian Ludwig."

"Yes. Master."

For the first time, Sophia smiled so brightly in front of her owner which is she never showed it to Edith before!