"If you're going to betray me, do it. When you're no longer useful, I'll kill you and blame it on the Ludwigs."

Even my tears welled up in my eyes from the tightness in my throat, I understood what she was saying. She'll be able to make it look like I've been murdered by someone in the Duke's family, and she'll pick up on it and persistently bite the duke Ludwig. No one would imagine that Count Riegelhoff, who was known for caring for his daughter, would have killed his daughter.

'That's why you pretended to love me outside.'

They were terrible people. The Count of Sinclair seems rather human. Just as my mind was about to go blank, Sophia released her grip on my neck. I croaked frantically and wrapped my arms around my stiff neck.

"So, if you don't want to die, just be a pretty little doll like you've always been."

Sophia's voice was glooming. But I didn't feel the slightest bit like giving in to her. Edith, who has been abused since she was a child, may be scared of Sophia, but I know she can't be the one who kills Edith. Only Killian Ludwig is set to kill Edith in this world. Not these extras with no explanation of how they died.

"You will regret it, Sophia."

I said in a voice that sounded exhausted. I thought she was going to hit me again, but she just looked down at me with a ridiculous look.


Killian was lost in thought, touching the embroidery of a light gray colored bird biting a laurel leaf. When he returned from his visit to the Ryzen estate, it happened to be the day before the annual bazaar held by Countess Hermenia. Actually, about that . . . . 'I'm tired, but I have to go there again tomorrow, right?' But it was only a certain amount of appreciation. Until I heard the news from my mother.

"Edith embroidered a bird on her handkerchief. Do you know what color it is?"

"How would I know that? does that matter?"

"Hoo hoo hoo. it's the color of your eyes."

". . . . . Yes?"

"She said, she embroidered it while thinking about you. Isn't it so cute?"

It was a surprising answer. Her mother laughed, saying that Edith had also told her not to tell him about it, but Killian wondered what Edith meant by that. Maybe it was a trick to impress his mother. And as soon as he arrived at the bazaar the next day, Killian followed them, knowing that Edith, Lizzy, and his brother Cliff had all gone to see the bazaar. However, I was late catching up and saw Edith and Lizzy returning from their tour. Just when I was about to pretend, I didn't know. A group of women blocked Edith and Lizzy's path.

'Countess Brynn? i thought she went down to the manor to recuperate, but she was already returning.'

Although she was a wife famous for her vitriolic remarks, she was a woman with many followers because of the Count Bryn power and personality that takes care of her own people. However, she suddenly argued with Lizzy, saying her, "It's a pet."

'Is that woman crazy?'

He's getting angry and trying to approach them, but Edith stepped forward and protected Lizzy.

"It's seem that they still can't fit into social life these days. The people from the countryside wandered around the bazaar."

Even Killian is 'huh.' to that bold provocation. He was surprised, but the other side began to mock Edith.

She just got out. She was not as good as Lizzy, I'm just saying that because it's true," the woman said, and Killian's heart sank.

"That's why she lives being ignored by her husband, too?"

It wasn't wrong. Even now, I didn't think that I should take good care of Edith. But I couldn't figure out why I felt guilty.

"I heard a rumor that the Duke of Ludwick had an undesirable daughter-in-law, but I didn't expect it to be that much."

"It's said that she was forced in by the Count of Riegelhoff."

"You know what, I feel sorry for, Killian?"

The words that women left behind clung to Killian's legs. Their words were like knives disguised as language. It wasn't even a lie, which made it an even sharper weapon.

'It's all because of Count Riegelhoff greed.'

Killian blamed Riegelhoff. and yet, when he looked away to check Edith's expression, he was nervous. But unlike Killian, who froze, Edith didn't care and casually grabbed Lizzy hand and left. There was no anger, no shame, no humiliation on her face, Edith was not someone you could hurt with a mean word.

'Was she such a strong person. . . . .?'

But suddenly, I remembered her telling me that she was hurt by what he had said. Watching Edith walk back to the Duke's tent, Killian turned around again while trying to follow behind them. At the bazaar, Killian found three handkerchiefs that were clearly embroidered by Edith.

'Really. How should i say this. . . . . it's a simple skill, to put it nicely.'

Among the extravagant embroidery pieces, it was so simple that it didn't make much difference compared to those of young girls.

'I must not be ashamed to be the last as the Ludwig family's take the bazaar goods.'

Reflecting on such an excuse, he bought three handkerchiefs made by Edith on the spot and put them into his inner pocket. When he returned to the tent, the beautiful Lizzy smiled brightly and greeted him. Edith . . . . .

"I miss you, ah, no, did you have a good trip?"

Did he mean that he missed me. No, it can't be. I don't think she'd wanted to see himself, who only said nasty things about her whenever he met her face. Besides, isn't he a husband who 'ignores' her as much as everyone else knows about it? But the atmosphere at the bazaar was good. The weather was nice, and it was nice to meet and greet my acquaintances after a long time. Edith, who laughed together next to me, drank iced tea, and picked up tea food looked fine, too. It seemed that if she behaved like this, there would be nothing he couldn't live with. Perhaps it was because of that thought. He even said a few words to Edit without much thought.

"Rather than what you used to wear. . . . . That's much better."

"Right? Mrs. Ruayal's skill is quite good. You'll be surprised if you know what this dress was like originally."

I knew that the dress she's wearing was not a new dress, but a mended one. Just across from him, someone was praising Lizzy beauty and new dress 'again', and no one gave praise to Edith while Killian was sitting there.

'I wish I could manage my reputation at the same time. . . . . '

Yes, people are turning a blind eye to Edith because she hasn't cared about her reputation in the meantime. But when another group of wives complimented Lizzy without even greeting Edith, Killian couldn't help but admit that he was offended.

'No matter what, she's my wife now. . . . isn't this ignoring me?'

Yes, it was because of that. But at the same time, Edith said she was going to fix her makeup and come back.

'Are you offended by this?'

He was being ignored to the point where he was embarrassed to see from the side, so he didn't even know that he couldn't hold back more and left. So I watched her enter the mansion and got up from my seat.

"Where are you going, Killian?"

I was about to leave the tent, but Lizzy grabbed the hem of his clothes and asked. At the same time, the other ladies' eyes also focused on him.

"Oh my! Killian is here, too! Long time no see."

"My goodness, you're growing up so nicely,i'm sure Madam Ludwig won't mind."

At other times, i would have greeted them each other for their reputation and for my mother's face. However, I didn't feel very happy because they were only trying to look good to Cliff and Lizzy without looking at me and Edith.

"Excuse me, my hands are sticky, and I need to wash them."

With those words, he hurried, going inside the mansion. He walked into the mansion and looked around for the women's restroom. At that time, i could see Edith's reddish-brown hair out the window with a blonde hair man.

'No way, at a place like this where a lot of eyes watched you, you're not having an affair with another man now, right?'

No matter how Edith is, there is no way she wouldn't do something so embarrassing like that. After thinking like that, Killian hurriedly came out of the mansion and sneaked towards the corner where they had disappeared. Killian didn't even realize he was muffling his footsteps. The man who dragged and pulled Edith whispered something and let her go roughly. And then Killian finally found out who the man was.

'Shane Riegelhoff. . . . .?'

Shane glared at Edith with a grinning expression, then turned his back and walked away. Edith stood still there and trembling even though her brother had already moved away.

'What did that bastard say?'

She took out a handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes, and I could tell she'd been crying. But then Edith took a deep breath, pulled out a small mirror, and examined her face. The corners of her mouth twitched up in a strange way, and then she put the mirror away and turned away with a weary expression. Killian quickly took a few steps away, then pretended to have just gotten there in time for her to come around the corner.

"I've been looking for you for a while. Where the hell are you coming from?"

"Ah. . . . . This mansion is so beautiful, so i got curious what it looked like, so I went around for a while to look. . . . ."

"Is there a lot of things to curious about."

As soon as they met, Killian noticed that one of her cheeks had turned red.

'Did Shane Riegelhoff hit Edith?'

It was unbelievable. The family's who love their daughter was a famous story in society. However, when I thought of Shane's unfamiliarly stern face and Edith's red cheek after meeting him, I couldn't help but think in a different view. Even so, Edith lightly continued the conversation in a casual voice.