CHAPTER 43 Kissed

'No, it can't be. If that's the case, it doesn't make sense that the details have changed. Someone must be put a poison in it!'

But why did it have to be the embroidery thread I gave her? why did they have to make me the culprit?

"Killian. I may be suspicious right now, but think about it coldly. I am. . . . . Don't tell me you're that stupid?"

Killian was speechless, but I could tell he was barely holding back his anger by the way he clenched his molars. I have to stay calm and convince Killian.

"It's a situation where everyone is doubting me because of the peach pie incident. So, do you think I'm going to do something like that?"

Killian didn't agree with me. Well, I can't believe this situation right now, but others will be surprised.

"I want to believe in you, too. But how many times is this? Can't you make me not doubt you?"

At that moment, a good idea came to my mind. Because Killian's and me exactly have the same wishes.

"I don't want to be suspected either! So, it gave me more maids to keep an eye on me. Should that work?"

Unsurprisingly, Sophia stared at me with terrifying eyes and interrupted.

"Miss! What do you mean surveillance!"

"I'll do anything to prove my innocence! and there's no surveillance. because I didn't do anything wrong. For my part, it's just increasing the number of maid."

I think I can hear Sofia grinding her teeth all the way here. How long did you think I'd be swayed by you?

"Killian. I'm begging you. Please don't doubt me without even doing that. If nothing changes, then I have no choice, but I'll be suspicious by Duke."

"That's fine. I'll call Anna back right now."

"Okay. Thank you for doing me a favor, Killian."

Killian has no idea how grateful I am to him right now. I can finally escape from Sophia's violence! Killian called the butler from his seat to reassign Anna to me. He may have called Anna right away, thinking that I would make plans with Sophia if he left for even a moment, but for me, I have to avoided Sophia's assault that could happen in a short time.

'Thank you so much, Killian.'

I thanked Killian many times in my heart for saving me unintentionally. But the problem remained the same. Because I was still the prime suspect in the case of Lizzy's collapse.

"Have you looked into the handicraft merchant?"

"They should have caught him by now. But would he have tried to poison a random person? who makes a living on it?"

"Well, yes. . . . . after I gave the thread to Lizzy, no one else had access to it?"

"The people who come and go to Lizzy's room are her entourage maid, Cliff, me, and my mother who are close to Lizzy. For a moment, there's been a time when Lizzy's room was empty, but it's a short time that's not enough for you to have found the embroidery thread and poisoned it."

"But it's not out of the question. right? maybe they sprayed liquid poison over the embroidery basket."

Killian looked unhappy, but he didn't refute.

"Killian. Once again, I am absolutely not. If I ever decide to hurt someone, this is not the way to harm them for something that will be discovered quickly."

"That's a nervous declaration."

"Feel free to be nervous as you want. Anyway, I can't help but feel like someone is trying to use me as a scapegoat and harm Lizzy safely."

Then Killian finally looked at me with eyes that held something other than suspicion.

"Please keep going."

"Count Sinclair."

As expected, Killian's eyes become cold again after hearing the name of Sinclair.

I've been so busy looking out for my own interests that I've forgotten that Lizzy Sinclair's main enemy was Count Sinclair, not me. Especially her half-siblings, who were not as beautiful or as smart as his illegitimate daughter, Lizzy.

"I've heard some rumors that the Lizzy haft siblings in Count Sinclair house are not very friendly with Lizzy."

". . . . . That's right."

"I've heard that they tried to harm Lizzy several times before."

"I don't know what kind of rumors are going around."

"But you can't refute."

Killian kept his mouth shut. And I took a break and said in a subtle voice.

"Haven't they been too quiet?"

". . . . . . . "

"And Count Sinclair doesn't get along too well with Count Riegelhoff.

Killian gave a small nod.

"If Lizzy dies or gets seriously injured. I might be punished or chased because of that. . . . .The Count Sinclair would be pleased. Don't you think so?"

"I suppose so."

"And you can't guarantee that among the many servants of this mansion, there's not one of Count Sinclair spies mixed in, can you?"

"It's. . . . . In the meantime, it sounds like you are saying that Riegelhoff's spies are also mixed."

"There's also people from the Ludwigs in the Count Riegelhoff residence. Don't think I don't know that much. It hurts my pride."

Our eyes met. His eyes seemed to be burning, but I didn't mean to be pushed back here either.

"At first, to be honest, I even suspected that the Duke was trying to frame me and to humiliate the Riegelhoff family."

"How could you do such a mean thing! I can assure you, on my honor, that it never happened."

"It's unfair to be suspected for a moment, isn't it? I said I would risk my life, but they didn't believe me. Can you imagine how I felt?"

His brow furrowed. Still, it was fortunate that he didn't cover it up and criticize or ignore it.

"But don't worry. I believe in you and the Duke, too. To be more honest, you don't believe i worth the effort."

"You were an unexpectedly self-objective person."

As expected, he doesn't lose compliantly.

"Self-objectification is not used for that. Anyway, I thought about a lot of things while lying down. Who on earth is committing this. . . . . and the conclusion I've come to is the Count Sinclair."

"It's quite a speculation, but I don't know if my father and brother will fully accept it."

"I understand. Once again, to be honest with you, I'm doing this because I don't want to be suspected by Lizzy more than they do. I don't want to be remembered as the person who handed over the poisoned thread as a thank you."

Killian opened his eyes wide as if he were a little surprised by that.

"Don't you hate Lizzy?"

"Yes? Why would i?"

"You probably know all what I think of Lizzy, right? Besides, everyone praises Lizzy more than you. . . . ."

You do realize that I'm was in debt on Lizzy, right? honestly, I might have been a little jealous before, but I'm not at all now. She might be the heroine who could save my life, so why would I? Anyway, now I had to strongly appeal that I wasn't jealous of Lizzy.

"Killian. Do I look like a person who will beg for your love or other people's compliments? Even doing such a bothersome thing?"

Killian seemed speechless.

Yea, I've never been this brazen before either. But when I said it, it actually made me feel like a "big sister" that my courage and self-esteem rose. while I was bluffing, I lifted my chin a little higher.

"It's me, Edith Ludwig. Do you think I'd be jealous of another woman just because I wanted a man's love? Don't be mistaken."

I can't believe I can say such a line in my life! My whole body is thrilling. I'm feeling pretty cool right now! suddenly, Killian puts his hand on the back of my head.

'What is it? you want to grab my hair?'

I've been hit by Sophia so much these days, and I get nervous without realizing it when my hand comes to my head. But Killian put his hand on the back of my head and held it firmly, and he kissed me.


Unlike his rough manners, his lips were surprisingly gentle as he pressed them to mine, slipping his tongue between them in careful enough to let it slip out if I resisted. But I couldn't resist his kiss.

"Ugh. . . . ."

It was only for a moment that i was so surprised. But I was helplessly caught up in his kiss. It was really strange that I could only feel the sweetness when I was putting my lips and tongue together. When I didn't push him away, he came deeper into me, and I had nothing I could do but hold his shirt tight. It was a feast of hot, giddy, sweet senses.

"Uh. . . . ."

"Hah, ha. . . . ."

After a long, slow kiss, he barely let go of me when I was out of breath. I snapped out of my daze and looked up at him.

"This. . . . . What does this mean?"

Even to my question, Killian, who had been looking at me from corner to corner, gave a short answer.

"Just. Because I want to."

"Yes. . . . ?"

"Anyway, I'll tell my father and brother your opinions. I sincerely hope that you are not the culprit."

Killian picked up those words and got up and walked away.

"What, what is. . . . ?"

It was absurd. He still doesn't seem to trust me, but there have been times since the night we spent together on this impulse, I could feel that he was subtly holding me back.

I thought that was a great improvement, but such a sudden kiss. . . . . It was absurd and surprising, but to be fair, I'm not sure why. . . . . it was pretty good. This kind of technique must be a basic installation when it comes to the main level of romance novel. I'm sure he was a virgin who hadn't even kissed any woman until he did it with me.