"This is. . . . .It must be hopeful, right?"

I don't know how much I've infiltrated Killian's mind. His mind is probably still full of Lizzy, and I'm probably just an annoying foreign object, but that little bit of attention could save my life.

'It may be annoying, suspicious, and irritating. However, it's okay if you have enough attention and affection, but to think that killing me is too much! Just give me much affection and attention.'

I don't even want more attention. Praying for such a small wish, I welcomed Anna. It was thrilling to see Sophia's rotten face coming in with her.


As Edith was having a batless evening, a discussion was taking place in the Duke of Ludwig's office.

"Of course, as she said, the Count Sinclair was quiet. But that's just a guess."

"The idea that edits are the culprit is also speculative. Besides, as Edith said, it's too immediate. Edith isn't stupid enough to do something that would immediately point to her as the culprit."

"But it's not like there's another person who touched the embroidery thread."

"We just didn't find the culprit, brother! Did you suddenly become a fool because it's Lizzy's matter?"

Killian felt like he could understand Edith's feelings a little bit. No amount of logic could convince Cliff otherwise. Then Edith is the culprit because we haven't found anyone else who has tampered with the embroidery threads. Why would Edith be the culprit when we haven't even found her applying the poison? it was as if Cliff had been brainwashed.

"Anyway, I don't think this is Edith's doing, and who knows someone could have come in and done this while Lizzy's room was empty."

"Even if it was, why would it be that embroidery thread?"

"She must have poisoned anything Lizzy could get her hands on! If it's an embroidery thread, she might think it's appropriate because it's something she will be touching for quite some time!"

"Isn't that too much of a leap?"

"Accusing Edith as the culprit because the embroidery thread she gave Lizzy was poisoned is a serious leap. Besides, you said she obtained poison and applied it to avoid the eyes of the watchers we had put around Edith? Are the watchers of the Ludwig house so incompetent?"

Killian was frustrated with his brother, but his persuasion was not at all useless. I don't know about Cliff, but the Duke of Ludwick was slowly cracking the conviction that had wrapped itself around his thoughts like a hard shell.

"Killian has a point. It is hard to say that Edith or her maidservant obtained the poison to escape the eyes of the watchers."

"It could have been brought in by that maid named Sophia."

"After that peach pie incident, the maid's baggage was already checked. The maid may not know it."

In the end, Cliff took a step back. Lizzy, who heard the story, also sided with Edith.

"Wouldn't Edith have been like that, even though it's been hard for her to recover from the pain? Killian was in my room when she handed me the gift. Edith could not have given such a terrible thing in front of Killian."

Still looking at Lizzy blue lips, Cliff bit his molar teeth tightly.

"Edith, that woman accused the Sinclairs family was falsely accusing her of harming you. I don't have proof, but I think it's worth looking into it."

At that, Lizzy shook her head helplessly.

"I don't want to waste Duke's manpower because of me. Fortunately, the treatment is going well."

"Lizzy. It's for your life. You can't just let it slide."

"Cliff. . . . .for me, it's so hard. Can't we just bury it?"

Cliff's heart ached like it was splitting in two as the water fell over Lizzy's blue eyes. If I could, I'd grab Edith and torture her, feeding her just enough painful poison to keep her from not dying. But I was also afraid that if I kept digging into this, Lizzy would continue to suffer.

"If that's what you mean. . . . .I got it."

"Thank you, Cliff."

"But I promise. If other evidence is found. . . . . At that time, I decided to do my best to find the culprit."

Lizzy had no choice but to promise to do so for Cliff, who seemed distressed because he could not find the culprit right away.


Layla grinned as she read the letter from the spy planted in the Ludwig family residence.

- It is said that Miss Lizzy was poisoned by the poison on the embroidery thread, and the thread was given as a gift by Miss Edith. I believe she used a second trick after her first attempt. She made play by poisoning the pie. Miss Lizzy gave her and eat it failed. The Duke was very upset, also Cliff and Killian.

When Layla finished reading the letter, she bent her eyes and muttered.

"Lizzy, that bitch has a long life. Instead of just dying."

It seemed like all the hard work I'd put into fomenting Edith for hatred Lizzy by using people around them was finally paying off. When i heard she tried to frame Lizzy by poisoning the peach pie Lizzy sent her i felt so great. However when that didn't work, she immediately tried to retaliate, and that's what makes Edith "evil Edith". Just then, Damien walked into Layla's room.

"Why did you call me again today?"

As soon as I read Hanson's letter, I ordered a maid to call Damian. I handed Hanson's letter to Damian.

"Edith is working pretty hard, but it's make me fails every time."

Damian smirked as he opened the letter and quickly skimmed it.

"That was close this time."

"That's bold, but it's kind of stupid. Still, this plan is a bit of a wasted. It was a great opportunity to get rid both of them away."

"That's true."

Then Layla raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Or maybe. . . . . is this something my brother ordered them to do?"

But Damian shook his head.

"Not me."

"Uh. . . . . I see."

"However. . . . ."


Damian rolled his eyes as he flicked the corner of a folded letter over my palm.

"I know our mother got some poison a while ago."

"What? Really?"

"I don't know what she used it for or what poison it is. But I think she want to keep it a secret, so don't ask me too."

"Okay. Because I don't want to get our mother's annoyance either. It's like that.. . . . . Why did she have to keep it a secret?"

"I don't know about that. and I'm not sure if our mother is behind this incident or not. There are a couple people our mother wants to kill."

Damian and Layla laughed, even though it wasn't anything to laugh about at all. For them, the life of a person unrelated to them was only something to be treated as a joke.

"Anyway, what is certain is that Edith is gradually losing her place in the Ludwig family."

"She was nothing for being there in the first place."

"To lose completely is a different matter. It will be difficult now, but if Edith completely loses trust, we can directly attack Lizzy and put the blame on Edith. I'm sure The Duke Ludwig will believe that it was Edith doing?"

Layla nodded pleasantly, thinking of Lizzy and Edith.

"Edith is digging her own grave, so you don't have to worry about her. And Lizzy that bitch can't keep getting lucky forever."

The Sinclair siblings put their heads together again to use Edith one more time to get rid of Lizzy.


In the immediate aftermath of the incident, I expected Cliff or the Duke to call me in, but no matter what Killian said, I was only placed on probation, i was not dragged everywhere and questioned. In fact, I was curious to who is behind this incident.

'Who the hell poisoned that embroidery thread? why must the Embroidery Thread? because Lizzy loves to embroider? or does you know that I gave her embroidery thread as a gift. . . . . ?'

I told Killian plausiblely that I suspected the Sinclair family, but in fact, I had no idea. Of course, in the original, it's was really Edith doing. But this time I didn't do it. The powerful flow of this world tried to turn me into a villain, even if it meant having other characters do it, and I had to go back to the original story to find the connection. . . . . . well, there's no way that Lizzy or her maid would do it, so there's only Sinclair family left.

'I think it's quite different from the original? There aren't many Sinclair counts part written in the 4th volume of the original novel, where Edith comes out.'

I shook my head while thinking like that.

'No, there's still no evidence that the Count Sinclair did it. Even if there's another suspect, the cycle of me being the culprit will continue.'

In the end I had no choice but to wait in this room until someone told me the conclusion. Fortunately, I didn't have to suffer from Sofia's tyranny anymore. Since Anna was a maid of higher rank than Sophia, so she had to run errands such as bringing meals and preparing bath water. In other words, I was not left alone with Sophia.

"Sophia. You should give me a hint."

"What. . . . .?"

"You've been smelling all my food since the peach pie incident last time. What's wrong with you?"

"Oh. . . . .well, it was. . . . ."

I couldn't blindly eat the food Sophia brought, so I ordered her to taste it, and the food that was finished was delicious. If she could shoot lasers with her eyes, Sophia would burn me to death again .