'What is going on about all the rumors around Edith?'

Killian wasn't a person to judge someone based on uncertain rumors, but the rumors about Edith Riegelhoff were too lush and too consistent. However, seeing Edith in person, he couldn't tell that the person in the rumors is Edith.

'Who the hell are they referring to be, the poisonous, vicious, lewd Riegelhoff's flower snake?'

The inexplicable questions kept coming to his mind.

'What does it have to do with her words, It's my first time coming to opera, and I've received flowers for the first time. . . . ?'

Killian began to have doubts about the Count Riegelhoff.

'I need to take care of Edith better in the future.'

I felt like I could get closer to her bigger truth if I dug into the truth she was hidden. It was when he was lost in that thought. Someone knocked on his bedroom door. Anyone who would come at this time would be someone close to him.


My heart beat wildly. Killian opened the door with a bloated heart. However, the person who was standing outside the door was not the person he expected.

"Sorry for coming at this late hour, Killian. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Lizzy. . . . ."

Lizzy never came to his room at this hour before. Killian let her in into the room, she. looking somewhat anxious and nervous.

"What's going on? You don't look good."

"Killian. I've got a problem i don't know what to do, so I'm here to ask for you thought."

"Really? so sit here and tell me. What's going on?"

"So that. . . . . What i mean is. . . . "

Lizzy bit her lip and fidgeted for a long moment. Her white skin looked even paler today.

"Lizzy. You come to me, so that means you believe in me, don't you? Then don't worry and just tell me. I'll help you with anything."

It seemed that Lizzy gained a little strength from Killian's words, who was patting Lizzy's soft shoulder.

"Killian. Today. . . . One of the maids in the mansion has disappeared."


"Literally. All her luggage was there, but the person had disappeared."

"Did she go out and not come back?"

"I don't know. No one has seen the maid since the lights were off last night. But. . . . ."

Looking at Lizzy's shaking eyes, looking at Lizzy's shaking eyes, Killian noticed that it was the story that Lizzy wanted to tell from now on.

"Of course, it's something I'm not sure of yet, and I haven't said it all, but. . . . ."

Killian felt somewhat anxious about Lizzy's attitude of turning her words around.

"Lizzy. What do you want to say? Just talk it me."

Heard Killian low voice, Lizzy closed her eyes tightly and said.

"The maid said she saw Edith poison the embroidery threads, and she said she would report it to Cliff today. But she suddenly disappeared without trace . . . . ."

"What. . . . ?"

Lizzy hand was shaking slightly. In the past, Killian would have been paralyzed just by looking at Lizzy shuddering and immediately going to catch Edith, but now he couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want to keep torturing Edith with just 'obvious evidence'.

"Who did the maid say that to?"

"I heard that she told the people around her. . . . ."

"There's no way Cliff didn't know that so far?"

"It hasn't been long since they talked about it. They said she seemed to have been thinking about it for a while . . . . . When Cliff heard that today, he immediately sent his man to find the maid."

"I didn't hear anything about that."

"It happened today while Killian and Edith were out. It seemed like Cliff was trying to handle the matter alone, saying that if he talked to Killian, He would only cover Edith. . . . . So I thought Killian should know, too."

Killian's eyes narrowed. A few assumptions and questions quickly passed through his mind.

"Killian. Did Edith really try to kill me?"

Lizzy, who looked up with tearful eyes, was still pitiful, lovely, that made him want to protect her, but Killian also had a duty to protect Edith because Edith was his wife.

"I don't think so."

"Killian. . . . ?"

"She has no reason to do such a thing."

"That's right? It can't be?"

Lizzy asked as if clinging to herself. Lizzy also seemed to don't like the assumption that Edith was the culprit. Well, it would be creepy to think that the person who lives face to face every day tried to hurt her. With a calm smile. Killian sighed and talked again.

"As you've said before, why would Edith want to kill you?"

If Edith had been ordered to assassinate someone as a spy planted in the Ludwig family by Count Riegelhoff common, she would have tried to kill someone from the Ludwig family, not Lizzy because she not a member of this family. In the past, he would think that Edith tried to kill Lizzy because he loved Lizzy. However, based on his experiences together with Edith, Edith was not jealous of Lizzy.

'Because she never craved for my affection in the first place.'

It's the fact that Killian was offended because Edith expected anything from him. So that is why there's no reason for Edith to kill Lizzy.

"I wonder if the maid was paid by someone else."

"Someone else. . . . ."

"Of course, the real culprit on this case. That person might not want his tail to be stepped on, so that is why he paid someone enough to spread rumors to make Edith suspicious and then get rid of it?"

Lizzy swallowed a dry saliva.

"I'll have to investigate all the maids who heard that from her."

"Oh, no! I didn't want these things to get worse!"

"Shhhh, calm down, Lizzy. You don't have to worry about anything. By the way It's chilly in the morning and evening, wear warmer clothes."

Killian carefully covered the shawl again over Lizzy's thin shoulders, which were exposed by the shawl flowing down.

". . . . . All right. Thank you, Killian."

"You're welcome. let's go. I'll walk you to your room."

Killian got up and walked with Lizzy to her room and asked her one more thing.

"Lizzy. I'm sorry, but in the future, if Cliff tries to do anything about Edith on his own, will you come to me and tell me? No matter how much it is, I'm her husband, so I should know too."

Lizzy's eyes widened, but then she nodded.

"All right."

"Don't tell Cliff about this. If you did, Cliff will keep it a secret from you, too."

". . . . . I guess so."

Lizzy knew Cliff's personality, too, so she accepted it with a bitter smile. After walking Lizzy to her room, Killian kissed her on the forehead and said goodnight. Killian's expression, which had been gentle until then, turned cold as he turned his back from Lizzy room.

'Why did you bring it up again now that everything has been covered?'

Edith was right. It seemed that someone was trying to drive Edith persistently into a villain.


"Huh? he asked me to have lunch with him today?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Eh, what going on. . . . ."

Anna only told what she had heard from Killian, so it was difficult to get a straight answer from her. Since our opera date, Killian has been making time for her every day. At first, she just liked it because it reminded her they first date, but after three days passed, I started to wonder. Even i grumbling to myself, I won't get the answer, so I decided to ask Killian during our meal today. Then Killian showed up exactly at the appointed time.

"Hi, Killian."

"That sounds like an awkward greeting for a married couple."

"Well, It that so. . . . ."

Unlike me, who felt awkward sitting next to him, Killian sat across from me quite casually.

"How is the thing going on these days while you are helping Linan with his work?"

The attitude for asking about my daily life was also so calm. I wonder if it's strange for me to feel awkward in this situation.

"It's similar to what you saw when you came that time. I go to work and get the job from Linan, i'll do it and hand over everything i've done."

". . . . . So you mean there's no particular conversation?"

"Yes, usually. I've noticed that Linan likes to be quiet and focused when he's working."

Then I remembered he was talking about Linan while he hugged me. I thought he were asking me if I cried like this in front of Linan, and if I knew how naughty it was. . . . .

"Don't tell me, do you still believe I seduced Linan?"

I asked nervously, and Killian's mouth was bitten to see if that was the right answer. I really didn't know, I didn't know, but I thought of a question that I couldn't resist without asking.

"Killian. By any chance. . . . . are you jealous?"

Killian stares at me after I spit out the words.

"What jealous. You're mine anyway, so why should i be jealous of Linan?"

"Yeah, that's true, but. . . . Then, why did you ask something like that at that time?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said that the night before we went to the opera. You said i was cried in front of Linan. . . . . yea, I'm certain it was, but how did you know that? did you spy me?"

His fork and knife, which were cutting chicken meats, stopped. So you really spying me from distance.

"Hmmmm. . . . . I didn't know you had a hobby of spying on me."

"It's not like that."

"Ah. Yes. Let's say yes, then."

At the same time, I winked as if I knew everything, and Killian's cheeks turned red.