"It was really a coincidence. i was just about to go in, and then this scene unfolded. . . . . It's just that I thought it wasn't a situation to interrupt."

"Compared to what you did, you drove me to be a great slut."

"That's. . . . . "

"Killian. By any chance, are you jealous?"

I laughed and made fun of Killian, who was embarrassed. But he suddenly fixed his gaze on me, who had been hesitating until just now, and answered in a serious voice.

"Yes. I was actually really jealous."


"There were so many bad rumors about you, and even a respectful adult man being alone with a woman they can get emotional after spending so much time alone together. So I was a little worried."

"Ahhh. . . . "

"Actually at first I thought it was because I was worried about Linan, but then I realized. . . . .later, it will be. . . . .well yea, I think I was a little jealous of Linan."

When he was done talking, I felt a bit overwhelmed by the silence around our table. I can hear the spit slide down my throat.

"Is your curiosity relieved now?"

"Ah, yes."

"Then, you'd better finish your meal. The food will cool down."

"He, that's right!"

My heart was pounding strangely, and my appetite had disappeared until just now, but in order not to be caught in my embarrassment, I forced myself to put the food in my mouth.

'What's wrong with him all of a sudden?'

It seems that the opera date was the starting point of a big change. I can't believe you have such an honest attitude all of a sudden. . . . . But for me, who knew the 'flow of originals' of this world, his change was more embarrassing and questionable than pleasant. I felt like it was the time to ask what I was going to ask in the first place.


"Yes. Please speak."

"Well. . . . .Why are you doing this all of a sudden?"

"What are you talking about?"

Killian seemed to have decided to open up a bit now, but I had no intention of escaping from it.

"Spend your time with me, and suddenly be honest with me."

"What's wrong with that? Isn't it natural if you're a married couple?"

"I'm asked you this because we haven't been like a normal couple so far. Don't try to turn the words more."

With my firm will, Killian put down the cutlery as if he had giving up hope of being properly burying it.

"I. . . . .I thought I should get to know you better."

"Well. . . . do you really meant that?"

"I admit it's late. The fact that I've been being childish all this time"

"Oh, no, it's not like that."

"I want to get to know you from now on. Of course. . . . . I still don't trust you completely. You're still the most likely suspect in the past event."

"I guess so."

"But now, I think it might not be you. and I hope it wasn't you."

Killian's eyes glistened with anguish.

It wasn't like he decided to trust me, but my heart was pounding.

'The light of hope is getting brighter!'

I had the illusion that Sangtus was ringing somewhere. Killian has now declared that he wants to let go of his prejudice against me and want to get know the real Edith Ludwig. This alone has significantly increased my chances of surviving.

"Thank you Killian."

"It's not something you should be thankful for, I think it's actually something I should apologize for."

It was such a huge change that I wondered if this was the same person who picked up his wedding ring and put it on himself because he didn't want being touch by me.

'I made it this far!'

My heart swelled and I felt like I was going to cry. But Killian took those tears with his own hands.

"So, I'd like to spend more time with you from now on."


"If we want to get to know each other, isn't it natural to spend more time together than anything else? i don't want to miss any single of your little habits."

Uh. . . . .it's mean, that, to put it a little differently, it's obsession to keep an eye on it.

"Is there anything I can't do?"

"Oh, no! It can't be."

I smiled quickly before his gaze shifted back to suspicion. i didn't yet know if spending more time with Killian would be my poison or my medicine, but my death in his hand had been cast.

'Yes, let's think well. At least you'll get attached to me.'

So the "observation period" that began would have been an "effort" for Killian, but it was a difficult day for me to get used to it.

"I bought a strawberry tart from . Would you like to eat together?"

Killian began to make offers that I rejected before. This time, of course, I couldn't say no. It was also a strawberry tart from that I missed once.

"This is. . . .that's awesome!"

The famous tart was so delicious as the rumored. I don't know how the filling of the tart was made, but it tasted like strawberries, vanilla whipped cream, and even cheese, so I felt like I could keep eating it without getting tired of it.

"Where the hell did you learn to say that?"

"Oops! Was it too decency? But it's so delicious that I can't express it all by saying it's just delicious!"

"I didn't expect you to like it so much. sells so many kinds of tarts besides this, so if there's anything you want to eat, I'll let you know."

"As long as it's not peach tart, everything is fine!"

Killian paused and raised his head at the words Edith spat out it without thinking.

"Speaking of which, about that peach pie last time."

"Peach pie? Oh yes."

"Didn't you really eat it with poison?"

"Of course! You think i poisoned myself because I'm going crazy? I don't want to be sick."

Even thinking about the pain that felt like squeezing my insides now made me feel like I would break out in a cold sweat. Killian looked down at the teacup and asked again.

"It really can't be and I don't think so, but. . . . By any chance. . . . Was it the maid's doing?"

I stopped while carving the tarts. I think Killian knows something. I was nervous because I didn't know how this would come back later. However, regardless of the flow of the story, it was most advantageous to inform my situation in order to live. That's why they stopped me from speaking until i met the level 3 exception.

'But Now it's too late to say no?'

I cut the tart into pieces in a positive way. I wanted to nod my head, but because of the restrictions, my head couldn't move at all up and down.

"Why the hell are you thinking, trying so hard to cover your family even after such a thing happened? Don't tell me, is it because you don't think I can protect you?"

I don't even want you to protect me. Just Don't cut my throat. I sighed, but I didn't want to make things too heavy here. I said in a light voice.

"I've never wrapped it."


"Think about it, Killian. I've never done that."

Killian's eyes shifted slightly to the side, lingering there as if reflecting on the past, before turning back to me.

"If so, let it out."

"There are things that I can't say.

"There are things that I can't say. I need you to wait. I'll tell you everything in the right time."

For Killian, it must be frustrating to the point of bursting. But no matter how frustrating he is, I don't have a choice but to do that. Fortunately, Killian didn't push me for more answers, and I nodded shallowly.

"You said that someday i'll know the answer."

"Thank you for your understanding."

"I can't torture my wife just because i want to know."

Please. . . . Do you have to do that metaphor? You made this sister flesh shaking.

"Don't be nervous. I'm not such an insignificant guy that I can only rely on the words that come out of your mouth."

"You're saying you're going to do an investigation background check?"

"As long as you have your sprit together, you'll be fine."

". . . . . absolutely."

Me and Killian smiled at each other and drank our tea. The next day Killian, who told me that he's going out because he has work to do, stopped by my room a little before 3pm.

"It's been a long time since the wind was cool. Let's take a walk together."

"Killian? Didn't you say you had work?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for the late greeting. I'm back, ma'am."

When Killian greeted me with a smile oh his face, I thought I would be blind, so I had no choice but to avoid his gaze. When you hit someone's heart, I want you to blink and enter.

"Then can I ask you to go for a walk now?"

"Oh, well, yes, that, you may."

As i stammered and placing my hand on the arm he held out. Even though the breeze was cool, the sun was still warm because it was the end of summer. And there was a cool breeze in the shade of the trees. In a previous life, I still couldn't live without air conditioning, well it was definitely cooler here than in Seoul.

"Do you still take a walk every morning these days?"

"Yes, I tend to do it unless it's the weather bad or when I'm not feeling well."

I was taking a morning walk again after I was sick because of Sophia. I would go for a walk and come back with a clear head to start the day. but it wasn't my daily walk that Killian wanted to ask.

". . . . . Are you still spying on me?"

Oh! Turn on the blinkers!

"That. . . I'm, I'm sorry if I offended you."

"Rather. . . . . if you want to see my body, why don't you just look at it in person instead of hiding and peeking it from distance?"

There was a playful smile on Killian's lips. Ha. Really, this guy who was a virgin before me dares to make fun of experienced people, huh?

"But it's different from that."

"What's the difference?"

"Killian, when you swings a sword. . . . Your beauty is different when you are in bed."