"Raw strawberries are a bit sour. I like them sweetened or just strawberry flavored."

"The perfume you use smells rose scent, why not strawberry?"

"I'd rather my body scent smell like flowers than smell like food."

Killian nodded with a face that learned new information. He leaned toward my side and smelled the scent.

"It's not bad."

Ugh, what's wrong with him today? huh? wait. . . . . are you trying to make Lizzy jealous? Do you need my help with this? I had some mixed feelings, but I didn't have time to think about it. For now, I decided to pretend to get along with Killian. Even if you say it's a waste of time, there's nothing wrong with pretending to be good friends with him.

"It's not bad. . . . .Do you mean it's not good?"

When I lowered my voice like a little seduction, Killian stared at me and replied again.

"It's a good thing. . . . It's the same."

"I'm glad that Killian likes the scent I always wear."

Lizzy and Cliff gaze are looking this way was stinging, but I just stared at Killian, pretending not to know. Killian also smiled softly, keeping his eyes fixed on me. At that time, as if to refresh the atmosphere and at the same time, Lizzy began to pour the tea into a teacup.

"This is strawberry tea I bought from Martinez. I don't know if it suits Edith's taste."

"The tea you gave me last time was also delicious. Lizzy's taste is reliable."

When I gave her compliment, it's was only then Lizzy's laughter began to be heard again. The four of us chatted lightly and enjoyed a leisurely tea cup and tea dessert while chatting with each other lightly. In the middle of it, my head was complicated thinking about how the story would go.

'There are things happened that didn't appear in the original story. . . . Then, the existence of level 3 exception means the ending of the original story doesn't change if i can't fulfill the stage level?'

If I don't meet the conditions of stage level 3, I may not die, and then there's no reason for a t level 3 exception condition to exist. While I was thinking about it, Lizzy said to Killian in an apologetic voice.

"By the way, Killian. I'm sorry, but can you go with me to Le bel Marie Street next Friday? I was informed that the shoes I ordered with Killian have been finished."

"Oh! It's already been that long."

"Yes. If you're busy, it's okay. . . . ."

"No, no. I'll come with you, then."

Killian accepted lightly, and Lizzy smiled brightly. and then she realized I had been a step behind.

"Oh! If Edith felt unpleasant, Killian didn't have to go with me. I'll can go there by myself."

It was cute to see she waving her hands urgently. But I found her attitude strangely awkward. I saw Lizzy and Cliff make eye contact before she made this suggestion, so I wondered why she asked Killian to go with her but not with Cliff. Even though it's the shoes you ordered with killian, you don't have to bring him with you to take it, right?

'It's weird. . . . Lizzy Sinclair. . . . I couldn't figure it out every time I saw her like that. Or it's because I'm the one who is weird?'

Now, I couldn't tell whether it was really because of Lizzy's abnormal behavior or because I had a sense of inferiority with Lizzy. The bigger problem is, not too long ago, I would pat Killian back and said, 'Yeah, have a good time with Lizzy!' But know I would do that, but now I couldn't.

'Why are you so upset. . . . '

Killian doesn't seem to give much meaning to his outing with Lizzy. I know that, even though I knew that, I still felt a little desperate. it hurts my heart to think that Killian would be kind to Lizzy as he did when he took me out to the opera, and maybe even more than that.

'I. . . . . i think I'm in trouble. . . . '

There's nothing i can do about being jealous of Lizzy, and i'll probably be labeled like a slut again if i try to seduce Killian. I couldn't do anything about it, so I'll just have to wait for Killian to dispose of it. That was bittersweet.


It was three days after the outdoor tea time that an uneasy sign began to appear on the strange happiness that i was enjoying recently. That because Count Sinclair and his eldest son, Damian Sinclair, who should appear in Volume 4 of , visited the Duke Ludwig.

'What is happened to the original? Why does the Count Sinclair suddenly appear?'

In the middle, the extras who are close to the Sinclair family lose their temper. He did, but I didn't expect it to appear so directly.

'I'm sure Duke Ludwig didn't make a meeting with Count Sinclair even it's was for Lizzy sake, what the hell was going on?'

I was curious but couldn't step forward and ask what was going on. Then, when Anna came to tell her that the guests were leaving, she pretended to be calm and went down to the lobby on the first floor. In the lobby, Cliff, Killian, and the Duke couple were standing together to see Count Sinclair off.

"Please stop by again sometime. I'm waiting for the day when my wife will take care of the duke and his wife. Hahaha!"

The slender man, he seemed have been quite handsome in his youth age, smiled softly at Duke Ludwig. Although he have similar eyes to Lizzy, his image was completely different. I thought Lizzy was bright sunlight or an innocent blonde angel, however Count Sinclair just reminded me of cripple or a rat.

"I'll definitely stop by when I have time. Thank you for visiting today."

The Duke of Ludwig didn't look too pleased. In fact, it seemed a bit harmful. I quietly approached Killian's side. It seemed that Lizzy didn't come down, so I looked around, and at that moment, I made eye contact with Damian Sinclair.

'Huh? Why Are you staring at me now?'

It was only for a moment, but Damian gave me a very unpleasant look.

'Are the nobility of this world recognizing that if you don't have good manners, they admit that they are popular? What wrong with everyone?'

I want to run right away, grab his collar, and yell at him to take care of his eyes. However, it was clear that i would be attacked again if I showed off my displeasure here.

"Good bye."

". . . . .Goodbye."

In the end, I smiled, holding back what I wanted to crumple. Of course, when I saw Damian, I couldn't help but look at him too. As they drove away in the carriage, i grabbed the tip of Killian's sleeve and i asked him in a small voice.

"Why did they come for?"

Killian looked around as if he hadn't heard my question, then slowly answered it when he led me to my room.

"I'm afraid Count Riegelhoff and you are in trouble position."

It's not a good start.

"It looks like the Sinclair family will soon sign a distribution rights agreement with a northern iron ore mine owner. It seems that the deals behind has already been done."

I thought about it and wondered why that has to do with me that they have iron ore distribution rights, but suddenly it's reminded me of the reason why I was able to marry Killian.

'That because Count Riegelhoff had distribution rights to southern iron ore. Right?'

If it were just a wealthy count, the Duke of Ludwig wouldn't have cared much, whether Count Riegelhoff had been on the side of the Archduke of Langston or not. However Count Riegelhoff was the only family stable supply of iron ore, and it was a difficult opponent for Duke Ludwig, who was also active in making new weapons. It would have been unsettling for such a family to turn into the Grand Duke.

'That's why they been keeping a blind eye to what Count Riegelhoff's doing, and if the Count Sinclair suddenly holds the iron ore distribution right. . . . .'

Needless to say, my life was completely on edge. But I thought there would be something more than just a superficial situation.

"They already talking about iron ore distribution rights that they don't even have yet?"

Killian opened my door and shoved me in first, then quietly closed the door behind him.

"The Sinclair family must be plotting to take over the place of Count Riegelhoffs."

". . . . . And i think they were so annoying on me. Did they talk about me?"

"They would have thought it wasn't time to do it yet. But they will eventually do it later."

I felt a little bitter when I saw Killian talking about other people's business.

'Well, what's wrong with him.'

Along with accepting Lizzy's offer to go out casually, I became more and more anxious about Killian's reaction to this situation.

"Edith. What's wrong with your expression?"

"No, it's no big deal. Damian Sinclair looked at me a little bit badly earlier."

"No way, were you thinking about getting revenge?"

Killian asked jokingly.

"I'll do it whenever I can."

"I look forward to that day."

How nice it would be if I could live with Killian and joke like this.

'I can't just trust Killian'.

A man who loved Lizzy and yet accepted his marriage to me. How easy it would be to make fun of me when you don't even love me. I smiled at Killian as he walked away but inwardly mulled over my thoughts.


I don't usually let myself be depressed. It's a habit I've had since I realized that there's no one to look back on me even if I'm depressed. I still clearly remember the day I developed this habit.