"Oh, thank you, Killian."

"I'll buy back the thing you sold if you want."

"No! The things I sold are things I really don't need."

If you're going to buy it for me, I'd like you to buy me something else or give me money, but it was really hard to bring it up.

"I wish you could give me a word before you sell those things."

Killian looked quite upset, probably because he thought I was short of money enough to throw away my noble pride. I want to comfort you.

"It's a stuff you should have disposed of when you went down to the manor with me later anyway. It's a burden."

"Manor. . . . .?"

Oh, did he say something mean? Indeed, as Killian, I have to leave my beloved Lizzy far away, but I don't know if I'm being too insensitive.

"I didn't know you were already thinking that way."

"Oh, that's. . . . ."

What if he said it was off-topic? If someone puts on an expression that they're going to take you away, even if it wasn't me, I think my heart will break too. . . .

"No, on the contrary, I was too carefree. It's time to get ready to go down to manor, but i think i've been out of my mind lately."

"That. . . .It can't be."

"I'm glad you disposed of things with the concept of organizing your belongings, but the truth is there's a lot more thing to buy here. The Ryzen estate itself isn't a bad place, but the castle we stay in needs a lot of stuff.

Uh? Surprisingly, He moving on casually! But why are you blushing and making a fuss? Is it because you are so excited to receive a manor?

"The furniture is all rugged, and there is nothing to decorate the castle. There are no places that produce luxury goods around there, so we have to buy them all here."

"Ah. . . . .I see."

"It would be better to order the furniture in advance. It will take time to make it all."

"Just use what we have. . . ."

"No, I'll have to order everything, starting with the bowls and candlesticks. I'll have to change them all to your taste as the hostess."

I was going to say that I can use what I have, but I was so moved by the word "hostess" that I was speechless. Killian Ludwig, who had been looking at me with anxiously eyes because he wanted to get rid of me, finally called me "the hostess" after the word "my wife"! I can't believe I'm so moved! The hardships of the past few months seemed to be flash before my eyes. But the impression didn't last long. This is because the common people's sense in my head quickly beat the calculator. Impressed is deeply moved, and it is a waste of money.

"I'd rather just use what I can use."

"It's all going to be clunky."

"It just needs to be function well."

"If that's the case, do you mean that it doesn't matter if it's a commoner's household?"

"As long as it's not inconvenient."

Killian frowned as if he didn't understand.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's a waste of money."

His eyes widened again. I don't think I've ever seen a person with so many different facial expressions.

". . . . . I will give you a money pocket that i couldn't give you before as soon as possible. So please forgive me."

He seemed to think that what I said earlier about wasting money was to mock him for forgetting about my money. It's not like that. . . . .but I just nodded because I didn't have to stop him from giving me money.


A few days later, i really received a big amount of money.

"My parents also asked me to tell you they are sorry."

Killian apologized once again, and I tried hard not to keep my mouth wide open.

"I don't think you did it on purpose, well. Thanks, Killian."

I gracefully thanked him and looked down at the money in front of me as soon as Killian left.

"How much all of this. . . . ."

As a daughter-in-law of this family, the amount of money she could receive per month is 2 million sena. So the total i receive included the amount I haven't received in the past 8 months, and this month is 18 million sena so far in front of me.

"Wow. . . .Money, it's easy. . . . ."

I was happy to receive a lot of money, but I felt a little empty for some reason because the money that someone can get so easily is too difficult for someone else. It reminded me of the time when i took money out of my emergency fund account in the month when my older brother stole my salary. I felt like I was slowly reducing the size of the parachute while getting on an airplane that I didn't know when it would crash. How suffocating it was, I thought about it several times every time I took out the money, and the hand that pressed the 'withdraw' button was always shaking. In my previous life, Choi Suna lived so hard because it was hard to get a penny, but now. . . . .

'Well, even if the money is piled up now, it's fate that you don't know when your throat will be cut of it's would be sooner or later. . . . No, no. Let's not think about that.'

I emptied my mind from being depressed again. Between Choi Suna, who worked hard for a penny, and Edith, who had accumulated money but might die miserably sooner or later, what should we do? Right now, I had to focus on making a living.

"Anna! Let's go out to have fun!"

I called Anna with a more excited voice for no reason and prepared to go to the bank on Darsus Street. And it was the moment I was about to get into the carriage.

"Oh, Edith! Are you going out, too?"

I heard bright Lizzy clear voice. At that moment, I realized that today was Friday. The day where Lizzy and Killian go out together.

"Lizzy! You said you were going to Le Bel marie Street today, right?"

"Yes. I'm excited because it's been a long time since I've been out."

Lizzy looked so innocent as if she had no intentions. Killian, who is behind her, looks at me with a strange face.

"It seems like you go to Darthus Street a lot."

"It because Darthus Streets has a lot of good dessert shops, right? is also on Darthus Street."

"That's true, but. . . . . "

Killian seemed to be suspicious about my outing again, but Lizzy didn't give Killian a chance to think deeply.

"Killian. We are going to be late."

"Oh, yeah. Then. . . .I'll be back."

Killian looked at me and said he would come back. It could have been a courtesy greeting, but I was thrilled for no reason to hear him say he was coming back to me.

"Go ahead. I'll be back, too."

He nodded his head slightly and rode away in the carriage with Lizzy. I stared at the carriage's tail, and only when it was completely out of sight. I let out a small sigh and climbed on my carriage. my business on the streets of Darsus was quickly finished. I put everything in the safe except for the money to be used as an emergency fund, and it's 32 million. The balance made me happy. It was a bit of a waste to spend the fee for using the safe, but if it was like that, it was the perfect amount to be used later.

"Now that we're here, shall we eat some cake?"

A generous balance creates a generous heart. To make the excuse, i told Killian earlier to become true and want to reward Anna, who always goes with me. I took her and stopped at , a famous bakery with a luxurious interior.

"Do you have any plans?"

"No. Me and my maid are looking for a place to sit."

"I'm sorry if you're with a maid, but it's a bit difficult on the second floor, so only seats on the first floor are available."

"It doesn't matter. Please guide me. "

It was very embarrassing to speak informally to the bakery staff as a native in he Eastern Courtesy Country, but otherwise, it was a neighborhood where people would be held accountable again. Anna and I were led to a sunny window seat. Since it is expensive food for ordinary people to eat, most of the people who fill the hall on the first floor are noble young lady accompanied by their maids. The second floor seemed to be a place for noble only.

"Wow, it's so cool here."

"I know. It's the first time I've been in here, too."

Anna, who seemed to know everything, looked around like it was amazing. After thinking about it for a long time, we ordered three kinds of unflavored soft-flavored black tea, one strawberry sliced, and three kinds of daquoise. Maybe it's because the weather has become cooler, I feel relieved by a sip of hot black tea that warms my body. Besides, Anna, without a facial expression, looks happy, so I like it more.

"Oh my gosh! I've never tried something so delicious before!"

"Yeah! It's so delicious!"

Anna and I were amazed while eating a moist strawberry cake. The strawberry tart, the signature of this store, was delicious, but the strawberry cake was no less than that. In fact, I thought anyone who likes soft things would prefer strawberry cake. The Dacquoise is also delicious. It small size and wicked price reminded me of dessert cafes that I had never been able to enter in my past life.

'Now you can buy and eat as much as you want! I'm rich!

I thought for a moment that it was a small citizen to feel rich in this kind of place, but who cares. I'm having a satisfying tea time with Anna, and Anna's also brought up something she wouldn't normally say as if she was relieved.

"By the way, Miss."


"That. . . . i know I'm being out for line, but. . . . "

"It's okay. Tell me."

Anna hesitated, looking down at the teacup, and opened her mouth.

"I thought you were in love with Master Killian."


"I'm sorry. I wouldn't dare say that. . . . ."

"Oh, no! It's not like that. It's an unexpected question. Why were you curious about that?"

Anna seemed a little torn between her position as a maid and her curiosity. but I secretly patted Anna on the back, happy that she had finally said this to me.