"I was joking. But it's weird. I pointed it at Killian's lips, but why is my sister in law covering her mouth?"

Ooops . . . .we were tricked. . . . .Killian blushed in embarrassment.

"I guess you have nothing else to do? What a stupid joke. . . . . "

"Since we came here, you couldn't even take your eyes off on my sister in law, so I wanted to tease you just for once. Ha ha!"

Cliff laughed lightly, then whispered in Killian's ear.

"Archduke Langston is here. Now, that all the archduke's supporters are flocking around him, take care of your wife because Count Riegelhoff also among one of them."

The warm atmosphere just now quickly faded, Then Cliff and Killian's faces grew stern.

"How about Lizzy?"

"Her highness takes her and she didn't return her back to me."

"How about the Count Sinclair family?"

"They still on theirs, Seat. However it's strangely, because they seem to be paying more attention to you and my sister in law than Lizzy."

Oopss, it turns out I'm not the only one who feels that way. I'm increasingly my suspicious that the Sinclair's is the real culprit of the embroidery incident.

"I got it. Brother should take care of Lizzy too"

"I know."

Cliff patted Killian on the shoulder and walked away.

'It's so strange that Cliff goes around alone without Lizzy. Just now Cliff say that the princess took Lizzy with her did he? so the episode of this chapter is going on now right?'

I was curious, so i snooping out around. where the original episode of the story was going on in the banquet hall. Princess Catherine was greeted by other young ladies with Lizzy at her side.

'As expected. This is the episode where all the young noble ladies who were ignored Lizzy for being an illegitimate child gather and bow their heads!'

They bowed their head to greet the princess but at the same time they bowed to Lizzy and no one could say anything about it.

Originally, it was the law that a young lady who accompany the princess shouldn't bow her head toward anyone except for those who had a higher position than the princess.

Besides, it was also same action Lizzy should do when she officially becomes Cliff wife later, she doesn't need to bow her head toward them anymore.

'It's almost cider moment for Lizzy until she out of her limit, wasn't it?'

For now on, Lizzy just needs to get ready for her cider day.

'One of it, is the Count Riegelhoff's defeat, and the other is when my head was beheaded.'

I felt a tension that made my heart feel tight. Suddenly, Killian wrapped my shoulder with his arm.

"Don't be anxious. As long as you stay by my side, no one can harm you."

The warmth of his body is transmitted through my clothes, it wasn't just the body temperature that came through me. His touch that I felt on My body which is seemed to tremble just now, calmed down slightly.

"Thank you, Killian."

I took a deep breath and entered the banquet hall with Killian.

I saw Princess Catherine put Lizzy next to her and made all the ladies tasted the humiliation and return Lizzy to Cliff, that approached them.

It was quite rarely seeing the princess who had a crush on Cliff, argument with him over Lizzy. As if she didn't like it but couldn't help but return Lizzy back to Cliff.

"It seems that Lizzy was suffering because of her Highness, She might fainted if she continue like that."

When I was worried about Lizzy, Killian looked at me strangely and asked me in my ear.

"If you'd like to say your greeting to her highness the princess, I can ask her."

"Yes? Ah. No! Absolutely not!"

Did I look like I was jealous of Lizzy? I don't think it's time to feel relieved because my true feelings have yet been revealed. But as soon as I waved, my eyes and Princess Catherine's met. And with a delicate smile, the princess walked straight towards me.

'Uh, uh? What's going on!'

I panicked and hurriedly gave her my greeting as Killian did.

"It's been a while, second young Master of Ludwig family."

"Greetings, Your Highness, the princess."

"Yes, what about her?"

Cliff, Killian has been friends with princess Catherine since they were kids, so she doesn't have any bad feelings toward Killian. I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me since she spoke with a cold voice.

"This is my wife. Edith Ludwig."

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness the princess, I'm Edith Ludwig."

I bowed as Killian's introduction me to her, but it was obvious that Princess Catherine hostility didn't fade.

"Hmm. . . .so you're Count Riegelhoff daughter?"

"Yes. Your Highness"

Is that what she wanted to ask about me. After that, Catherine turned to Killian and spoke only to him, completely ignoring me.

"The marriage was an unreasonable request from Riegelhoff family, wasn't it? That family is quite. . . ."

"Your Highness. . . . !"

"Oh, that's right! I heard that Lizzy was poisoned a while ago. Why you didn't tell me about it, since you know Lizzy and me are close?"

"That's because Lizzy. . . . . "

"It's because your wife is the suspect?"

Killian and I took a breath at the same time.

'All of a sudden, what does this mean? why is Princess Catherine doing this to me?'

I might have taken it too lightly since in the original story Edith never attended the founding festival party. But it seemed like the author still didn't give up to create Edith character as a villain like in the original story.

"No. We already made a conclusion that Edith isn't the culprit. Beside it was Lizzy herself who wanted to bury the incident. If it wasn't because of that, you think Cliff would have stayed still?"

I was stunned that Killian came forward to defend me in a strong way. Princess Catherine's eyes widened in surprise.

"Interesting, Killian. It seems like you've never loved Lizzy once. . . . . "

It was a strange thing. I already knew Killian was in love with Lizzy, but those words were like a knife stabbed into my heart. I'm sure Killian doesn't have anything to say about that either. . . . .

"Just as Your Highness gives up your feelings towards Cliff because Cliff loved Lizzy, so do I. Isn't it impossible for Lizzy to cling to hopeless love?"

". . . . . Huh?"

I was dazed for a moment. In the original story, Killian promised himself that he wouldn't never build a relationship with anyone forever because his love just for Lizzy, but just now he saying he give up his love for Lizzy. . . . .

'I, Should I be happy?'

The fact that he gave up his feelings toward Lizzy, that mean he starting to accept me, so it would be a good thing for my survival. I should be happy about that, but strangely, it's broke my heart.

'He must be in painful condition to give up his love. I'm sure it's still hurt him now, isn't?'

I know how it feel and the sorrow of the sub male lead felt. I've only known Killian for 10 months, but it's hard for me to let him go. I couldn't imagining how hard would it be for Killian, who's been in love with Lizzy for 5 years.

I was shocking to hear that he had given up his love on Lizzy. Princes Catherine must be feel same like i did, because she was puzzled for a while before began to laughed.

"Ha! Killian Ludwig, you've changed a lot. Does this woman so important to you? Isn't she's the woman you going to get rid sooner or later anyway."

Yes? What, what is that? Why are you saying such scary words! What did I do? It's hurt my feeling, and i could feel my tears welled up in my eyes.

However, since I'm not allowed to speak by the princess I could intervene in their conversation. All I could do is wait for Killian speak on my behalf and trust him for it.

"Your Highness, can you take responsibility for everything that you just say?"


"Me get rid of my wife? who told you that? If i get rid my wife, that means I'm going to get rid of myself as well, is that you mean?"

"No, it's not like that!"

"Or, are you saying you're going to control my wife's seat for the imperial family to use? Do you think the imperial family could wield Duke Ludwig family power at their will?"

"Killian! That's not what I mean!"

"Then what! I was planning to take Edith down to Ryzen estate next year, but your Highness said that i would 'get rid' of her? Than whose will is that?"

He wasn't just talking nonsense about this, but Killian really looked so angry. It may be gotten into serious situation if I don't stop him now, because even Catherine, who has a nasty personality, unable to say anything.

"Killian. Calm down."

"Calm down? You didn't even get an apology. How can i calm down?"

Oops! Killian's fierce eyes reached me. Like the shrimp's back explodes in the whale fight. Then, a bright voice came from somewhere.

"Your Highness! Killian! Is there anything i can help with?"

It was Lizzy who appeared at the right time.

"No, I just wanted you to tell me the truth about the incident where you got poisoning. . . . "

Catherine quickly made an excuse, but Killian wasn't in the mood to pass it easily.

"Lizzy. Did you tell her Highness the princess about the incident?"

At Killian's question, Catherine and Lizzy flinched at the same time.

"It was me who asking."

Catherine defended Lizzy, but Lizzy murmured with a face that looked like she was about to cry.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. I was just explaining why I couldn't accept her Highness invitation. . . . But why?"

"I don't know how you explained the incident to her highness the princess, but her Highness accusing Edith of being the culprit."

"I never said Edith was the culprit!"

Lizzy was quite embarrassed, and Catherine also waved her hand, saying that Lizzy was right.

"Then why are you insulting my wife in such a way? I know that there's many kind of bad rumors around about my wife, but i did expect your highness who was wise would be deceived by such useless rumor. . . . "

Wow, this situation is really uncomfortable. It would be better if i went away from here for a while.

So, just figure this out by yourselves?

However Killian suddenly put his hand on my shoulder and held me close to his side as if he had noticed that i wanted to run away from that situation.