"I don't know how you see her on the outside, but she's was softer person on the inside. No! Even if she didn't, Your Highness shouldn't do this to the Ludwig family, isn't it?"

As Killian maintained his tough attitude, Catherine seemed to be getting more and more frustrated. Since she couldn't argue with Killian's words. She just gritted her teeth for a while before she could speak in a reluctant tone.

"Yes, I'm sorry, it's my fault. I hope Miss Edith will forgive my rudeness."

oh my, I received an apology from the princess on my topic! It's so embarrassing.

"I-I'm fine, Your Highness! I know that my previous behavior was not very wise, and I believe that your Highness is worth to be misunderstand. Beside that, Your Highness even got a lot of flak from Killian for this. . . . . i think my husband is getting a little sensitive. sorry about that."

I said it while lowering myself as much as i could, hoping this matter would end well.

"Do you really think so?"

". . . . . Yes, Your Highness."

"If you care so much about Killian, why you didn't stop your father?"

"Your Highness. . . . . "

The moment Killian was about to get angry again, I took a deep breath and let out a sound that would get me in trouble with the law.

"I've been trying my best to convince him, but. . . . "

oh! this does not seem to be a constraint. At my answer, Catherine's expression, which seemed to be sarcastic me, turned into surprise.

"Are you saying that you really tried your best to stop the Count Riegelhoff from supporting Archduke Langston? Do you understand me correctly?"

However, I couldn't answer 'yes' to this question or nod my head to answer. The question seemed to be specific and constrained. But now i knew how to communicate my intentions to the other person without any action. I glanced in Count Riegelhoff's direction, then turned my back toward Catherine and smiled ruefully. She lowered her eyes as if she were exhausted, and the corners of her mouth pulled up forced to smile. Then, this time, Killian looked shocked.

"The reason why Count Riegelhoff's sent that damn maid, it's because of that?"

Finally, Killian seems to catch something about what's going on with me all this time. I was almost proud of myself for making it this far without telling my truth situation directly from my mount. I was so excited, but I managed to keep the expression until the end, lowered my gaze, and i sighed it a little.

"What does that mean?"

". . . . . there is such a thing. All I can tell you is that my wife is completely separate from the Riegelhoff."

Killian's stern attitude seemed success clear up Catherine misunderstandings about me.

"Uh, is that so? I must have really misunderstood you."

Catherine scratched the back of her head and apologized, unlike the princess of the royal family.

"Hmm. . . . I'm sorry. I thought Killian lived leash to a marriage that was being pushed by cowardly people, and I thought Lizzy was bullied, too."

"Ah. Haha."

In the original, it would have been. If that the case, even the original Edith, can come to the foundation festival banquet, it is clear that she wouldn't be able to enjoy the banquet and just return home. Catherine would have done something well, attacking Edith with her words that make Edith ashamed. However, unlike the original Edith, I was a person who had no intention of helping my family or being jealous of Lizzy. So the hot-tempered Princess Catherine quickly admitted her fault. Her cool personality allowed her to become Lizzy's friend instead of being a villain.

"I'm really sorry I said something hurtful. I'm sorry, Killian. I'm sorry, Lizzy, to put you in trouble."

Catherine even apologized to me, Killian, and Lizzy. Lizzy just said, "No, Your Highness! Killian nodded once, accepting her apology.

"I glad to hear you cleared up the misunderstanding. In fact, my wife has been wanting to go to greet your highness since earlier, but she was timid and hesitant to do so."

"Huh? really? you don't have to do that. Haha!"

Catherine, who had recovered from her guilty expression, grinned widely and grabbed my hand.

"You not only Killian wife, but Lizzy sister in law, so you're my friend too. From now on, don't be afraid and visit the imperial palace often with Lizzy. Can you do that?"

"Wow, I'm sorry. your Highness."

"I'm so sorry! Haha!"

I wonder if the conflict could have been resolved so abruptly, but Catherine's face lights up, and she embraces me. and I could feel the shocked gazes of the people around me. Only then I realize the princess holding my hand, and it seemed that holding a hand was not enough she also invited me to come to the palace often.

'But it's a little strange. . . . Wasn't it Lizzy who got attention today because of her close relationship with the princess?'

Of course, this is the episode where the princess took Lizzy with her and made the other young Ladies bow their heads, and it went normally like in the original, but now this situation is a bit. . . . .

'No, let's think positively. Anyway I'm getting more and more hope of living!'

If it doesn't work, I can ask Catherine for help. Looking at Catherine's back as she walked away from Lizzy again, I prayed that the grace of this world, which was only for Lizzy, would fall on me even if it was just a little. But I couldn't think about the problem for long. And Count Riegelhoff began to speak up. Gosh, there's a lot of things going on in this founding festival episode that i almost lost my mind.

"The former emperor care so much to his younger brother, Archduke Langston. I heard that they had a good friendship since they were young. Hahaha!"

Count Riegelhoff, who had been praising the Emperor to those around him, suddenly raised his voice and started to talk the story about Archduke Langston.

"Oh, of course! Who is more trustworthy than his own bloodline in the royal family, where all kinds of dark battles are going? Don't you think so?"

A flirtatious man next to him come out chimed in. The nobles around him nodded slightly as if they had realized the great truth.

'That must be the Archduke of Langston. Seeing what they're doing here, it looks like they have the strength to stand up to the emperor.'

What they were trying to say was clear. They want to cast doubt on the current Emperor's birth and claim that Archduke Langston is the rightful heir to the throne.

'What's the point of doing that when you have to be recognized as a pureblood at the temple to ascend to the throne anyway?'

Since his early age, the current emperor looks very different from the previous emperor, which is why he always suspected that he was not the former emperor's seed. So everything they said was nothing more than reproducing malicious rumors.

However, Duke Ludwig, the strongest sword of the current emperor, couldn't just sit and watch it.

"The bloodline is the most reliable. Isn't Archduke Langston the emperor's uncle and most loyal servant? Hahaha!"

"I heard that you are very wary of fleeting greed because you grew up watching royal dark battles. He is a royal adult who truly sets an example for others."

Oh, the Duke Ludwig is one step ahead. Archduke Langston, who was about to start a royal dark battle, but in this situation, it was quite difficult to

refute the compliment of loyalty in such a place. But then someone from Archduke Langston's side spoke up as if to change the subject.

"By the way, at this founding festival, it reminds me of Emperor Sun. How good were the days of His Majesty's reign. I still miss it."

As expected, it is a remark that changes the current emperor's reign. Originally, the days of the past always felt good, but even if they weren't, it was hard to deny that fact during the reign of the previous sun emperor was the best. Now, let's see what counterattack will be this time!

"You're right! his Majesty, the Sun Emperor, was indeed a holy warrior. and his majesty have thoroughly trained His Highness the Crown Prince to continue the work that His Majesty couldn't achieve."

"Of course. His majesty is so scrupulous that he does not allow the archduke Langston, whom he cherished so much, to attend his successor's class!"

"Isn't that why they say that no one can carry on the legacy of the previous emperor but the current Emperor!"

Wow. . . . .They are so good at turning things around that it's almost like language art. With generous smiles, exchanging words that hide a sharp dagger behind every word they utter. as if fighting an invisible sword.

'The biggest weakness of this banquet hall is that they don't have popcorn. At least, if there was a butter-grilled squid, it's would be even more fun to watch.'

Some people say watching people's houses fight is the most funnest thing to watch. It would be so much fun if it weren't for work! As Killian and I watched the war of words between the two factions, I felt a sting on the side of my face.


I looked around, wondering what it was, and many young ladies who looked this way turned their heads or laughed. It was a bit surprise to see Layla Sinclair in the middle among of them.

"Aha! everyone looks at Killian, right? I didn't realize Layla Sinclair has a crush on Killian.'

The second view of the world-the first was where I was-there's a handsome man nearby, so it was natural that she looked at me. As a woman, I understood enough what she felt. But after a while, a young woman passing us looked at me, not Killian. That wasn't a coincidence. I stared at her in surprise, but she didn't even look away.

'What is it? Were you looking at me?'

What a waste! If I were you, I'd spend a little more time watching Killian than watching me! Al I silently clicked my tongue, Killian tapped me and said softly.