"Besides, Edith Riegelhoff considers the Ludwig family as her purse. She said that even if she divorced Killian, she would receive a big house and a lot of alimony money, so she has nothing to regret it."


"That's what Edith herself said at the Foundation Festival last time. There are a lot of people who heard that, so you can look into it."

If you only listen to half of the story and ignore the whole detail, you will definitely think that it's was Edith who was spreading those rumors around. However, Duke Ludwig, who felt sorry for Edith recently, heard those words at a time when he was in a difficult situation because of Count Riegelhoff, which made him feel betrayed and clenched his teeth tightly. But he didn't hastily reveal his feelings.

". . . . That's not wrong. That's definitely what the contract I wrote at the time of they marriage."

Count Sinclair stepped up again.

"Then, how long will you endure with that cunning and arrogant behavior who look like her father? And Riegelhoff family has already left. I can provide the duke with a stable iron ore distribution supplier. Your Highness the duke must be know what the meaning of this right?"

They say that the marriage was made for the right of distribution of iron ore and the alliance, but since those two terms have lost their meaning, it's natural to break the marriage.

"Hmmm. . . . "

Still, when Duke Ludwig remained silent, Layla looked pale and hesitant for a while before she opened her mouth with a sad expression on her face.

"It's because. . . . Lizzy, right? I was so mean to Lizzy in the past. . . ."

When the word pointed exactly at Duke Ludwig why he was hesitated, then he turned his gaze towards Layla.

"At that time, I was too young and immature. I was jealous because Lizzy was pretty. . . .but now i did have that thought anymore. Lizzy is my sister anyway."

Layla pretended to reflect on her past with a pitiful expression, but Duke Ludwig didn't respond to it either. It's was because Duke Ludwig knew that all those bad rumors about Lizzy, which had been spreading continuously until recently, were spread by Layla Sinclair.

'But it is also true that we need an iron ore distribution supply. Sooner or later, we'll have to get another big order for weapons like swords and spears.'

Of course, the iron ore empire wasn't controlled by two families only, but the closest distributors were the Counts Riegelhoff and Sinclair. While he was thinking about this, he was bothered by Killian's attitude lately.

'But it seems like he is trying to love Edith. . . .Should I tell him to get rid of his affections now?'

As a duke who didn't know the details of what was going on in his mansion, he didn't know exactly how Killian felt. However, he didn't believe Killian was in love with Edith. Because compared to the time when Killian is in love with Lizzy, the current Killian has a more blunt attitude towards Edith.

"Well, it's too early to talk about this. Count Reigelhoff hasn't completely betrayed me either. Besides, as a father, I also don't have a right to control Killian's marriage as I pleased. But what you want to say, I understand it very well."

Although Count Sinclair felt a bit disappointed, He decided to back off from this point.

"Of course, I didn't ask you to decide on Killian's marriage right away. Rather, I'm just stopping by to tell the Duke not to worry too much since we have clearly obtained the rights to distribute iron ore."

"Thank you. Thanks to you, I think I'll be able to respond to Langston's anti-aircraft faction without haste."

"Hahaha! I'm glad it helped."

Then, They ended the conversation in a friendly atmosphere.


Upon hearing of the news from the Count Sinclair, Cliff purposely took Lizzy out, while I and Killian stayed in the drawing room with the Duchess.

"Maybe after my private time is over, I'll come out here and talk for a bit and then head back."

The Duchess also didn't like Count Sinclair's visit. Indeed, there's no way the Duchess would be pleased to meet the family who harshly bullied Lizzy, who she considers as her daughter. And that family was still harassing her by creating malicious rumors. It was the same with Killian.

"I don't know how thick those shameless faces are, It would be better if I could peel off their skin and take a look at it."

Even though his tone was soft, I got goosebumps because i know that he was a man who could really do it if he had made up his mind.

'To think that, in the original story, Killian cut off Edith's head at once. It was a nice move because he didn't torture her.'

Come to think of it, maybe the original Killian has a bit of sympathy for Edith. . . . .or maybe because he felt like he didn't have time, so he acted quickly to kill the whole of Riegelhoff family. While I was thinking about the situation. Duke Ludwig and Count Sinclair entered the living room with the Count two children. The Duchess, who had been in displeasure expression just moments ago, greeted them with a bright smile as if she had never done that.

"That was a long story. Hopefully that you didn't drink too much tea. I've prepared a lot of tea dessert."

The maids, who were waiting for the Duchess's eyes sign, set up tea and sweet desserts on the table. The black tea that the maid poured into the cup released a fragrant aroma, and the freshly baked scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam were also delicious.

But Layla, who was sitting across from me, seemed very busy staring at Killian instead of looking at the delicious dessert in front of her eyes. Of course, I understand that feeling. She's just like me. It's a rewarding thing just watching Killian while she's still here and back. Blinking the eyes is a waste of time.

The atmosphere at tea time is not bad. Killian remained his expressionless the whole time, but the duke and duchess were more social people, so they kept their dignity and continued the conversation. But I felt that I couldn't get involved in this conversation. I don't know if he's doing it on purpose or if he can't help it, but the conversation topic was all about the past that I don't know. I drank my tea quietly with a smile because I didn't think there would be any help if I intervened anyway. but somehow, i made eye contact with Layla. I thought she was just going to glare at me, but Layla smiled and talked to me.

"Miss Edith, I'm sorry. . . . but I'd like to wash my hands."

I think she needed to use the restroom. I could just ask the maid to take her, but she seemed to have something to say to me, so I stood up from my seat.

"Come this way."

"Thank you."

Layla followed behind me, her expression quite different than when at the founding festival last time. As soon as we turned into the hallway to the restroom, she stomped and laughed as if she wanted me to listen to her.

"You're really killing your bad personality inside the Duke, aren't you?"

She has been waiting for the right time to argue with me.

"I've been thinking about it since last time, but I think it's better for Miss Layla to look back on herself before she speaks to others."

"Ha. . . . What are you talking about now?"

I even copied Layla shy expression and repeated what she said earlier. Layla face quickly turned red, but she managed to straighten her nose.

"We'll see how long you can stay that arrogant attitude. Did you hear that my family has preoccupied the iron ore distribution in the north?"

"Well. I'm not interested."

"That's because you're not interested in how the world works. Don't you realize that it was because of the Riegelhoff family's iron ore distribution rights that allowed you to marry Killian."

You were so excited, huh? How could I put up with it because she wanted to show that to me?

"Starting next year, my family has the right to distribute the iron ore in the north. That means until then, the position you have now will be mine soon."

"Are talking about my position. . . . . "

Layla raised her eyebrows at my calm tone.

"That's right. Duke Ludwig had no choice but to accept you as his daughter in law because of the alliance and the iron ore distribution rights. But the alliance between the duke and your family already broken, so what's the use of iron ore distribution rights with the riegelhoff family? But my family, an ally of the Ludwig family, got the iron ore distribution rights. You really don't know what this means?"

I let out a long sigh.

"What Killian's opinion?"

"Pff! My God, Miss Edith. How can you say that? It's was you who pushed Killian to marry you against his will!"

"So, you also did the same thing?"

I thought I could understand a little bit how Killian felt when he married me. It is so disgusting that his wife is being traded in this way. Plus, he even gives up his love for Lizzy. . . .

"The bathroom is over there. You're not stupid enough to get lost on the way back to the drawing room, are you?"

I pointed to the end of the hallway without sincerity. Maybe it's because she didn't like my careless attitude, Layla stared at me with evil look like she did during the Foundation Festival Day.

"I'm sure Killian would be happy to divorce you."

"It might be. But that doesn't mean he will accept the marriage proposal with you."

"That's something you don't even know."

"No. I know. Don't look down on Killian Ludwig."

Don't look down on the hard work that i been through to change his mind!

"Well, take a rest and come."

I waved and walked toward the drawing room without looking back at Layla. Even without looking back, Layla was depicted in front of me. But I didn't feel very refreshed when I turned around from her either.

'In the end, it goes back like this. . . .'

I sighed out of my breath. On the other hand, it was a little unfair.

'Anyway, Count Sinclair family is Lizzy main enemy, so why is it twisted like this?'

In the original, Duke Ludwig brutally trampled Count Sinclair, who belatedly realizes Lizzy's worth and clings to her and talks about parental rights over Lizzy