Layla, who repeatedly spread malicious rumors about Lizzy, was also humiliated and withdrew herself from the social world. However, they suddenly change their minds after realizing that Cliff will make Lizzy as his wife and target Killian instead. As she thought about it, she belatedly realized one fact.

'Ah! The original Edith wasn't even in a position to be attacked, by the way! Cliff and Killian, both of them were looking at Lizzy, so Lizzy was targeted until the end!'

But it's different now. They find it easier to attack me and take my place as Killian's wife since Ludwig's family doesn't seem to care about me. Rather than mess with Lizzy, who has protection from the duke himself.

'So now we have a problem of probability.'

Unfortunately, the terms that Sinclairs family put is made the Ludwigs family kick me out of here.

'Even if i was in the Duke's position, I would think that Layla is better than me.'

Nothing more could be obtained from the Riegelhoff family. Edith Riegelhoff's values have already been thrown into the ground.

'Besides, if the Riegelhoff family do their planning works sooner or later. . . .the Sinclair family's offer would be very useful for the Ludwig family.'

Then, I will be thrown out of here.

'That means I can get a divorce without being beheaded by Killian.'

Nothing goes easily. It's not just about saving lives anymore. Of course, even if i got divorced, i still can live my daily life without worrying about money because, as they said, i'll receive a luxurious mansion and a generous amount of alimony payment every month

'But. . . . '

I took a deep breath and went back into the living room. Killian, who didn't even look at this way, turned his head to me as i approached him. Then he leaned toward me and whispered something as I sat down.

"She can go to the bathroom by herself, right? why didn't you call the maid to do that?"

". . . . Well, she is a guest."

"Anyway, she so kind that enough to makes me more attracted to her."

Killian grinned and muttered something. I was not sure if it was a reproach or a compliment. The crooked smile on his lips was so sweet. Seeing that, I realized that I had become greedy.

'Now, Not only the mansion and money. . . . . But i want to have Killian, too.'

Where will the survival of the possessed villainous woman end. Since the flow of the story has deviated from its principle.

'I'm curious, too.'

I gulped down the tea to stop the sigh from coming out.


Count Riegelhoff, who had been quiet since the founding festival of the empire, suddenly declares a territorial war against Duke Ludwig. When Killian, who stopped by my room, told me the news with a confused look, a chill ran down my spine, even though it was expected.

'Ugh, finally. . . .'

The moment I'd been dreading of had come. The territorial war was like Count Riegelhoff digging his own grave. How could a Riegelhoff's family who is powerless think of declaring war against the greatest family known as the nation's savior heroes. . . .

'Perhaps he believes the Knights of Archduke Langston, but there is an imperial family behind the Duke Ludwig, idiot, really idiots!'

Of course, if there is a territorial war between the nobles, the imperial family must remain neutral. But look all over history from East to West. There is no royal family that has kept perfect neutrality. Besides, even if it's not an imperial family, the power person like the Duke of Ludwig is no joke. I've never seen it with my own eyes, but in the novel of . The author explained enough how badly Count Riegelhoff was destroyed in the Territory War. Since the territorial War was the prelude to making the archduke Langston Emperor, he was eventually branded a traitor and exiled.

"What is the reason he declared a territory war?"

To my question about their 'superficial reason', Killian shrugged his shoulders and answered.

"I heard we hit the price of iron ore?"

"Did they do that?"

"No way. The price of iron ore was actually lowered by Count Riegelhoff himself. He said he had no choice but to cut it because we were putting pressure on him."

"Do they have a contract or something?"

"Of course there is. They make demands that can not be justified on the contract paper."

"Well, I guess so."

I shook my head in disbelief. Count Riegelhoff completely out of his mind and put his family into danger. With that kind of level pathetic and ignorant, how did they raise that little bastard Riegelhoff!

". . . . Are you alright?"

"Yes? What?"

Killian glared at me with a sour look on his face.

Only then, I just remembered that the person who declared the Territorial War was a man who used to be my father once.

"Ah, well. . . .isn't this inevitable? Also, doesn't that prove that the Riegelhoff Family and I completely become strangers.

"I would appreciate it if you think so, but you need to be more determined. Because depending on the outcome of the war, Count Riegelhoff will become. . . ."

"I know."

Killian seemed surprised by my calm answer. Well, no matter how much she hated her father, it was surprising that she was so heartless and even wished that her father would die in the war. But should i treat that man like a father? That person not only abused his young daughter but also forced his daughter to seduce men no matter old or young to get the information he wanted. Besides, I definitely stopped him. He's the one who brought destruction upon himself.

"My father has stepped into treason. right?"

". . . . Maybe."

"My father is too greedy. He can't watch himself and his family objectively. I tried to talk him out of it, but he. . . . ."

I pretended to be a victim as much as possible and made a pitiful face. Luckily, Killian sighed with me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I paused for a while, feeling his warm hand that comforted me and then asked with a sigh.

"What's the reaction of the imperial family?"

"Archduke Langston has come out and said it had nothing to do with him, and he is still pretending not to know anything. However, I suspect that this is the beginning of a rebellion."

"Archduke Langston is not an easy person either. What was he thinking for doing something like this?"

There are levels that we should turn a blind eye to something. The Count Riegelhoff family, who had been serving as the Duke of Langston's stooges. He also had consistently messed with the imperial nobility and declared a territorial war against the Emperor's right-hand man, the Duke Ludwig family. It's not just a simple family dispute.

"It's obvious where Archduke Langston believes. It's the empress. The empress believes that his Majesty the Emperor is not the child of the previous Emperor."

"It's nonsense. 27 years ago, the temple already recognized his majesty, the emperor, as a pure blood, That's why his majesty was able to ascend the throne."

"The Empress thinks that the recognition of the temple at that time was also a pressure from her Majesty's private residence."

"Then why would the empress do something like this now? Why not 30 years ago before the emperor ascended the throne?"

"It is an impolite thing to say. . . . Because Her Majesty's the empress already at her 98 years old, her spirit seems to be unstable."

The empress lived so long. Her husband and her eldest son have already passed away a long time ago, and She been living all alone in her own little world in the back room. She also seems to have been suffering from dementia for several years.

"I think you want to say that Archduke Langston took advantage of that."

"That's right."

Archduke Langston is also unusual, trying to achieve his ambitions for the throne by manipulating an old woman who remembers the events of the past 30 years more clearly than yesterday, using subtle words.

"Was this a treason that he been waiting for 30 years, should I say this is amazing plan. . . . ."

"He may have been ready to give up the throne at first. But the son of archduke, Dane, is not. There's a possibility that the person who manipulated the Her majesty, the empress, is a Dane."

It was a treason to give his son a seat of the emperor.

'At least Count Riegelhoff, it's better than that person.'

It's much better than a man who uses his own child as a hostage and throws it away easily when he's no longer needed.

"It's you I'm worried about."

Um. I'm worried about me too.

"There may be a person who wants to attack you just because you are Count Riegelhoff daughter."

"It's not your fault. And now I'm not Edith Riegelhoff anymore, but Edith Rudwig."

"You know very well. Keep thinking like that. You can refute it like that when someone says something."

"Is there anything difficult. I'm just worried that you'll get hurt."

"Did you have such affection for me?"

"Well, i don't want to be a widow at this age."

Then Killian grinned.

"Well, They say that a swarm of flies will be attracted to a young widow. I don't want to see that thing happening again."

"So take care of yourself."

I wrinkled the tip of my nose and said naughty, and Killian approached me and kissed me deeply. With the stimulation of his sweet breath and hot tongue, my anxiety melted away slowly. With a soft wet sound, Killian parted his lips and looked down at me with those mysterious gray eyes and whispered.

"Let me take this opportunity to show you how amazing your husband is."

"I'm hoping you're not bluffing."

We laughed softly and kissed each other several times. It was a warm moment that made me think that he was in love with me.

'Please don't let anything happen.'

Killian and I are trying to overcome this situation in a playful way, but in reality, we weren't in a very happy mood.

After Count Riegelhoff declared a territorial war, i could see Duke Ludwig. He didn't even want to look at me. Maybe Killian was in a very difficult situation in the middle. Suddenly, I remembered Layla Sinclair scolding me for using my position as Killian's soon to be discarded wife.