'It was Killian who accepted the marriage proposal from Riegelhoff family, even though he was in love with Lizzy at the time. So, my position as his wife could be easily replaced by Layla Sinclair.'

I sighed without realizing it.

Killian examined me carefully, then put his arm around my shoulder, and said, "I'm thinking of heading down to Ryzen as soon as the territorial war is over, and the situation in the capital stabilizes. What do you think?"

"I'm good with that. Well, if we stay in the capital, we'll be suffered from a lot of gossip. . . . "

"It might be a little bit boring there because it's a small manor, but just consider it we were in recuperation for the time being."

I was looking forward to heading down with Killian to the Ryzen territory, but Killian seemed to think that i had no choice but to go there with him.

I didn't want to argue about that. So i just nodded my head.

I sincerely hoped that the day would come as soon as possible where i could go to Ryzen estate with Killian.


"Count Riegelhoff has rushed things. It's annoying, but it's better than nothing. This time he will be rooted out." Said

Duke Ludwig, while skimming the current situation report handed to him by his aide.

Cliff and Killian, who were sitting together in the office, nodded without saying a word.

No one was surprised by the sudden declaration of this territorial war. Although it was a little earlier than their expectations, but it was also to be expected, by Count Riegelhoff behavior at the founding festival ball.

"Is His Majesty angry?" Asked Cliff.

Duke Ludwig laughed by Cliff question and said, "Of course he is. I think the Emperor would use this opportunity to strike Archduke Langston down, who is crawling to the end of his rope, or the Empress dowager, who has never treated His Majesty as an Emperor."

"Finally!" Killian replied with excitement relief. "We have been patient for a long time, so long that it's frustrating for anyone who is watching from the side."

"His Majesty must have been waiting for a day like this too. He has never had a strong reason to purge before, and this time, no one will be able to defying it."

Cliff nodded his head and asked with a lower voice this time. "Is the traitors list names already done?"

He was asking if the families involved in treason has been identified and their level of punishment determined.

"I think it's almost done. Archduke Langston, Count Riegelhoff, and Count Eilert will never be spared."

When Count Riegelhoff name was mentioned, the Duke and Cliff turned their eyes toward Killian.

"Killian does you have. . . . .any sense of suspicions toward Edith?"

Killian's brow crumpled at the Duke's question.

"Edith believes that her relationship with her father Count Riegelhoff is already cut off permanently. Isn't that true? Since Count Riegelhoff has declared a war on us without thinking of his daughter's well-being who was left as a hostage."

"I'm glad to hear it, if the child sincerely thinks so. . . ."

Duke Ludwig nodded, but he seemed not satisfied with Killian's answer.

Though Killian was offended, he couldn't say anything more.

'I must go Ryzen as soon as possible after this territorial war is over. If Count Riegelhof is annihilated, there will be more nasty words thrown to Edith. . . .'

Killian no longer want to see Edith suffering and endure the pain again after what she had been through until now.

If we live calmly and faithfully in Ryzen for a few years, people will forget Edith's past and her last name, Rigelhoff.

People's curiosity would be boils up once, but it also cools down quickly.

"We will leave in a week. Cliff, you'll be in charge of the Knight, and Killian, you'll be in charge of the weapons, so be ready without a hitch in a week."

"Yes, father, understood."

When the meeting was over, Duke Ludwig headed back to the palace. Then, Cliff and Killian were busily prepared for their duties.

It wasn't until Killian managed to finding some time to relax after sunset and have dinner with Edith, and returned to his room with regret because he had to organize the situation in the document about the weapon and identified it in list. However, even though he was working on the document, he couldn't shake off his thoughts about Edith in the corner of his mind

'The amount of food she ate decreased a little. . . . She must be so worried, even though she pretended not to.'

Edith, who always ate happily with exclamations, began to have no loss her appetite after a few days ago. That was not unusual for her to do, because even Anna, who clean up the table asked, "are you sure you are done eating?"

'I hope Edith could endure it well until the territory war is over. . . . '

He sighed lowly and continued organizing his documents. It was a moment later that he was about to finished his work that there's a knock was heard.

It was to late for anyone to come looking for him, but Killian walked slowly through the door, feeling a strange sense of deja vu.

'It can't be Edith right?', he thought 'Edith never came to me first, except for the night she tried to kiss me secretly.'

Killian quietly opened the door. But person who standing in the doorway was Lizzy and not someone he expected.

She was dressed in a nightgown, as she had been when she came to tell him about the missing maid, but unlike her usual nightgown, this one is off-the-shoulder like Edith's always wears.

'Is this kind of nightgown popular these days? But I don't think it suits Lizzy. . . .It's like a child stole his mother's night gown.'

When Edith wore it, it was sexy and dizzying, but when Lizzy, who is slender, wore it, he was afraid that it would flow down at any moment.

"What brought you here at this hour?" Killian asked Lizzy while offering her a seat.

"It's so hard to see Killian's face these days. So I came here wondering if you are still awake at this hour."

She smiled brighter as he had gotten to use it for the past five years. But somehow, there's glooming on her smiling face. Killian just smiled back and sat across from her.

"Does Cliff not play with you?"

"Cliff is Cliff, and Killian is Killian. Did I interrupt you when you were busy with something?"

"No, no. Come to think of it, I haven't been able to take care of you lately."

"I know you didn't mean that. I know you were busy these days."

Lizzy wriggled her fingers and added. "It's just. . . .that I'm worried because you're going to the war soon too. . . . So i come to saying my goodbyes you too. . . ."

"I'm not going to die? Both you and Edith worry too much. I guess you didn't get to see Cliff and I fighting on the battlefield." Said Killian, pretending to be pretentious.

Lizzy laughed a little but her pretty light blue eyes looked sad somehow.

"Killian. Do you remember? When I first came to the mansion. . . . .and i was walking around the garden, and my hair got caught on the twig, so I couldn't move."

"Ah! Haha! I remember that. You were do embarrassed at that times."

"That's right. Unlike in Sinclair mansion, I was really excited to see the garden as I wanted. Then I was embarrassed that my hair got tangled in the tree, but I was more embarrassed because I was caught by the scary second young master of the mansion. I thought I might get hit a few times."

Killian and Lizzy recalled the story that passed 5 years ago.


It was an early summer day when Lizzy, who was almost rescued from Sinclair's family, she just began to learn the freedom life daily. Lizzy, who had been stirring freely through the garden of Duke Ludwig, which was larger and more beautiful than the garden of Sinclair family, had her hair caught in a tree that day because the wind suddenly blows little strong.

"Ah! Ouch. . . .This, what's going on?"

I reached out and groped but couldn't figure out how my hair got caught. Then,I heard a rustling sound in the background as I was thinking about whether I should shout and call someone or get scolded for being careless.

"What that. . . . ?"

"Oh, oh, hey, are you doing well?"

Killian, with a chilly expression, stood with a book in his hand. Killian at his twenty, he's colder, sharper, and more sensitive than he was now, and Lizzy was trying to stay out of his sight. Lizzy desperately made an excuse even though she was trembling at that time.

"I-i didn't do this on purpose. It was windy, I really didn't expect this to happen, but I'm sorry I didn't tie my hair neatly. I was wrong."

Killian stared at Lizzy, who was afraid of him for no reason, and handed her the book he was holding. When Lizzy was confused while accepting the book, Killian helped Lizzy remove her hair that caught on tree with his freed hands. The part that Lizzy got tangled worse while whining, he had no choice but to cut with a knife. After removing all her hair, the garden tree was covered with brilliant blond hair.

"Your blonde hair is pretty, so I guess the tree wanted to touch your hair a little, too."

Killian said, putting back his small knife on his pocket and taking the book from Lizzy's hand. It was the first time the two had spoken since the Duke and Duchess of Ludwig introduced their sons to Lizzy.


"I was sure then. I thought, This person is actually a kind person. . . ."

Killian, who was recalling the past, also smiled.

"I didn't mean to scare you at that time."

It was true. I didn't like Sinclair's illegitimate daughter, whom my parents suddenly brought, but I didn't mean to scare her on purpose. It was just a little annoying, but a little bothersome. I don't know when it turned into love. At some point, when I heard Lizzy's clear laughter, my heart beat, and when I saw Lizzy tears, my heart sank. When Lizzy looked at Cliff, I felt jealous and impatient, and when Lizzy looked at me, I felt happy that my whole body would melt completely. But It's all in the past now. . . .

"Actually. . . . "


"I knew Killian's heart."

Killian's mouth, smiling happily, became hardened.