"We have finished cleaning the surrounding area." 

Oh, it's not good news for me at all. 

"Alright. Lock the Duchess in the first room. She's a precious hostage, so be careful not to hurt her."

"How about this young lady? Do you want to lock her together with the old lady?" 

A man mercenary who appeared, pointed at Lizzy and asked. 

"Oh, Lizzy is not a hostage. But she is my booty of war." 

Hmm. What would Cliff do to Shane later? Will he cut off his head in one fell swoop, or just split it in half. . . .? It's not certain, but between the two, I'm sure Cliff will split him in half. No, it's not a time to think something like that. Because after this, I will be beaten mercilessly by Sophia.

"What about this woman?" 

The mercenary pointed at me.

"Ah, that woman locked her underground because it would be very annoying to hear her scream if she was here." 

I feel like my whole body is shivering because it's a bit cold, but when I hear Shane say that, I get even more goosebumps. From now on, there is no longer romantic fantasy but a horror. It would be thriller. 

"Move her quickly." 

When Shane commanded him, the man mercenaries who stood there pulled me out and left to the underground prison. When I came out of the stone room, I could see around clearly.

'It's not a castle as I thought before, but this is like an abandoned nobles villa outside the capital. . . . '

It seems that there was a time when it was very popular among the nobles family who had never put soil on their hands and longed for rural life to build a farmhouse style villa. It looks like a villa built at that time, but although this place is abandoned, there are many traces of people visible everywhere. 

'They must have bought this abandoned villa, for their mercenaries to sleep and feed them here.' 

Since they haven't been caught so far, it means that this place is very remote from the outside of the city or even the knights patrolling the area, not unexpected this. However, will Cliff arrive here before anything happened to me? Then, a heavy sigh came out of my mouth. 

'No, I saw how Shane's eyes looked at Lizzy earlier. I think he might do something to Lizzy later. But isn't it already a rule in the world of romance novels that the main male lead will appear just in time, before the main female lead experiences something terrible?' 

Then it's mean, Cliff will arrive here soon. 

'So i just need to endure it for a while. Just for a while. . . . !' 

I soothed my nervousness as I walked down the stairs to the basement while leaning my hand on the mercenary's shoulders. The basement had a window at the top, but it was still dark around the room since it's it still dawn now. The mercenary who led the way to the basement walked forward with a candle and opened the door in front of him, which looked like a warehouse. And while he kept the candle nearby, the mercenary who came in with me seated me on the chair and tied my hand behind. I felt the pain all over my body getting worse when I sat because the chair was made by hard wooden. 

"Oh, ouch! Just a little. . . .Please tie it gently. I can't even move because I'm already injured anyway." 

I asked the mercenary with tears in my eyes. I think it's useless. Because the expression on his face did not change even a little. He hesitated for a moment, but he began to clamp his mouth again and tied my hand more gently than before. Of course, it wasn't a lie that I couldn't move. How rough she was treated with her hands tied behind her back, her shoulders hurt so much. I felt like all my joints were out of line. However, it's not the right time to think about the pain i felt now.

"she's not as good as the woman the captain took earlier, but this woman is pretty good, too. Right?" 

The mercenary who tied me gently grabbed my chin and turned it from side to side, and smiled sarcastically. My gratitude for him quickly faded.

'W-what should i to do in this situation?' 

I never thought about being raped before. It must be limited to the main character to avoid such a misfortune, but what I believe and think of it is complacency. 

"Ha-haha. Not really. My husband doesn't even look at me." 

"Why, does your husband have a lot of mistresses? Or it's because of the woman who has extraordinary beauty earlier. Is she your husband's lover?" 

"Oh, she wasn't a lover . . ."

But one-sided love.

"A man from a high rank may be able to afford to throw a side dish, but a man like us can pick it up unless it's very spoiled."

His hands groped up my neck and ears. A chill began to creep down my spine. But the person who was watching the show suddenly asked. 

"The woman who received the order from the captain earlier. Do you know what kind of woman she is?" 

"Yes? Do you mean Sophia?" 

"Is her name Sophia? That woman with black hair, she has a scary look on her face."

"Yes. It's Sophia." 

"What kind of woman is she? Even though she is a woman, she speaks so harshly while commanding the subject. But, just by looking at her, I don't think she is from a noble."

I mentally prepared myself, hoping that the topic of Sophia would be an opportunity to avoid this crisis.

"Does Sophia command you guys?"

"The captain gave the command. Oh, by the way, what's your relationship with the captain?"

". . . . . He's my brother." 

"What is it?"

The men were surprised. The mercenary who was groping me quickly withdrew his hand.

"He is my oldest brother, so that means he is my real biological brother."


"Huh. . . . No, i don't know what I did to my brother. That he treats me like this?" 

I bit my lip and squeezed out my tears. 

"Both of you. . . . Do you have any brothers?" 

The two men looked at each other and nodded insincerely. 

"Are you close with your brother?" 

"Well, it's not that bad."

"I'm feeding them." 

Every time i did this, I felt envious of others and angry at the same time. The mercenaries who treat people's lives as toys. They are also good brothers to their younger siblings. so why am I the only one?

"Both of you must be reliable, older brothers. I'm feel jealous of your siblings. I'm. . . . Ugh. . . ."

When I remembered my brother, who was frustrated because he couldn't steal my salary in my previous life, my eyes watered even more.

"That woman named Sophia is our family's maid. But, did you see? He treats that maid better than me." 

The mercenaries nodded hesitantly.

"Yes, that kind of weird. But between the two, I don't think they have a special relationship." 

"Sophia has a crush on my brother. She's not just an ordinary maid. . . .but she's also a mercenary that my family hires." 

The two mercenaries in front of me burst into sarcastic laughter at the same time. 

"What, so you mean that bitch is no different from us but she behaves so arrogantly?" 

"Uh. This is annoying. When we caught the woman earlier, she lifted her chin up and commands us to move it here and there, as if she were the commander of some kind of unit." 

It seems that those mercenary doesn't really like Sophia. I wept bitterly, hoping I could buy their sympathy. 

"Since I was little, Sophia tormented me. She saw that my brother hated me, so she bullied me as much as she could. You never know how jealous I am seeing other families who have a brothers that they can trust more than anyone else." 

Even though I was revealing my past story, my tongue didn't stiffen or heard something ringing in my ears. I don't know if this is because they're just unimportant extra characters or it's because of me who told them that half of the story was just fiction. whatever it was, it seemed like this was a green light signal, seeing that the mercenaries had sympathy on their faces.

"No. Rather that, why would he doesn't like about his beautiful little sister. . . . ?" 

"My older brother grew up a little differently. So he only cares about himself. If you've experienced it, you'll know. By the way, didn't i say it to harsh?" 

"Ahh, i used to be like that too, not a long ago." 

"It's was something we do for a money, but we feel a little bad now."

Yes! Finally, i managed made them sympathy on me.

"My brother didn't even treat me like his little sister. I got married for the sake of my family, but my in laws and my parents suddenly became a hostile. Then my family asking me to stole duke family information inside the Duke residence, and told me to install something in the mansion."

I sniffed my nose and looked at the mercenaries facial expression. Fortunately, the mercenaries seem fallen into my story.

"By the way, there's no way a duke family has a weak defense, right? So when I failed doing what they asked me to do, they started called me as a traitor or a bitch who doesn't know her family grace."

"That right, i think our captain doing something wrong. . . . "

Even those who hired a job to killed people have a same level of sympathy as an ordinary person.

"When Sophia came here, she really going to kill me. I'm going to die after brutally assaulted while being tied up like this. It's. . . .it's so unfair."

When i began crying so hard and the treas poured like a water, the two mercenaries in front of me looking each other. Seemed to be thinking of something. Then the man mercenary who come with candle earlier began to look outside and the other mercenaries loosened the rope that tied me a little looser. I think if I struggled a little hard, i could pull my hand out through the gab between the ropes.

"You know that we can't do more than this right? All we could do for you is just loosen the ropes, but When the woman named Sophia came here like you said she might tie you more tightly than before if she caught you."

" However if you lucky enough to survive, unties the rope and manage to escape from here, you must run towards the north side, because this place named wellesley located in the south of capital city."

Although the mercenaries had the urge to rape me a while ago, but at least they were still more forgivable than Shane or Sophia.

"Thank you . Thank you very much So allows tell you guys one thing."


"Later or sooner the knight from Duke Ludwig family might arrive here. So after both of you leave this room, just run immediately."

However the look each other and laughing together as if my advice is ridiculous.

"Look, young Lady. I understand your want to repay us but I'm sure those bastards don't even know that our captain is here."

"The Duke knights has been chasing us a while ago but they missed us in the middle."

I shook my head at them.