"No. i think They're already coming this way. Don't take my words lightly. If you want to save your life, run way immediately after both of you leave this room. I'm saying this because I remember your younger siblings who only trusted their eldest brother. Cliff Ludwig is. . . . Not someone would give a mercy, i sure he will never let anyone here alive."

"But we don't get paid until the work is done. We've only received the first payment so far."

My impatience has run out. At this rate, even those who done me a small favor, they will still fall under Cliff's cruel sword. There are few people who did me a favor, whether in my past life or in my current life. So i really wanted to save them.

'Is there anything I can give them that can make money. . . .'

The dress I'm wearing doesn't have decorations like jewels, my headband is also made by corsages and ribbons. So this has no monetary value. while I was going to examine everything that I was wore today, I suddenly paused for a moment when I remembered the ruby ​​necklace around my neck. I don't think the necklace got lost somewhere, i was so grateful because i wore a dress that covered my neck and attended the party today. I was a bit reluctant because the necklace was the first gift I got from Killian. But Sophia may take it anyway if I lose my mind. Instead of being taken away by that bitch, I thought it would be better to give it to these people.

"Look. There's a . . . . necklace i wear around my neck."


"It's high-quality ruby ​​and gold thread. If you sell it, you will receive a lot of money, so take it and run away."

The two man hesitated for a moment and looking at each other again.

"When Sophia comes, it's over. Hurry!"

When i urging, the man who tied my hand earlier carefully pulled down the dress around my neck and took off the necklace.

"Take that and run right away now. I don't want to see, the people who have done me favors dying. Go ahead. Don't fight for each other!"

They nodded and put the necklace in their pockets. And before they left the room, they looked back at one more time at me.

"Hey, over there. . . . "


"Hmm. . . . Good luck."

I smiled at the greeting, which looked a little shy. An unnamed extra, not even mentioned in the original story. But what i know about them, they have a good younger siblings, and i received a small favor that maybe could save my life.

"Good luck to both of you."

And as soon as they went out, I heard someone else's voice from far away. Unfortunately, it was a female voice.

"Why does it take so long to take care that woman?"

Sophia's voice openly treating the mercenaries badly made me understand why the two of them had a sympathy toward me earlier.

'It is easy to build a consensus when you have a same enemy.'

This part is something I have to thank Sophia.

"Ah, hahaha! Don't be mean. That noble lady is so pretty that I took a look for a while."

"What's so pretty about it? I don't know if a bastards from the countryside would think so."

Even if I were a mercenary, I think I would feel really bad. However, the two men probably thought of me and quickly disappeared without angering Sophia. I pray that they can escape safely in this place. And after a while, the wooden door opened.

"Whoa. You look good. That why when Shane give you last chance you should taken it. This idiot."

Perhaps because of Shane's command to treat me worse than the Count's laundry maid, Sophia did not treat me politely, even with a joke.

'However, I need to take as much time as I can.'

Cliff will arrive soon, so if I manage take some more time until then, I might ended up not getting hit a lot. I chewed my lips and took a small deep breath and asked.

"Since the things are already like this, let me ask you one question."


"You. . . . Why are you hate me so much?"

Sophia's mouth stiffened at my question. I brought this up to avoid criticism, but did I really offend Sophia? But soon she laughed as if she was snoring.

"It because, since i was young age I grew up only listening and received a compliments."

Ugh. Suddenly Sophia story began, I'm not really curious about that. . . . .

"In commoner family who has a children with 3 boys and 4 girls, the fifth child most loved by their family."

Suddenly, a self-introduction. . . . ?

"I was sure if I tried so hard i could achieve everything I wanted. They say, you can by a noble title if you had a money. so I planned to become a noble someday and live a happy life. I felt confident about it."

In the 21st century people like her, who had that passionate and enterprising talent. It's was something Korea people would love it much. Yeah, yeah. So now please stop it. . . .

"But as I grew up, I realized that there are many important ways to be successful person than use my abilities."

I just asked you to tell me why you hate me. How long do I have to listen to this? Of course, it is something that can be used for wasting the time. At that time, Sophia seemed to notice that I was lost in thought. Then she pointed her finger at me and asked.

"Do you know what is it?"

"uh. . . . Well. . . . maybe, Is it luck or background?"

I don't think her intention asking me the question to find a detail answer, so I gave her a self will answer from the 21st century in Korea republic. Those who try hard can't beat those who enjoy, those who enjoy can't beat those who are lucky, and those who are lucky can't beat a hundred good person.

"Ha! This stupid bitch, but at least she can think, right?"

Huh? is that the right answer?

"That's right. Luck, background, or bloodline. I'm much better than you but I'm just your maid. You are so dumber and useless than me, but you're lucky enough to be a daughter of a count family."

"There's nothing i can do since i was born like this, right?"

"No. You were supposed to be abandoned in the first place. You're an illegitimate child and an orphan."

". . . . What?"

I asked her again, if I heard it wrong.

"Oh, by the way, you didn't know that, did you? your mother is Count Riegelhoff's dead sister, and she don't even know who your father is."

Sophia had a very pleasant expression on her face as if she thought I was mentally shocked when i found out about that cruel fact. But I was so relieved to know a little about the reason why that family abused Edith.

'Then she not a illegitimate child of Count Riegelhoff, but his younger sister child. So that mean, i can treat them like a stranger.'

So that's the reason why he always say 'family grace' to me. In their eyes, they only doing a favor to that person who could bring 'family shame' that should be abandoned in the first place. But instead of abandoning her, they took her in and registered her name into Riegelhoff family. Anyway, there was nothing good for Sophia to know that I was fine. So i trying my best to make a shocked expression look on my face.

"Th-Then. . . . Do you meant that the reason why my father and my brother treat me that way. Also that is why my mother didn't care about me. . . . It's because of that?"

"You shouldn't blame the master and Shane. They are the ones who took you in and made you the Count's daughter, when you should have been abandoned in an orphanage. The reason you were beaten was simply because you were incompetent. Do you understand?"

"I've been beaten since I wasn't even five or six years old! What kind of ability does he expect from such a child?"

"That time, it might probably because he was thinking of your mother who died after giving birth to you."

Sophia laughed like she was having fun. Then, she suddenly hardened her face, and the air around her become different than usual. That makes me wonder if Sophia has lost her mind.

"If i were Count's daughter, i would benefit Count Riegelhoff's family even more. Much more than you, who couldn't even understand their goals."

"It wasn't my decision to be registered as a Count Riegelhoff daughter. Just because of that reason, I deserve to be hated? It's not even my fault!"

When those words come out on my mouth. Sophia who been looking down at me coldly, slapped my cheeks so hard. She hit her so hard that the corsage on her head fell off on the floor.

"If you were so competent, it's impossible for me to think like this, right?"

I laughed in vain as I turned my head facing her again.

"Don't talk nonsense, you know it's so funny. If you feel that way, there's no reason for you to hate Lizzy right? I know you just need something to vent your anger at the things you couldn't have, did you? Why are you rationalizing now?"

Sophia gritted her teeth, unable to believe she had been caught for hating Lizzy.

"You and that woman, both of you deserve to be hated, for sitting on a position that doesn't even worthy for someone like you who is born from filthy body wench!"

Again, i could feel the pain rise up on my cheek. I think my nose bleeding too because i can feel something like liquid running down through my nose and i could taste blood on my mouth. Perhaps it's because her cheek has been slapped several times in the same place by Sophia.

'Damn it, Let's take turns hitting each other.'

My ears become deaf, my tears flowed and i lost my mind for a while. However, I could feel that she going to hit me harder than before now. As if that wasn't enough, Sophia rolled up her hand and she picked up, the horse's short whips.

"A bitch like her doesn't suit Shane. She's just a whore who lured men with her beauty face. . . . !"

"Then. . . . who the person suitable for him?"

I lifted my soaked eyelashes with tears and asked her again with in a hoarse voice.

"You know the noble woman very well. Will you accept if any of them becomes Shane's bride?"

Sophia's hand shook as she held the horse whip.

"If it's hard to choose one, call a candidate."

"Shut up!"

The horse whips that She swing making a whistled noise and hit my forearm. It really painful but i just gritted my teeth. If i screamed in pain and stop talking here, from then on, i might just be beaten without a stopping.

"There's no way you can answer that. Isn't it? That's what love is, No matter how ugly you are, you don't want to see someone take the person you love away from you right?"

"I don't know what are you talking about. This bitch really. . . . "

"Don't you love Shane? Are you really sure, can you swear by yourself? Are you really willing if Shane belongs to another woman completely?"

Even though it was dark in that room, but i think i can felt Sophia's inner glow.