"You say useless things. My decision doesn't matter in such things."

"Have you ever made a confession? Anyway, Shane has been by your side for a long time."

"I'm not stupid enough would do something, that i already know how the outcome will be."

"Isn't love something that makes you happy, even if you only confess it to the person you love? Did you think that everything you can't get right away is worthless? It's really disappointing if you think so, Sophia."

It was just a story for wasting her time, but the more I talked about it, the more i felt hurt inside.

"Well. . . . I know It's not easy. I haven't even confessed yet either. I should do it before I die. . . ."

"That's bad, because you going to die here today so you couldn't fulfill your wish."

"Well. . . . anyway, you should confess to, at least once before you die. Because if you do that, you won't regret it later."

Killian illusion face keeps coming in front of my eyes. Starting from the day, he didn't show any expression on his face. But he looked at me with contempt in his eyes and felt disgusting about me. To the days when he looked cynical, to the days when he was angry with his ridiculous behavior. Also, the day where he started giving me a gentle smile. . . . .

'I should at least confess that i love him.'

However, I don't have courage, either. Because i know the original story, that why i always took a step back. Edith, in the original story, begging for his love, but she got rejected codly by him, so i assumed that he would do the same to me. But Killian now is no longer Killian in the original story. . . .

'If i gor rescued here,and meet Killian again. . . . let's confess then. Even if i got rejected by him, at least i told him about my feelings towards him, that alone is enough for me.'

In my previous life, i've been in a relationship a few times, but i never confessed my love. It's because they weren't men she loved, but she just needed them. It's a life where i'm just content that they like me, and i draw a line first because i don't know when their hearts will change. However, for the first time in my life, I want to confess my feelings to someone i love. 

"But don't you think it's better not to confess even if you have the chance?"

Sophia, who seemed to have regained her composure, smiled wryly.

"You're not mistaken that Killian Ludwig just being nice to you, are you? He's just playing you, didn't you know that?"

". . . . What?"

"He only drew the attention those around him, that he had treated Count Riegelhoff's daughter well. So, when the times came, he could fight the Riegelhoff family without being suspicious.

"Killian is not that kind of person! Of course, I don't expect him to love me. But. . . . "

"You've been fooled by him then. I didn't know that you became more idiot."

Sophia giggled and laughed. Heard her laughing like this, it was clearly that she wanted to hurt my me.

"We've already done a background check. The person who used your billboard best is Killian Ludwig."

Sophia kicked her tongue as if she felt sorry for her.

"Well, he's handsome enough to be fooled, isn't he? What about the consequences of betraying your own family by losing to such a carnal desire? Do you like it?"

"No. Killian is. . . . "

"You haven't come to your senses yet. You know, you always come to your senses when you get beaten."

And suddenly the whip hit me again. With a 'crack' noice my other forearm shaking.


I screamed without realizing it, but before the pain goes away, Sophia started swinging the horse whip again and hit me with it again.


"If you hadn't betrayed me, Shane wouldn't have been in so much trouble!"

With an unimaginable sound, the burning pain between my thighs and forearms began to rose up.

'Cliff! Please come quickly!

I've never been so desperate to see Cliff like this. But now the situation is different. However, while I was thinking of Cliff, there was a commotion outside. I could hear something was breaking or people's footsteps rush like running, come from the ceiling of the room where i was locked up. And the door opened.

"Lady Sophia! We in trouble!"

She whipping me without stopped. Even though there's loud noise upstairs. But finally she stopped when someone opened the door. Sophia got so annoyed by the man who called her suddenly. She also threatened to hit the man. Perhaps, she was upset that she being interrupted when she was about to get excited.

"I already told you, don't call me unless it's something serious! What's going on?"

"They're attacking!"

"What? What you mean they?"

"Duke Ludwig knight."

Finally he arrived, I felt so relieved.

'It think my wishes and the timing were perfect this time. Thank god.'

While I was pondering such idle thoughts, i saw Sophia could barely contain her confuse expression.

"What are you talking about! how did they find this place?"

"I-I don't know about that!"

"Damn! What about Shane?"

"I-I don't know. I'm here to get you. . . . The other guy went to get Shane."

"We have to protect Shane! Hurry up!"

Sophia screamed and tried to follow him out, but suddenly she turned her head back and looked at me.

"There's nothing to be happy about, Edith, because you've only delayed your death a little. Wait me here. After I kill all those Ludwigs man, I will kill you too."

Then she hit my head so hard. A flash of light flashed before my eyes, but soon the darkness slowly covered the light.

* * *

Wellesley is a sparsely populated area. Although it is located on the outskirts of the capital. In the past, when those who loved country life style, appeared and hit the social circles. Some villas have been built there like a farmhouse design, but after the trend passed, the place became deserted and almost no people came and went through it. And the villa that Cliff looking at through the telescope also fimilar like it had been built in the old farmhouse fashion, and it also looked like it had been abandoned for a long time. However, the road in front of the villa that was supposed to be covered with leaves and bushes looked like it had been cleared like someone lived there.

"I guess they thought we couldn't find it because it is a relatively remote area."

"They are so confident."

Cliff resisted the urge to attack immediately. And waited all those scouts return there.

'I should have come to the capital a day earlier. . . .No, if only we had arrived an hour earlier. . . . .'

Cliff had blamed himself many times, that he should have come to the capital earlier. When we arrive at the mansion, He received a news that the Duchess, Lizzy and Edith has been kidnapped. Linan and some of the knights who went to rescue them missed the kidnappers, because they had more than the Duke Ludwig family knight. Even Linan was seriously injured and unconscious.

After heard that He immediately hired the informants, released them all over the capital, and waited. After 3 hours passed, I got a suspicious location report. He led his knights in the direction where they had gone, and he ended up coming to Wellesley area. Even if he couldn't do anything, what had already happened. but they have to rush to save her mother and Lizzy, before something happens to them. Although he couldn't do anything, what had already happened. But he need to rush, to save her mother and Lizzy, before something happened to them.

"The scout is back!"

Fortunately, the nimble and skilled knight was able to quickly assessed the enemy's situation and return without being captured.

"The building was look like it had 2 floors and an attic, and there were several people gathered inside the building. It looks like there are about 40 or 50 mercenaries."

"What about weapons?"

"Mostly a sword."

"Is there someone who looks like a knight?"

"There's nothing I've identified. We lost a lot of knights in the territorial war, so we couldn't afford to make it this far."

After confirming the enemy's strength, Cliff asked a question what he was most curious about.

"What is the situation of the hostages?"

"It seemed like they were locked in different rooms. But. . . . "

"What is it?"

"The movements of the Duchess and Miss Lizzy have been detected, but Miss Edith wa nowhere to be seen."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, because I could only seen the man who guarded the werehouse on the first floor come out there carring Miss Lizzy and the duchess. But none of them carried Miss Edith."

"As expected. . . ."

Cliff squeezed his fist.

"I didn't trust that woman from the start, she was always suspicious from the beginning. . . . "

He could felt his blood boil inside, but now wasn't the time to argue about it.

"Don't give them a chance to escape with the hostages. They might try to secure a retreat by threatening my mother or Lizzy's life. So above all, speed is the key."

Cliff choose one of the most talented and skillful Knights.

"You, go save my mother."

"I will risk my life to save the Duchess!"

"Thank you. Then I'll get Lizzy out."

Then he turned his head towards the knights around him.

"Be sure to start the raid five minutes after we leave."

"Yes sir!"

Cliff and the knights he brought together with him disguise themselves, they wore a black clothes similar to Shane's mercenary and used a hood to hide their faces.

"Let's go!"

Cliff ran quickly into the dark forest behind the villa, and the rest of the Knights behind him began to count the minutes nervously.

* * *

At that time, Shane was having fun looking at Lizzy, who finally in his hands.

"Don't do this. You will be punished."

Lizzy, who come to her senses right after Edith was dragged into basement, didn't scream or cry even though she was scared. Shane was excited when he saw her big blue eyes tremble a little.

"It's really beauty that you will never get bored even seen it many times."

Lizzy pushed her body further into the corner, when Shane smiled at her with a slightly creepy smile. But Shane looked at her with clam mind and continued speaking.

"It's was Ludwig family who stole the Duke title that my family was supposed to receive. So that means Cliff is just a lucky guy enough to became the Duke's successor. Everything he enjoyed was supposed to be mine. . . ."

The information that Count Riegelhoff had implanted in him, has been brainwashing him from a young age. Combined with Shane's inferiority complex, gives him a reason to rationalize all his misdeeds. And it created a little monster called 'Shane Riegelhoff'.

"Besides all of that, what I wanted the most is you. The most beautiful woman in the capital, Lizzy Sinclair."

Lizzy bowed and shook her head. In Shane's eyes, even that looked so lovely. 'Haha' he laughed.

"I love you, Lizzy."

Lizzy shook her head harder again.