Remembering the Past (Part 1)

POV Kaio (4 months ago)

The first thing I remember seeing when I woke up was going to buy lunch on my break from work, and soon after a very loud noise in which I felt more with my body than with my ears and soon after I was in the pavement on the other side of the street, seeing what was left of the store I was passing by. Not that I had much time to admire the damage the explosion caused, nor did I have time to think about what caused it, as soon after everything went black and the next thing I knew I was here.

Wherever it is here, maybe a waiting room for the next life or the judgment anteroom where they divide whether I'm going to one place or another (if you know what I mean). But if it was an anteroom, it would be the most impressive expression of minimalism, and that is just a boastful way of saying that there was nothing in this place, nothing, zero, there is no, in fact there were at least two "things", one was a kind of dividing the "sky" or ceiling of this place with the "floor" that seemed to be made of a small layer of water that rippled with my every movement, and a blue panel right in front of me, which gave me the only clue of what could be that place.

[Do you wish to proceed to the next lifetime?

Yes No]

Like, obviously I realized I was dead as soon as I opened my eyes here, the last memory I have before showing up here, is seeing a store blown up. There aren't so much more obvious ways to say 'You're dead'. But the fact that I have a choice to "proceed to the next existence", just like that, without any explanation of what this next existence is, because I still remember everything I lived before appearing here, what would happen if I chose the No, what would happen if I pressed Yes. I'm worrying too much and thinking too much about something that the overwhelming majority of people would just accept and be done with?. Maybe, but I've always been a person who takes things at my own pace (for better or worse), and that includes trying to get as much information as possible before making a decision. Responding to a question you may have after this huge monologue, yes I myself find it difficult to bear with that quality, the people who lived with me even deserve a medal for putting up with me for so long.

But anyway, I myself am aware that just staring at these options with a taxo-like face, in this endless white immensity, takes me nowhere, so like everyone else (or at least those who probably still have some desire to live for another time) that would be in this situation I obviously chose Yes, shortly after the panel showed another message.

[Congratulations on choosing best answer, preparing user transfer]

Best answer?, ok I'll be honest now I'm pretty curious what would have happened if I had chosen No, um, is this how Neil felt after taking the pill?. And with that unnecessary thought, everything around me started to glow a whitish blue from the screen, and then everything went black again.


When I regained consciousness again I found myself in what appeared to be a small stone room, the size of a supply room, with no fixtures of any kind, a door, a window, a hole, nothing. Okay, weird things to note, plus the fact that my schizophrenia is getting worse by the moment.

1: I can see everything around me including behind me, below me and above me.

2: I am in a totally dark stone room, pitch black, and yet I can see every bulge and hollow in the stones, walls, floor and ceiling, without any effort.

3: even though I'm fully aware that my mind is working, and that I can "move", I don't feel my body, and that's extremely scary.

Putting that aside, I have questions, what should I do, why did I end up here, and why am I not freaking out like "normal" should be. I thought with my arms over my head and...

'WAIT OH, I have arms since when?'

I thought looking at them, then I saw that they weren't exactly "arms", they were more like wisps of smoke coming out of "me".

'Oh yeah, that's another important thing, how do I look now?... That sounded a lot more conceited than I would have liked.'

Whatever it sounded like, right after that, my vision blurred for a moment and I was no longer in that stone room, but in another similar place where I "reincarnated" so to speak, only here instead of being white and with a "floor of water", this place was shaped like a dome with a pale blue "ceiling" and a very firm and white floor, in front of me something like a mirror appeared and I could see my "shape". ", to put it bluntly I was a ghost, that's the simplest way to describe it, a humanoid figure almost completely transparent and undulating like steam or incense smoke, faceless, legless and handsless.


'.....Seriously, this is my second existence?'

'Okay, let's be honest, I definitely wasn't a model of humanity, I spent a good part of my days in a bad mood, I tried to interact as little as possible, complained a lot to get things done, procrastinated, omitted information and so on. But I'm sure I wasn't bad enough to go from human to a... Smoke ghost?'

I thought and regretted looking at the reflection in the "mirror", of this place that..... Where is this again?

[Sync closed, full transfer of soul and consciousness to new design completed]


[Starting add-on system, activated dungeon core system, welcome new user]


YEAHHHHH, THANK MY GOD, or semi-onicent cosmic entity(ies), who either out of a whim or out of pure and utter boredom sent me here, (which honestly makes no difference) THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME THE CLASSIC OF CLASSICS IN REINCARNATION AND TRANSMIGRASION STORIES.

Okay okay, now that I know I'm not completely lost and aimless like a ghost of smoke, let's get back to normal and try to gather information.

[Confirmed intention of needing information. The core dungeon system is a system designed to create, maintain, support, and improve the core parts necessary to bring life and sustenance to dungeons.]

[The individual Kaio, has been analyzed and found fit for the role of dungeon core, however the lack of knowledge about the system is a considerable detriment, due to this the main functions of the system will be suspended until the individual passes through the initial stages of development. operation to learn how to generate and care for your future dungeon.]

[A system helper function will be active until these stages are finished, if the individual wants this function to be reactivated after the phases end, it may be available after the individual upgrades the dungeon to level 2.]

..... Right, what I understood from this was that basically I have to go through a kind of tutorial to learn how the system works, during that time the system will have a help function (like a virtual assistant) and after i pass these stages the system will release all functions and i will become de facto a dungeon core.

Great information obtained... so let's start now, I just needed to know a few things to feel a little more secure. Now that I have it, I'm going to do it as usual and just follow the flow as far as it goes.