Remembering the past (part 2)

POV Kaio

As soon as I thought about going ahead with the "tutorial", a new panel appeared, this one had 4 tabs at the top, 3 of which were gray and the only one was blue and therefore the only accessible one was the third tab, with the name of Missions.

[Tutorial mission 1: Complete the initial stages of the system.

Conditions: Unlock the Store, Management and Personal Information tabs.

Rewards: 100 MasP, 1 Monster Summon Ticket, 5 experience]

As I said, this was the only interface tab available, but I just had to think that the Personal Information tab, which was grayed out, was released, turning blue like the Missions tab. This essentially shows my stats, having 2 sub-tabs on the left side, these were named Avatar and Monsters/Loot, unsurprisingly blocked and grayed out, my stats showed that anyway.

[Name: Kaio

Race: dungeon (childish)

Level: 0

DP: 0

REP: 0

Floors: 0

Total area of ​​influence: 6 m² (1.5 x 2.0 m)

Exp: 0/350]

'....Ok I think I recognize some things from here but a quick explanation wouldn't hurt sir or ma'am system please?'

[Understood, the elements that the Kaio user recognizes are seeing correspond to the user's base stats in its base form as a dungeon core. Race, level, and experience are exactly what the user assumes them to be, with time and experience gained the user will grow and change the type of dungeon he is.]

'Okay, so far I'm following along as it's nothing out of the ordinary, but now can you answer the question I really want to know, without wanting to sound too demanding?'

[Understood, DP refers to Dungeon Points, which would be equivalent to the monetary system that the user used, this is acquired by converting REP, this being referred to Raw Energy Points.]

[REP, refers to the points gained by absorbing raw energy from various sources. Being the raw energy sources that the user has access to conversion are currently limited to solar energy and vital energy absorption. Essentially this element is responsible for generating both passive income and passive experience, although the conversion from REP to experience is only 0.01 per hour.]

'Definitely a bad conversion rate sounds like, but I think from a long-term point of view (very long-term actually), it's always better to have passive income when you don't have movement.'

[In fact.]

'But because this REP would also generate exp?, From what I understood in general this element would be an equivalent for a dungeon, what mana would be for living beings, right?'

[This is a valid consideration, but not entirely correct analogy.]

'Can you explain a little?'

[User Authority is not high enough for a complete answer, do you want an even incomplete one?]

From what you've seen of me so far, you already have an idea of ​​what I'm going to choose.

'Yes, please.'

[Understood, the mana which the user refers to as MP, is a source of energy generated by manipulating a small surplus part of soul energy, along with environmental energy and in some rare cases spiritual energy, although both are similar, mana and spiritual energy have difference from each other. It is possible for mana to be recovered autonomously with little or no external interference to do so, while REP is totally dependent on external factors such as the use of solar energy, which results in 1 REP per hour being converted simultaneously by 0.5 DP and 0.1 exp.]

'Right, I understood well. But just a comment, as this explanation may have been the incomplete one, I may not be the smartest but it seems pretty complete in my opinion.'

[The system has tried to keep the understanding of the element itself as close to themselves as possible, however the explanation of details would also involve an explanation of how the soul works, an explanation that the user does not yet have enough Authority to know.]

Why do I feel like this Authority that is not accessible to me, is going to be a pain in the ass, oh yeah, one other little thing.

'System, why don't you have an Authority element in the status?'

[ This element is defined by the system itself, based on the growth of the user and how well they are performing their role.]

'And what exactly would that role be?'

[Current user authority insufficient for explanation]

'I didn't say it, it was just me saying (or maybe thinking) that the problem already appears. Wouldn't there be any way I could know how much my Authority is, and have a sense of what I could know?'

[Yes, this is a function that can be unlocked when the user buys certain conditions.]

'And I guess my current Authority isn't enough to know what level it would be "unlocked" either, right?'

[This is a correct conclusion. Does the user have any further questions or wish to continue with the explanations of the other statuses and functions of the system?]

'You're right, it goes a long way from the line of reasoning, you can continue where you left off.'

[Understood, the Area of ​​Influence corresponds to the terrain in which the user can observe and interfere, it is also possible to exert this influence in a limited area outside the dungeon itself, being terrain equivalent to the current area of ​​​​the core in radius equal to the equivalent of the immediate area from the core.]

Hmm hmm, I don't understand anything.


[The current immediate area of ​​influence is 1.5 by 2.0 m, so a total area of ​​3 m², corresponding to the entire area of ​​this stone room, the total area of ​​influence is then added with another 3 m² in a circle from the previous 3 m², totaling 6 m²]

'Mathematics has never been my strong point so let's leave it at that and you explain it to me again when you need it how about that?'


Why do I feel an intense look of irritation, resignation and a little pity, it's just my impression right? right??!!

'Okay, I managed to understand (a tiny bit of) that the area of ​​influence is important, but what does the area of ​​influence itself mean?'

[Area of ​​Influence refers to areas within and, to a limited extent, outside the dungeon which the user has the right to interfere, including forcibly transporting individuals both into and out of the dungeon. The user can also interfere even with the weather in the immediate area, whereas in the total area you can forcibly transport individuals in the total area, although this consumes a huge amount of REP.]

Yeah, this is certainly very important, I better do my best to remember the math classes I had as a child so I can always have an idea of ​​how far I can interfere and how.

'Understood system, now what are those two icons on the left of the information interface?'

I reminded the system, that the status interface was not the only interface presented yet there were 2 more tabs, Avatar and Monsters/Loot, both were greyed out.

[Understood, the Avatar as the name suggests is a physical body that the user can create once several conditions are met. Monsters/Loot correspond to the areas in which the user can distribute the loot acquired when the monsters are eliminated, in which the user also has the count of monsters that the user has on each floor in addition to their type.]

'I understand, but now the question is how do I get monsters, my first thought is to buy them in the Store but it was still greyed out, so I'm not really sure.'

[The user is correct, the monsters are mainly acquired through purchases in the store, as well as traps, loot, environments for use on each floor, and even unique items that the core of ama.orra can use to upgrade it. Although it is also possible to acquire all these items through quests as well as DP and REP.]

'That's great, but how can I unlock the store so I can use it...?'

I barely finished thinking about how to open the store and it unlocked, leaving only the Management still greyed out.

'..... Okay, as I said, I'm not a genius, but even I realized that this "tutorial mission" is completely unnecessary, I just have to think hard about the tab it unlocks, why not unlock them all at once? time when the interface opened?'

[If this had been done, there would be a risk of the user not using the system correctly, which would waste time and resources.]

'And would that be too bad? It's not like I'm going to die for a while, well, I wouldn't die again.'

[Incorrect, the time the user can stay in this location is limited, if it exceeds a certain time this location will be buried, destroying the core of the dungeon and consequently eliminating the very existence of the user.]


'THAT'S WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN ME ABOUT THIS BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

[The user did not request information in this regard.]


All right, Kaio, take a breath, take a deep breath, inhale and exhale, inhale (even if you don't have a nose or lungs) calmly you're not dead yet (again) yet, there's still time.

'Okay, I calmed down, how much time do I have before this little room comes crashing down?'

[Based on the time since the user woke up, the time used for explanations so far, and the time to finish them, at least 210 hours, 33 minutes and 18 seconds.]

Ufffff, it made me break out in a really cold sweat and almost have a heart attack (although I don't have a heart in that shape), ok assuming my math isn't wrong that corresponds to just over 8 days, that's definitely enough time to run out the tutorial. Apart from this small attack, I can now continue with the itinerary and as such I turned my attention to the system interface, now on the 4th tab of the Store.

This one as well as Personal Information also had sub-tabs on the left side being these Monsters, Loot, Traps, Environments, Specials, Items and Skills. In this you can know that monsters are where you buy the monsters for the dungeon, traps the same, loot would be the items that they would leave after they were defeated, and environments would be the type that would be the floor of the dungeon, which could be a cave, forest, a tomb etc, but as for the other three I'm not really sure, system a little help here please.

[Understood, the user's assumption is correct regarding the 3 primary elements, these are essential for the functioning of any dungeon, the remaining 3 are a user quirk, the term Specials refers to unique Loot that normally no monster would drop, such as skills that the challenger can acquire after eliminating the monster.]

Hmm then specials would be surprise prizes with a low chance of getting it, the kind you would usually only get after beating an elite or rare type monster but applied to all monsters with a slightly higher chance of appearing in elites. At least that's how I understood it.

[Correct, Items would be items that the user would use in the dungeon itself or on the user itself, as additional components, these components having some specific function or just aesthetic effect. Skills would be skills that the user could buy from the store and could apply them to himself or to the monsters in the dungeon even though these most already have skills of their own or can acquire them over time or just like the challengers after experiencing very dangerous situations. ]

Interesting, so my monsters would also experience and improve just like me and my future challengers there instead of being something like drones that just follow orders. This is a little different but I can still handle it. Now the only thing missing is the second tab called Management, just like all the others as soon as I focused a little more on that tab it was released. Ok system explanation please.

[Understood, the Management tab as the name suggests is where the user will designate the areas where the monsters will roam, where the traps and chests are, in addition to the type of terrain and collection nodes that each floor will have, it is also This is where the user will designate the location of safe zones and additional breeding zones, and finally this is where the user will determine the promotion or extraction of energy collected from monsters.]

'Huh, what do you mean?, My monsters can adapt and learn skills, which is good, so they can win more and give me more energy and experience, but I can take their experience for me directly and turn it into energy? !, but what about all the effort they put in, everything is always reset, and they have to keep relearning and getting weaker and wouldn't that make things a little unbalanced?'

[No, monsters can learn new skills with time and practice, and improve their physical capabilities by leveling up like challengers. But different from them, the monsters are defined minimum and maximum levels for each floor, being in the first 1-10, meaning that there is no way for a monster to increase to be level 11 in the first floor but the additional experience that he receives can be used to promote it, it would have the level reset but it would be much stronger than the other monsters at a certain point and can be evolved.]

[However, the user can choose to consume the experience of the monsters directly, leaving them weaker and at a more acceptable level for novice challengers, the higher the level of the monster that has the experience consumed, the greater the amount of EnBP, thus having a more efficient mode. active way of getting DP than passively waiting for sunlight absorption when you have no challengers. Since even when the monsters prey on each other the user would still receive REP.]

I still have a few questions but I can put them to one side now as all the tabs have been unlocked meaning my first quest has been completed. And just as I finished that thought the quests tab spontaneously opened with this message.

[Tutorial mission 1: Completed

Received: 100 MasP, 1 Monster Summon Ticket, 5 experience.]