Remembering the past (part 3)

POV Kaio

[Tutorial mission 1 : Completed

Rewards: 5 experience, 100 DP, 1 summoning circle]

And just like that my first mission in another world as a dungeon core was over and then came.

[Tutorial Mission 2: Behold Your Power

Condition: Summon a monster, have it defeat a creature and reabsorb it

Rewards: 5 experience, 200 DP, 50 REP]

'What to do with now is pretty obvious, but how to do it is the question, remembering that my dungeon doesn't even exist yet, and my area of ​​influence is just this little stone room that is (quite literally) with its days numbered.'

[In this case, it is not necessary to establish the dungeon as the monster will be eliminated afterwards.]

The system said in my head, that seems kind of cruel don't you think.

[There's no need to worry, the monster used for the demonstration doesn't have any kind of ego. From the user's point of view it would be something like a robot with a specific function, once that function was fulfilled it would turn off.]

The ethics with robots still always made me a little apprehensive, but since in this case it would be a monster that I would have complete control over, that wouldn't be as bad, or it would be as bad!

Anyway, the important thing now is to finish the missions so I can (still don't know how) get out of this little room before I end up dead again. With that said, I went straight to the Monster tab and used 5 DP to create or summon the only monster available, the cliché of clichés in any fantasy work, that's right, the well known, loved and hated slime.

The slime I created was and wasn't like most fantasy slimes, these are usually round or with the central part more rounded with the bottom part being kinda slime-like and usually having a core showing, mine that I created it was a puddle of green goo that crawled across the floor, and it didn't have a core, it also didn't look like it could respond to any external stimulus, it just lay there like a puddle on the floor. But even so I could still feel a connection with him, I tried talking to him with my mind in any way but it didn't do anything, so I tried to focus on that connection and send the thought of "get up" to him, this time it works, but when i checked my status in the home tab, my REP had decreased.

[Name: Kaio

Race: dungeon (todle)

Level: 0

DP: 95

REP: 1

Floors: 0

Total area of ​​influence: 6 m² (1.5 x 2.0 m)

Exp: 5/350]

My REP would essentially be my mana that recovers every hour, I honestly took more time than expected with the tutorial explanation and that's why it took me two hours, that is 2 REP, but in the status it shows 1, so I wasted 1 mana, basically for nothing.

'System, explanation please?!'

[Understood, the wiser a monster is the easier it is to influence as long as it doesn't have a very tough mind. Conversely, if he has a very low level of sapience, at the level of an insect, it is more difficult to understand very complex commands, requiring the use of REP to compensate for the lack of mental activity.]

'Translated, the smarter a monster is, the better it understands what I want it to do, but if it's too smart it can go against my orders. But if he is (for lack of a better word) too dumb do I have to spend REP to do the "out of body" command and force him into his mind?!'


'Wow wonderful, now I have to wait what?, 1 whole day with a green puddle in front of me without being able to do anything?!'

[Not necessarily, just as the user can convert REP to DP, the reverse is also possible. Although the reverse conversion is less than the direct one.]

'Smaller by how much exactly?'

[1 DP equals 0.5 REP.]

Honestly I was already expecting this, it's not that bad, if it were with people they usually wouldn't even give you half of what you pay back, so I'll think positive about it. And being so.

'System how do I convert DP to REP?'

[Think of a line that connecting the DP with the REP, the conversion will happen automatically.]

I did as he said, soon after a window appeared saying.

[Converted 10 DP to 5 REP.]

Well that should be easier to manage with the slime, now the question is to find something to make the green puddle fight with. In this case I already have an idea but this one will inevitably need my patience, I'll just have to wait for something to pass by (a cockroach, a mouse, centipede, etc) and use my authority over the total area to bring it in front of the slime and give the fight order. Plans done, now is just wait.


2 days later

Nothing, zero, none, I don't think a single microorganism appeared (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛. I had 8 days until this room collapsed and I was goodbye my existence for good, now it's 6 and diminished, BECAUSE NOTHING APPEARS HERE!!!!!!!!!. Where am I near a volcano by any chance?!!!!!!!!!. No, wait and if I really am, it's checkmate in this case it isn't!!!!!!!!!!!.

'Hey, I'm fu*****, I'm fu***** I'm-'

Wait, what was that?, I'm feeling a bit strange, like when you have a fly on your foot or arm, it's not the same but it's almost like that. Concentrating on this sensation I finally see a ray of hope, right at the edge of my full influence reach I found what looked like a mouse or a shrew fighting a centipede, and he was losing, but that's not important I finally have fangs to finish with the mission. With that in mind, I use 2 EnBP to bring them both to my room very close to where the slime puddle was, the two bad animals seem to have noticed the change of place, still focused on the fight to see who would become dinner for whom. I'm really in doubt if I should send the slime to interfere in the middle and take the weakest and then the strongest, but I also think this is a good opportunity to know what happens when creatures die in my dungeon but not because of mine monsters or traps.

This time I just had to wait a bit, the centipede had already wrapped itself around the mouse's body and was not only suffocating him like a snake but also sticking its sharp paws into the poor guy's body it was very easy to see the blood coming out and the poor mouse who was still fighting, already losing strength and now struggling to breathe. The centipede seems to have felt sorry for the rodent and soon ended its suffering with a quick direct attack on its head. When he dropped dead a notification popped up.

[eliminated 1 Esqueritzse (parasitic death), +1 Exp, +1 REP, Title: Parasitic Dungeon]

Wow, there's something there that wasn't there before, I held back a lot to not ask for an explanation now, but I think it's more important to finish the tutorial once and for all (because I already lost 2 days). So I closed the notification and continued to see what the centipede would do. After killing the mouse instead of enjoying its prize, the centipede seems to have realized that it has suddenly changed its place, showing an auto intelligence crane to an insect (and certainly much more intelligence than my slime (TwT)), he looked around and faster than I expected he noticed the puddle of slime and slowly walked towards it, why he decided to do that instead of eating his prey like every living animal, I have no idea but the fact is that he did, and that's better for me.

I told the slime to get ready to eliminate whatever appeared near it for 20 REP (practically a whole day of passive gain), so once 4 sections of the centipede were on top of the slime examining it with its antennae, it moved faster than a snake's strike and wrapped 5 tentacles around the centipede and pulled it towards itself forming a ball with the centipede inside. One thing that is good to remember is that the slime is not just a puddle of slime on the floor, but a puddle of slime on the acidic floor, I would say that it would have a slightly lower acidity than hydrochloric acid, so it is not exactly weak, nor the monster itself, despite the fact that he literally has no brain, according to his status


Level 1

Race: slime

HP: 5/5

MP: 2/2

Strength: 3

Agility: 5

Defense: 2

Wisdom: 0

Skill: Digestion, Regeneration (1MP), Sticky Body, Acidic Body]

The poor centipede tried to get out anyway but apparently it couldn't swim and even if it did, the slime still held it inside itself and if it was close to leaving it would spin around and bewildered it. The... for lack of a better word, the unfortunate insect's torture lasted for at least 4 minutes until it finally died and was absorbed by the slime, with which several notifications came.

[eliminated 1 Ecterocterne, +3 Exp, +3 REP]

[Tutorial mission 2: Completed

Reward: 5 experience, 200 DP, 50 REP]

[It is possible to absorb the remains of victims, wish to do so!]

'Hum, so I have a way to leave my dungeon, in this case my body(?), always clean, yes it can absorb it.'

[Absorbed Esqueritzse, +5 DP]

[Tutorial mission (final): The true beginning

Condition: Find a place to permanently establish your dungeon

Reward: 20 experience, 500 DP, 300 REP, Customization kit]

'That's it, I have no idea how to complete it, even more so because it would mean leaving here, something I don't know how to do.'

[Now that the user has reached the final part of the initial stages, he is allowed free movement to find a suitable location to establish the dungeon.]

'Wait, that easy, no distance restriction, or spending DP or REP to move, just unlimited free movement until I find a place for the dungeon?!'

[Correct, the user should only be careful as the time the starting room will remain intact is limited and the location of the dungeon must be close to a settlement of sentient beings and sapiences.]

Well that's pretty obvious, anyway now I'm going to get out of here and start looking. Following what I already understood about how the system works, I just need to concentrate and...

When I realized I was already outside, there is open sky and right in front of me was a mountain range.

'No wonder it took two days for anything to show up. In fact, considering the size of this place, I think I might consider myself lucky that it only took 2 days for something to show up.'

Well now I just have to find a place for the dungeon in a little less than 6 days, it shouldn't be too hard right? (Because I feel like I shouldn't have thought that either.)
