Remembering the past (part final)

POV Kaio

5 days and 10 hours later


'Not a word. I'm fully aware that I myself will jinx myself with that damn sentence. But come on me having died and coming to another world as a core of but die, what were the chances of all the pop culture clichés actually happening!!!!'


'It was a rhetorical question, I prefer not to know, so unless you found a place to be the dungeon, please don't say anything, please!!'

I now only have a few hours before things get well... complicated. Honestly, I even found some creatures that would even fit the kind of relaxed system requirements, but I kind of have a certain aversion to them, and I'm not being racist or anything. I found at least 3 creatures that appeared to be sapiences and sentients. But I doubt very much that they would have any interest in going into a dungeon, for the simple reason that they, in my view, would have the same level of intelligence as primates.

Literally, one of them looked like a gorilla bigger than it should have been, and I say looked because it had 3 eyes (one where the nose would normally be), 3 small horns on its head, and 5 arms that ended in very sharp claws, and no you didn't read that wrong they had 5 arms, at least 4 of the arms were in expected places the fifth looks like it had developed from a tail and they seemed to have a slight tendency to cannibalism which i don't exactly consider a virtue.

Another creature was kind of like a cyclops but they were generally 4 meters tall being the smallest of the adults (or what I think was adults) they were 3.6 meters tall having a kaleidoscope of colors between them and having only hands that literally looked like spiders, these creatures fortunately weren't cannibals and had a level of culture a little above that of cavemen, but they seemed to have a religion or belief in a dark being that required them to practice sacrifices, both of prey and of themselves including babies, which I consider as repulsive as cannibalism (I may be being a bit racist, in this case yes, but sorry, I will not go back on this issue).

And finally the creature that has given me more chills than any other creature so far, as I was flying around looking for a good link to place the dungeon near individuals I would consider acceptable, I found what appeared to be a group of 3 wolves that were chasing a deer, and this one I'm sure was a deer, these wolves were gray but the fur was more of a light blue tone with tentacles coming out of the back. These tentacles had needles that seemed to be made of dark blue crystals, you can imagine what they did with these tentacles with that right? them (because I feel like you would have thought differently <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>).

But anyway, as they were chasing the deer, one of them suddenly disappeared but the others didn't even persevere shortly after a mist appeared in the area around them without explanation and the deer they were chasing disappeared too, when they stopped and looked around they and I heard what it seemed to be a howl of pain or terror from the one that was gone followed soon after by another only different one, probably from the deer or some other unfortunate creature trapped in this fog, looking down from above I could see a shadow creeping slowly towards the wolves, she was a little smaller than those Cyclopes but she seemed fuller than them. When she was a few meters away from them she disappeared and from the place where she was the severed head of the first wolf appeared, usually when an animal sees members of its pack being killed in front of it they usually become more furious and alert, not these two wolves, I saw that they were afraid, not that I could be blamed I, who am in an incorporeal form, was still quite apprehensive about what would happen next, I didn't have to wait for anything the shadow appeared again right in front of the wolves, it looked like a lizard from 12 feet long, with a lion-like mane of a dark brown and black coloration, missing the hind legs and having a matching tail instead is a tadpole with the front legs more developed than necessary. But the worst was the face, it was a skull, I don't mean that the scales on his face looked like one or that he had a skull over his face, his face itself was a skull that instead of saliva dripped what looked like be a pale blue fire in liquid form.

What happened next with the wolves and that thing... I prefer not to remember exactly what happened to them or what was left, or the fact that I had the distinct feeling that that thing managed to look right at me. Urgh, forget it Kaio, get it out of your memory, let it go, that bug can't get you (or so I want to believe). Anyway, at least after that, I headed in the direction the wolves came to get as far away from that thing as possible and a little while later I finally managed to find more human-like tracks, following them a little longer I finally managed to find one. human accent or as human-like as this place would have.

Uffff, I finally found a good place, a small village very much like the initial village in games, I can say right away that despite being a small place it has a good number of people, the residents seem to be human. Alright I'm going to put my dungeon close by, hmm I think there's a clearing further up the river, just flying a little further and I found exactly the perfect place near a hill there is what I would say about 5 kilometers from the village.

'System I want to set this place as my dungeon.'

[User is sure of this location, once established the dungeon cannot be moved again.]

Hmm, there is a risk, but I have a more imminent risk now, so since I'm already a little desperate, yes, I'm sure.

[Understood, confirming location. Starting core deployment, freeing dungeon.]

As soon as the system started to "create" the dungeon, my core appeared in the middle of the clearing and began to glow, as bright as the room when I was reborn. A few moments later a small cave with a completely dark entrance appeared, soon after came the notifications.

[Tutorial quest (final): Completed

Rewards: 20 Experience, 500 DP, 300 REP, Customization Kit]

[Initial stages completed. Congratulations to the user for fully integrating with the Dungeon Core System. The helper function will exit shortly, some last inquiry before the function exits.]

'Damn that was quick, but not unexpected, well done 2 quick explanations, what is the title part for and where is it, how and why use the customization kit?'

[Understood, titles are unlocked randomly and they offer perks when activated, titles can only be viewed and activated when the user or challengers earn them, until then just like Authority they are considered an obscure status for the user.]

[The customization kit as the name suggests is an exclusive use item for the dungeon, it allows you to add additional components that would otherwise be incompatible with the floor in question. Example; if the user wanted to create an oasis in a desert, but could exchange water for magma and still have plants growing and developing normally. If it is used in the creation of the floor, it can offer the addition of special nodes, different traps, special and unique rewards, secret wings and special monsters.]

'Got it, thanks for all the help so far system, once I have the necessary MasP and EnBP I will definitely activate the help function again and better be prepared because I will definitely have a lot of questions.'

[I just fulfilled my obligation to help, but I wish the user good luck until then. And if the user allows it, it would be recommended to use the customization kit to have a different Dungeon entrance.]

'But from what you said, wouldn't it be better to use it when I made the first floor?'

[The customization kit is also available for purchase in the Store, so if the user wants to later, they can do it, although the system warns otherwise, as this way the first floor can become saturated and scare off new challengers.]

'Well it makes sense, very well can use the system kit.'


Soon after the customization kit disappeared from the items tab and a tab for choices appeared, it had different types of entrances, like a abandoned mansion, a mountain with a waterfall, a lonely door in the middle of nowhere, a stone ruin similar to Stonehenge , a Gothic cathedral, etc. As a way of honoring my origins in my ancient world, I chose to place the entrance as a Mayan temple half buried in the plain with the transport circle placed at the very end of the entrance chamber near an altar and the entrance to two other chambers. , also near the staircase that would lead down, in the open area before reaching it I created murals depicting battles and monsters that hopefully I will be able to place on the lower floors. With everything finished I was ready to start creating the first floor of the dungeon when I saw that the kit would also let me assign a name to the dungeon.

'Hey system, is giving a name to the dungeon mandatory?'

[No, but considering the dungeon would essentially be you what name would you like to be known by?]

Hmm this is a bit of a complicated question, calling the dungeon Kaio makes no sense, it's neither threatening, grandiose nor in the least interesting, but I wouldn't want to be seen as just a dungeon either. That's considering this world has the concept of dungeons as a place to fight monsters…. Oh I've never been good with names anyway so for now let's leave it open until we have an idea of ​​how the people of this world will react to me and I to them, yes that sounds like a good solution.

[Understood user, help function closed, good luck.]

And with that, the feeling that I had in my head when the system spoke disappeared, and with that I was practically alone, in a strange world with a new body and with a somewhat ambiguous objective, but that, whether I like it or not, I will have to get used to it and try to make the best of it. Let's survive and find out more about this place!!!!