Before and After

POV Kaio (present)

The past me was half right, the first few months there wasn't much, the only interesting things that happened was the fact that I had visitors literally right after I finished tidying up the first floor (literally) and the another was to observe how a certain group from the village or nearby village managed to do against a small mixed group of monsters. Other than that, the hardest thing was enduring an overwhelming boredom, I've read in novels and mangas of characters who manage to stand being alone for months or even years, just with their thoughts. I honestly have no idea how they manage to endure it, I'm sure I almost went crazy several times, I only kept my sanity because of Grumpy, and the system that I reactivated the assist function when I leveled up, oh yeah, Grumpy is the hobgoblin boss that has the function of being the final boss of the first floor and one of the only monsters that, in addition to understanding what I say, can also communicate back.

I'll clarify one thing, my goblins are very generic but not necessarily horrible as my challengers or visitors (there is a difference between them) make it seem, I would say that as they fight to save their own lives, fear creates a kind of filter that leaves they're uglier, but I consider them pretty common, like dogs (it's a pretty rude thing to say but it's for the best). Anyway, the fact is that even with the boredom, my ability to get DP and REP constantly is quite good, the experience +|-, but in general good, so much so that I'm already at level 2 and almost at 3. Oh that's it I remember, that was my status before I started fixing my first floor.

[Name: Kai

Race: dungeon (child)

Level: 0

DP: 790

REP: 386

Floors: 1 (+entrance)

Total catchment area: 10 Acres (40468.56 m²)

Exp: 34/350]

It's still level zero but only a week later I became level 1, but the really important thing is the fact that it went from 6 m² to 10 acres, so far I don't understand how the system calculates the area of ​​the dungeon, but that's one of the things that I say: Who cares, more territory, more things for me to do and not go crazy with boredom. But now it's like this.

[Name: Kai

Race: Dungeon (Ascending)

Level 2

DP: 300

REP: 200

Floors: 2

Unique Monsters: 2

Total Area of ​​Influence: 50 Acres (1st Floor), 100 Acres (2nd Floor)

Exp: 600\2500]

Ok, I think I exaggerated when I said that I was almost reaching level 3, but I'm still pretty proud of myself. If you're wondering why (which you probably aren't but I don't care), it's simple in the beginning I had 10 Acres of land so no even though I had good land to work with it was still kind of tight, the first few weeks I was only able to buy 2 spawners in the store, 1 for wolves and another for goblins (1 was a small cave and the second was a twig hut) and a few more single monsters to not leave things too empty. In fact, I think it's easier to show than to say, with that in mind let's go to the monsters/loot sub-tab, it shows the monsters I bought and where I put them, in addition to the loot drop percentages, this was like the things stayed after I finished setting things up on the first floor.

[Monsters 1 Floor: 1 great gray wolf den (spawner, max 30), 15 acid slimes (green), 5 green corrosive pythons, 10 screaming monkeys, 1 goblin nest (spawner, max 30), 5 jungle hobgoblins]

Ok quick explanation, a spawner is a building that passively offers me new monsters every day until it reaches the maximum, I can even increase the level of the spawner which would increase the limit and give me stronger monsters, but I was still at level 0, that's all It's already enough to make the terrain a little tight, not to mention the normal animals that served as food for them and as game for the challengers. One thing that has to be made clear is that monsters from spawners are always a little weaker than those bought directly, look at the difference.

[Race: Jungle Goblin

Level 1

Hp: 10/10

MP: 5/5

Damage: 3 (+2)

Defense: 3

Agility: 3.5

Wisdom: 2

Abilities: Night Vision, Call Allies (1 MP), Heavy Strike (2 MP), Digestion, Run (1 MP)]

Honestly I was even surprised that a goblin has less speed than a slime, but after seeing the speed with which he attacks it makes sense, these would be the stat of a goblin coming from the spawner, while this is the stat of a goblin "alone" .

[Race: Jungle Goblin

Level 1

HP: 12/12

MP: 7/7

Damage: 5 (+3)

Defense: 4.5

Agility: 4

Wisdom: 2

Abilities: Night Vision, Call Allies (1 MP), Heavy Strike (2 MP), Digestion, Dash (1 MP), Intimidate (1 MP)]

Brains are certainly not a trait of goblins of any kind, not until they become hobgoblins but that's to be expected.

Anyway, you can already have an idea of ​​how things have changed, there is one thing that I was really proud of was not having spent anything on traps, I used the slimes themselves as walking traps, it was a pretty good idea if I can afford it praise a little and another was how I left the safe zone. It's basically a vacation cabin on a lake, not too big and not too small, if you ignore the fact that it's in a dungeon it would be a great place for a weekend of fishing, including a stove that lights up with magic power or wood , sink that works the same way and even a refrigerator, a fireplace to snuggle in and beds that are always clean, no matter how much you bleed the next day they will be white and comfortable with a smell of mint (too bad people gave world or at least in that area don't know what mint is and call the smell simply "the refreshing scent of the mystery hut").

One thing that amazes me is that even after 4 months at the end it has gone to the second floor so far (I already said that, I feel like I said it, well it doesn't matter that's really important to me), I really want them to go to next floor, only then will I be able to create 3 and I already have some ideas on how to do it. But not only for that, I also want to see their reaction to the difference between the first and second floors. Kukukuku, seriously I'm very anxious, so BECAUSE NOBODY GOES TO THE NEXT FLOOR AT ONCE, that week-long expedition already released after that knight gave his life to beat Grumpy, don't let his sacrifice be in vain, what's my problem people!!!!!!!!


P.O.V. 3 person

While Kaio spent time lamenting, time bragging to himself or to an invisible audience, a distinct group of individuals arrived near the dungeon entrance. It should be noted that although Kaio can perceive everything that happens in the dungeon and can "see" practically everything that happens in the full area of ​​influence, he only knows what happens when he pays attention, like when an ant walks on his foot, you can having a slight sensation but when you pay attention you see it passing by. As he was busy remembering the past and imagining what the future would be like, he ended up not noticing the group arriving, only when they were already climbing the steps to the entrance.

'Um, oh look it arrived, they took a little longer than last time. From what I remember they were with the expedition a few weeks ago right Sys?'

[Correct, I believe they were taken to the capital or a city with the ability to take their testimony regarding the incidents of that expedition, and therefore they were delayed.]

'It makes sense, I hope the old man is recovering well he's pretty much done from what I remember, and I also hope Connor isn't blaming himself for what happened. Seriously, this kid has a lot of isekai protagonist skills.'

[I believe this is inevitable Kaio, in his mind he must believe that those people died because he either gave inadequate information or they discovered you in the first place.]

'Oh, very direct, but I can't deny it either. I kind of feel bad, but it was still a necessary act.'

[Yes indeed.]

'As always direct.'

While Kaio and his system, which he nicknamed Sys (I had already warned him that I wasn't good with names and nicknames), were talking, the group entered the entrance, about 4 were talking in a still lively way but the room was silent and a little crestfallen looking at the murals now showing apprehension, now showing anger, sadness and a kind of guilty animation.

-I hope we manage to get to the hut, I heard that if you read the tomes there, the chances of you being able to understand more of the techniques increase. Said a young man with dark brown hair, carrying a polished iron shield that covered most of his back along with a short sword.

-I heard that too, but I would say that things are better prepared there, it seems that the taste is even better when made there. Said a young woman who had just stopped being a girl with pigtails in her emerald hair, carrying a spear bigger than her.

-Yes, yes, the animals from that place out there just taste better than the normal ones, but made in the lake cabin they are even better, it doesn't matter if you only know how to burn the meat like you little brother. Joked, albeit a little seriously, another young man almost identical to the first only with lighter hair and carrying a large sword and no shield.

-There's room for Kravar, Max. The first one almost shouted, for his twin brothers, the only differences between them were the shades of hair, disposition to fight and the names. The dark-haired and "young" one was called Mavak and the light-haired and older one was called Maxuel.

-And you Connor, excited for what?. Asked the one who would be the oldest of the group, albeit slightly, a young woman with dark hair with a polished wooden stick, for the young man with his head down.

-Hein, well yes, with some things. He replied a little flustered still lost in his own thoughts. "I have to concentrate I have to help them get out without any problems, it's the least I can and must do for them after they helped me" he thought definitively.