How This Works ?

POV 3 Person

As the group talked, the core consciousness of the dungeon had finally done with remembering the past, and paid attention to this group, who had everything to be the main group of heroes in manga and classic novel, except for the fact that none of them had a mage or cleric.

'I bet they thought the last one was a mage because she was using a wooden staff, right? But sorry so far some mages seem to have been interested in my dungeon, only a few appear and very low level, in that campaign from a while ago that I will still talk about, when I feel like it.'

Kaio thought looking at the group and talking to no one in particular, usually to himself to remember some things since he had nowhere to write things down, even if the system helped he was very passive and unless he considered it important he wouldn't go remind you of a few things.

The group then arrived at the end of the stairs and inside the temple, while walking at least 4 they couldn't help but look at a niche right at the entrance where there was a mural with very detailed drawings of small green monsters, four-legged beasts similar to monsters who often attacked farm animals, what appeared to be huge sipes with golden eyes among other creatures they had never seen. But the fifth member, Connor, already knew these creatures, they were the ones who lived in the strange and familiar world below or, as the old wizards had said before, who lived in another world and this temple served as a passage. Not that they had all that much time to research and prove this theory, since they themselves didn't have as much knowledge as one would expect from a magician and because they died the next day, after having discussed it with their master and those in charge by the exploit campaign weeks ago.

They had also speculated that the temple would have some spell that placed the images of the creatures every time they were defeated as a kind of merit award and warning to whoever else went to this unknown kingdom, so small, so dangerous and so fascinating. And that was why, even after seeing and living through a literal massacre a few weeks ago, Connor still came back to this place. After all, even though this place had killed a lot of people (and had literally just killed more) it also gave just as much, the entire forest was full of animals that gave food as well as strange fruits, not to mention the various herbs that had miraculous effects, as good as or even more than the mythical potions of the big cities that the alchemy guilds produced and charged even the least effect, in gold.

These were the easiest material gains to get, because in addition to these it was also possible to get even garments or even weapons if you were brave (or foolish), and smart enough to trust yourself to defeat the green demons. It was even possible to achieve non-material gains, as the first times Connor and his master had come here (still keeping it a secret since they didn't know if this place was safe for the villagers) they felt their bodies fill with energy, their senses sharpen and your fatigue from hunting the furry four-legged creature will go away. He still managed to feel that feeling a few more times when he came to this place with his master, he even thought it was his imagination but his master assured that he himself had felt that feeling before, even before coming to this place. His master had told him that this feeling was the same as when knights managed to reach a milestone of power known simply as Elevation, which only happened to the most dedicated and disciplined (and with a considerable degree of luck) knights or mages in the world all could reach, his master only knew that because he himself, when much younger, was a low rank knight. But left that life behind when he realized he couldn't go up more than 2 rank and re-trained himself as a hunter until he reached his village a few years before Connor was born.

How the monsters they faced disappeared and left some things behind and even increased their lifting capabilities when only training, meditations and specific and highly protected potions should be able to do that, how animals that shouldn't exist existed and lived in this strange place , how could plants with miraculous effects exist in a place that just came out of nowhere?! No one knew, the mages that were part of the exploration campaign (as well as their master in the past) were low rank, the highest auto rank he had in exploration merely of 4 rank, even if they compensated for their lack of power with knowledge, still not it was enough for them to survive that day's list.

-Hey Connor, have you been here before, do you have any ideas what these things are?- Maxuel asked.

After being called by the slightly older boy, Connor snapped out of the brooding state he'd slipped into by unknowingly looking at the images of the monsters.

-Uh ah, yes I know they are the monsters that appear in the jungle, they are all good at hiding in the environment, especially the one that looks like a huge green worm and the green demons, they are even more dangerous because they walk in groups and can place traps in unexpected places. There's also gotta pay attention to those gelatinous green things they burn when you touch and also—

-Wow calm down there man, speak slower and breathe while you talk too, you look like you're going to pass out with your face that red! - Mavak almost shouted at his new friend.

-Oh, I'm sorry about that, it's just…

-Yes, we know, we have to be careful, we haven't forgotten what you and the village leaders warned about this place. But you also have to trust us a little, of course we are not knights, but we still have a little expedition in fights, that's why they also let us come here remember? - Said the young woman with the emerald hair and pigtails, Anna.

-Yes, that's true, but also remember that several people stronger and much more experienced than us have already been here, and have not returned so it would be better that you also understand the care that Connor is taking. - Remembered Cali, the one carrying a wooden staff.

-We know, the point is not to do too much damage like the impatient old men did and everything will be fine. That's what I understood at least, I may not be the brightest but. I certainly know how to tell when an adult does what they shouldn't. - Maxuel said with unshakable certainty and a certain dozen of anger.

-No disrespect to your master Connor! - Quickly added the brother

-Oh yes, that's right. - Added somewhat embarrassed by the friend they made in a few weeks

-It's okay, my master tried to warn that it would be a bad idea, but they didn't listen and that's how things turned out. At least he managed to get out, only badly wounded.

An uncomfortable silence fell over the group. Until they saw a woman coming out of one of the deepest rooms of the temple and sitting at a table neither near nor far from the magic circle in an alcove on the right side of the temple. Connor recognized the woman as Kamila, one of the members of the village who was assigned as the staff in charge of the temple, these were split between reception, storage and first-aid staff, Kamila was responsible for both explaining what had been discovered about the temple, the jungle of the other world and its "inhabitants", how much for helping to move the wounded to the "healing ward". Because she was left with a double responsibility, simple, because she is one of the smartest in the village and the only one (besides Connor's master) who had rank 2 knight strength.

Seeing her come out of the hallway that led deeper into the temple, Connor quickly concluded that someone must be badly injured or extremely exhausted and he worried that it was something he knew, which it probably was, as everyone in the village knew each other. Anyway, he still had the notion that everyone lives at their own risk even when they come to this place.

-Hello Connor didn't know you were back, how is Diem after everything that happened.- Asked the older woman looking at the group

-Hello Kamila, I came back a little while ago, I came to show my friends Maxuel, Mavak, Cali and Anna de Elbor how we understand the Ordeal.