The End of The First Fight

POV Connor


  As expected, the demon repelled the arrow with his saber but the beast only managed to divert its head a little, causing the arrow to hit its snout. It seems like he didn't expect to actually be hurt by my arrow, not that I blame him. Generally my arrows are polished branches with stone tips, but these are polished oak arrows with steel tips, much tougher, heavier, stronger and with much more penetration capacity, even against the monster's leather and thick hair. Thanks to this, Mav had time to move away and try a new attack, while the monster tried to take the arrow out of the sweetie, the demon predictably repelled the attack, but was unable to stop the cut that Max made on one of the beast's back legs with his sword. short sword.

  I didn't miss the chance and took 3 arrows and fired them in quick succession, he managed to repel one, dodge another but I managed to hit him in the shoulder with the last one. Although the green demon's strong muscles prevented the arrow from going in as deep as I would have liked, it was enough to momentarily incapacitate him, enough time for the twins to go after the beast who had already managed to remove the arrow from its snout.

  Soon 3 other creatures appeared from the left and headed towards the girls. Cali prepared herself with the baton in a rising position, when the beast in front jumped towards them, Cali swung the baton much faster than I thought possible on the side of the monster's head, sending it backwards and leaving it exposed for the other two. However, before they could do anything, I fired three more quick shots and hit the eye, ear and paw of the monster coming from the right, while the monster on the left was sent back with a strong thrust from Anna, who then went after it, giving it a cutting from the bottom up and back to the starting position faster than I thought anyone her age could do.

'I think I slightly underestimated the training that order aspirants receive, especially when they have access to more expensive resources.'

  But I can't just stand there and watch, as soon as I took the next arrow I felt as if the heat from my body passed to the bow and concentrated on the tip of the arrow, I drew it much more easily, quickly and fluidly than before. When I released it, the arrow shone with a small white light at the tip and hit straight into the eye of the monster that Cali had hit the first time and went so deep into the skull that the tip came out the other side, the beast gave a loud howl and deafening sound before falling limp.

With the death of the first monster, the others seem to have been momentarily confused by what happened, including the biggest beast with the green demon, and we didn't miss this opportunity. Cali went towards the monster that Anna had hit and she in turn towards the monster that I had hit, right at the moment when her spear was about to hit the creature, the monster managed to free itself from the arrow that had asked for its paw on the ground and then retreated only to return with a blow from the injured paw, almost as if in revenge. Anna managed to reposition her spear moments before the paw hit her, she was pushed much further back than the twins and unlike her, she ended up with a nasty cut on her shoulder.

—ANNA!!!!. — Cali shouted, the monster she was fighting took advantage of the opportunity to attack with its teeth, which almost missed her shoulder due to the speed with which she turned her body with the stick, but in doing so she ended up losing its grip, causing it to As soon as it flew out of his hands, the monster realized this and almost seemed to laugh. However, this was short-lived, as soon as Cali was next to the large gray and hairy body, she closed her hands, pulled her arm back and, turning her body, threw an extremely strong punch at the monster. Naturally, the bad monster should feel this desperate attempt. That was if that was one of them, but all of these movements had been imbued with Energy, (or as she insists I call it, Aeter), result? The monster flew even further than with Anna's staff or spear attack.

  In the meantime, Anna and I didn't stand still, she moved away a little, placing the spear in front of her in a rising position, and before the monster could jump to take a bite from her, I sent 2 more arrows towards him. Having learned his lesson the monster wisely dodged them, I imagine the same trick wouldn't work twice, so it's time to pull off a new one. Taking a deep breath and letting the air out, I feel the same value passing over my body like a thin blanket and soon the monster that was previously looking at me apprehensively suddenly became confused and looked from side to side in my direction, as if he couldn't see me.

  After all, he really couldn't, but he still smelled me, he knew I was here but he didn't understand how he couldn't see me, and these moments of stillness proved fatal for him, as well as for his friend who was still being the target of the strong and intense attacks. Cali's merciless attacks (who seemed to be taking out her anger at Anna's injury on her opponent, I can't help but feel a little bad for the creature). With the creature distracted, Anna went for it with a short, quick cut towards the injured eye, this yielded a not so shallow but still not deep enough wound on the top of one of the front paws, and moving away before he could slash. 

  Soon forgetting about me and focusing on the most obvious threat, the creature headed towards Anna as fast as it could with its injured paw. But much slower than before, I then aimed with maximum concentration towards the creature's head, just like last time I felt the heat leaving my body and spreading through my bow and the drawn arrow and I released it sending it straight to the monster's head with the same shine as before. Sensing danger, the creature tried to accelerate as much as possible, to try to escape the arrow, but it was too late and he only managed to get his head out of the way, but the arrow still caught his body right in the place where (probably) the heart was. 

  Still he continued towards Anna, in a last desperate effort he jumped with his mouth open towards her head, showing again a greater capacity for judgment and skill than should be possible for someone her age, Anna lowered her body, He strengthened his position and thrust the spear into the monster's open mouth, releasing the spear and rolling underneath the creature's body before it fell limply to the ground.

  While we took care of the furry monsters, Max and Mav continued to fight with the green demon and his mount, despite the light armor the twins wore being second hand, they should still withstand up to 5 attacks from the wolgahák. However, in the fight against the green demon and his mount, I could see that they were already much more worn than they should have been, as was Max's shield, which even though it was made of iron was already very damaged, as was Mav's sword, which even from this distance I could see that it had some splinters.

  But to compensate for this damage, they had injured the beast to the point of making it cower, while the green demon had lost one of its hands (although this clearly only served to make it angrier), before it could charge again. against the twins, I sent two arrows towards the monsters.

  One of the arrows hit the beast's body while the other grazed one of the demon's pointy ears, which made him even angrier, forgetting the twins and now looking directly at me. They then went up, Mav attacked the demon with a sword while Max attacked the beast with an attack with his shield. Showing an ability to use Energy (Aeter) on the same level as Cali, Max seemed to have not only injured but also fractured the neck of the green demon's mount, while Max, in a great demonstration of skill or a lot of luck, managed to get the creature in a small part between the torso and legs unprotected by the fur armor, managing a blow deep enough for part of the monster's intestines to come out, while his mount staggered and yelped in pain. With both mortally wounded and obviously tired, we all joined the twins, Cali had already finished with the other furry beast and helped Anna tie a strip of clean linen to the wound on her shoulder, to put an end to the creatures.

  Cali used one of the basic combat forms of the Order of the Fists, channeling Aeter through her staff and legs, she took a huge leap towards the green demon with a blow that would definitely destroy the creature's head at the same time that Mav attacked from behind. downward with the tip of the sword (the most intact part of the weapon) towards another vulnerable point on the monster's armor. Anna came up behind me and gave the same strong thrust as at the beginning of the fight towards the hairy monster's face and while Max attacked with the short sword on the right side of its body and I supported the four's attack.

  No matter how hard they both tried, the end result was inevitable and the monsters fell.

—Haahh... Haaahh... Haaahh, we did it, right?! — Max asked uncertainly since the monsters, despite having fallen, had not disappeared as he must have heard in the city.

—Haaahh... Haaahh, yes, it's just... They take a little longer to disappear... We have no idea why. 

—Haah... Ha, haha, hahahahah!!!!! We did it, I heard in the central square that these mounted men alone had already finished off several experienced knights!!! But we beat us, WE beat THEM!!!!!!! — Shouted Mav, a feat very uncharacteristic of him.


  Not that he was wrong, these mounts only began to appear shortly before the expedition, and as a rule they were stronger than usual. Why they appeared after 3 months and not before, we don't know, the most accepted idea is that these knight monsters, as they are called, started to appear because several fellow green demons were disappearing and they sent stronger and more mobile troops to find out. what had happened. Whatever it may be, it is a fact that beating just one of these monsters (or two in this case) was considered a proof of the knights' basic skill since it took at least 3 knights of 1 rank to beat just one of them alone and we managed to win no just one of them as well as 3 more furry monsters. This can certainly be considered a great proof of talent.

  While we were still calming down and processing what had happened in the fight, the monsters' corpses were enveloped in a bluish-white light and leaving in their places 1 piece of red meat in place of each of the furry beasts as well as 2 fangs. long, 1 claw that could be used as a dagger as it was and 4 pots of fat. But in place of the green demon mounted instead of the usual boots, iron daggers, flesh, return crystal (the only method we know of that could send us out of the Ordeal) or even the rare tomes, a crystal tablet appeared as well as a strange crystal.

—Connor, you know more about here, do you have any idea what this board is. — Cali asked

—No, I've never seen that thing appear in that crystal, manager, return crystals are white, not dark blue like this. — I said, showing the white crystal I was bringing with me in case of emergencies.

—Well, that's still what we got, maybe one of the elders in your village or one of the old men of your orders has some idea of ​​what that is. So we have no choice but to take blind? — Max said.

  We all agreed with him, but we were still apprehensive about touching anything strange in the Ordeal, there have been cases of people trying to pick up something only to have their arm wrapped in a sticky, green substance that quickly burns the skin. We looked at each other to see if anyone would have the courage to catch them, and the result of those moments...

— Ahhhhhh whatever, leave you fearful people to me. — Max exclaimed, we all expected this but I still have to say that he has the courage to do this.

  He slowly approached and touched the blue crystal first and.... Nothing happened, we all gave a relieved sigh releasing the breath we hadn't realized we were holding. Now when he touched the board...

—WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!! — He shouted.