The Status Finally Appared!!!


When Max screamed and was startled, we got back into combat formation, looking to see if there was anything strange happening to him. As soon as I processed what he said, I immediately took out the potion that Anna had gotten for me and was ready to throw it at him the moment I saw him stagger or give some other type of poisoning symptom.

—Hey, put it down, explain what happened!!! — Mav shouted at his brother.

—There is?! Oh, it's okay, nothing big happened, I was just surprised by the amount of Aeter it sucked, but I'm fine. — Max said.

With that said, we can relax a little but not too much, having Aeter forcibly taken from you is not a good experience and depending on the amount it can even be lethal for those who have no training or even for some who already have it. Not to mention that he himself had used a good amount in the fight just now, so our concern is justified. Even more so considering that we have no way of recovering Aeter other than waiting for him to recover naturally.

—You're sure you're okay, stonehead? — Mav asked his brother

—Yes, Earthhead, I'm sure I'm fine, thank you very much for asking. — He responded with a frown but it was clear that he was grateful for his brother's concern.

— If you're okay because of the uproar, has your Aeter level dropped that much? — Cali asked.

—A little yes, if I could throw 10 blows after this fight, now I can only throw about 7 I would say and... Whoa, what is this showing?! — Max said in amazement.

—What are you talking about, there's no... What is that?! — Mav said, looking at the board that Max didn't let go of his hand in that time.

—That's what I just asked genius!! AFF and then they say I'm just the idiot twin.

—Okay, quiet now, these seem to be letters, this above seems to be the characters of our name, but the things below I can't understand well... — Mav said while examining the board.

—Well, if you don't know... HEY CALI, SHOW US HOW YOUR BRAIN WORKS AND TRY TO UNDERSTAND THIS HERE!!! — Max screamed, I'm almost giving everyone's eardrums, to try to get Cali out of the world of thoughts she entered as soon as she saw the characters on the tablet, I just hope he didn't attract any other monsters with that scream, which I think is very likely.

—Don't shout so much, now is definitely not a good time to fight with other things. — Cali said as she approached to get a better look at the characters. —Do you mind? — She asked, extending her hand to the board.

—Feel free. — Max said, handing her the board.


As soon as she touched Cali's hand, the characters disappeared and she had the same startled reaction as Max when he first picked it up, then different characters appeared on the tablet.

—Ok group genius, any idea what this could be? — Max asked, while Anna looked at everything silently without understanding almost anything.

—Um, that's exactly my name, but the rest is strange, the first word is... What does Status mean?




Kaio POV




I practically screamed just for Sys and me to hear. But I couldn't control myself, do you have any idea how long I waited for someone, anyone, to get the damn Status Tablet and/or the Appraisal Crystal?! 4 months, 4 whole months waiting for someone to get this drop fighting a variety of enemies, stronger and weaker. And still nothing, until now.

'Okay, someone in that group of them has a huge lucky star, Connor doesn't, he had it here from the beginning and didn't make it, then he shows up with 4 new friends and straight away they get both of them at once. Of course it was a fight against a rare monster and both have the lowest drop percentage among the rewards but still, right?!'

For you to understand why you were so happy and relieved that someone got this drop, I can separate it into 3 reasons.


As soon as she touched Cali's hand, the characters disappeared and she had the same startled reaction as Max when he first picked it up, then different characters appeared on the tablet.


—Ok group genius, any idea what this could be? — Max asked, while Anna looked at everything silently without understanding almost anything.


—Um, that's exactly my name, but the rest is strange, the first word is... What does Status mean?




Kaio POV







I practically screamed just for Sys and me to hear. But I couldn't control myself, do you have any idea how long I waited for someone, anyone, to get the damn Status Tablet and/or the Appraisal Crystal?! 4 months, 4 whole months waiting for someone to get this drop fighting a variety of enemies, stronger and weaker. And still nothing, until now.


'Okay, someone in that group of them has a huge lucky star, Connor doesn't, he had it here from the beginning and didn't make it, then he shows up with 4 new friends and straight away they get both of them at once. Of course it was a fight against a rare monster and both have the lowest drop percentage among the rewards but still, right?!'

For you to understand why you were so happy and relieved that someone got this drop, I can separate it into 3 reasons.

1. The Status Table can be used as a translator between the language of this world and the language used by the dungeon, the two are very different.

2. With both the Tablet and the Crystal, challengers can better understand their own abilities and the best path to develop them, improving the chances of success here, finally opening the way to the next floors (again 4 months).

3. Now that the Tablet was "made available", I got the missing element to update the "reception table" at the entrance.

The third reason is directly related to the second, the Tablet can be used by all group members 10 times while they are in the dungeon, but only by them. Why is it important? Because it's a Status Board, which means they can choose how they distribute their status and skill points when they level up. The advantage is quite evident for people who know what this entails instead of letting everything be "distributed by luck" which is what usually happens. But now with the Board, those who have it can choose their own path, and by being able to update the reception desk, anyone can follow its growth but they won't be able to distribute the statuses like when you have the board.

By the way, our group of lucky heroes still has 9 uses, after all it is only counted when all members observe their status.

This was for the Tablet, the Crystal also has 10 uses but is more flexible, with 10 uses for enemies, 10 uses for rewards and 10 uses to evaluate the resources (animal and plant) that can be obtained, so technically 30 uses. With these effects, you can understand a little why these two have the lowest drop percentage, but it still takes 4 months for them to appear, even at the same time, how bad are people's luck in this place, huh?!

That said, excuse me just for a moment, I want to see if the information available on the board is the same as my normal assessment of the challengers.


[Name: Maxuel Irivas

Level 3

HP: 16/19

MP: 9/14

Strength: 23 (18+6)

Agility: 15 (12+3)

Defense: 28 (20+8)

Wisdom: 5

Skill: Fencing (Basic ll), Shield Charge (3 MP), Parry (2 MP), Unarmed Combat (Basic l), Defensive Combat (General l), Cooking (Basic 0)]

[Name: Cali Vyser

Level 4

HP: 12/14

MP: 13/21

Strength: 21 (16+5)

Agility: 19 (15+4)

Defense: 20 (15+5)

Wisdom: 8

Skills: Unarmed Combat (General ll), Armed Impact Combat (Basic ll), Strong Punch (3 MP), Reinforce (3 MP), Concentrate (2 MP), Linguist (Basic ll), Herbalist (Basic 1), Cook (Basic l)]

Practically the same thing, the only difference would be that I could see the titles she has. Well, I can see other people's titles (including my monsters, at least the special ones and bosses) but not mine, what's the logic in that?

It's interesting that despite this fight they didn't increase their level, even more interesting is the fact that the 4 of them have the title of apprentice in a certain order, but at least Cali already has a title of being a member of an order, which actually makes sense. (Remember, orders here are varied and have different branches, but they are all divided into ranks, with rank 1 being equivalent to levels 4-6). She probably has the mission to monitor the dungeon and take care of the boys, especially Anna and that's why she was so pissed when she was injured.

While I was thinking and analyzing the smallest things a little, the group of 5 continued with their own analysis.

—So, any idea what this is for? — Mav asked.

—.... Maybe, but I'm not sure.... Connor, you decided to make a copy of the notes that the wizards left behind, one to analyze in the temple and another copy in the cabin next to the book, right? — Cali asked Connor.

—Yes, we did, we noticed that sometimes new things appeared both in the Ordeal and in the temple, the easiest thing to notice are the murals, but new monsters also appeared like the ones we just defeated. In the first 2 months, the green demons did not ride the furry beasts, and they often fought among themselves. — The young archer replied.

'Well, it's no wonder they have their own hunting and patrol territories, when one enters the other, of course there's going to be a fight.'

Oh, that reminds me, I didn't explain how these mounted goblins appeared, right? It was in the middle of the 2 month since I had created the dungeon, I wanted something a little more challenging and just buying monsters in the store or using the summoning circle wasn't going very well (remember it was one of the rewards from the tutorial missions) . The circle charged half of all my REP and DP, although I could exchange the DP for experience, it was still not a good solution for that gacha.

Oops?! Yeah, I also forgot to explain how the summoning circle worked, right? Well, this is quick, it's a gacha, simple as that, paying a minimum fee of 50 REP and 50 DP simultaneously, I would have the chance to summon different monsters to inhabit the space or leave them on hold to be placed on the next floors, the Summoned monsters would always be stronger than those purchased individually from the Store. But the appearance rate was both random and low, so I could increase the chances of special or rare monsters appearing by square more points or even my experience, but there would still be a very high possibility of only getting a common Slime even though I had sacrificed enough to level up (which unfortunately happened). Because it has such a bad appearance rate I decide to sell the summoning circle and use it as part of the payment for the fusion circle (I swear it has nothing to do with the fact that I spent the equivalent of 3 levels just to try get a dragon or fenrir, and only slimes, hobgoblins, drakes, bears, foxes, nagas, etc. have appeared instead. It certainly has nothing to do with it, seriously щ(゜ロ゜щ).