The River Cabin

Kaio POV


Anyway, thanks to this I now have a method of getting monsters that are a little more varied and with more interesting attacks and development. I still have the idea that I made a good deal, I better have an idea of ​​what I want than depend completely on luck, right?

[This wouldn't be necessary if you could control your betting habit.]

'Hey, since when do you hear my inner thoughts, shouldn't you only be able to hear my superficial thoughts Sys?!'

[Incorrect, being an existence composed of both the system and the user's own will, I have the ability to know all of their thoughts. Regardless of your permission.]


[For this you should have some privacy, since the beginning of the dungeon we are both simultaneously, in your mind and in your soul.]

'Yes, yes, I know the orb that is the core of the dungeon is also the physical manifestation of my soul, where my mind can rest and organize things in the dungeon, almost like a Pokéball. THIS IS STILL NO REASON FOR YOU TO LISTEN TO WHAT I THINK AND SAY!!!!!!'

[This is involuntary, but I recommend you calm down now. Your emotional discharge is both clear evidence of your inability to control gambling spending impulses (not that it has convinced anyone otherwise), and the fact that your emotion is beginning to affect the dungeon.]


*Inhales and exhales*

'Recover your concentration Kaio, ignore certain things (several) that annoying little voice (which every moment that passes sounds more and more like my sister's) says about you and your total self-control with betting (ok maybe not that total, but I can control it when I really want)'

[Yeah... Just not.]

'Okay now you're just doing this to irritate me, I'm almost forming an involuntary hurricane nucleus here.'

'Very well now, I have to calm down, I don't want to end up (literally) throwing someone to their death.'

I said to myself ([ahhh..], seriously stop it now) and managed to calm down and prevent the hurricane from forming. This is the negative side of being the dungeon yourself, sometimes when your emotions become very disordered they generate involuntary phenomena, like this almost hurricane. Aaaahhhh, I have to find a way to control this better.

[You could-]

'If you're not going to say something that really helps and you just want to keep making fun of me, you can stop right there.'


'I think I was a bad influence on Sys huh, hhhaaaaaa'




Connor's POV



Sometimes this place surprises me, in both good and bad ways, one moment new monsters appear that almost kill you, the next a new miraculous plant. Another, when you are ready to fight new enemies, the previously completely sunny and pleasant weather turns into a stormy sky with strong winds that almost lift you off the ground (Kaio: sorry). And the next moment it returns to sunny weather, this has already happened a few times, and it is one of the phenomena that not even magicians have any theory to explain.

—Okay, that was a little strange, but the good thing is that it scared those animals away. — Anna said, looking at the tall trees, which moments before had at least 7 creatures that looked like a mix of green demons and hairy beasts, but completely different from the two.

—Connor, how long until we get to the cabin? Max asked.

—If things haven't changed since the last time I was here, it should take around 1 or 1 and a half hours. That's if we don't encounter any more monsters on the way, which I think is a bit difficult.

—1 hour, I was told I would only need 20 minutes maximum? —Anna said.

—Yes, it did, but that was until the end of the first month, when there was even a small path to follow to get there. But since then it seems that the ordeal itself has grown or the portal has changed location, now we need to follow an improvised path through the trees to get there. — I explained. — Fortunately the direction is still the same so it's not a big problem. — I said pointing in the general direction of where the cabin was, the only proven safe camping spot.

—Only if you know the place and are used to the forest, right? Max complained.

—Don't be a baby, we came here to fight monsters and collect exotic materials, walking a little in the forest should be much more trivial. — Anna said, this proves that you shouldn't judge books by their covers.

—Staying here without doing anything is useless, let's go before more monsters appear that Max's scream might have attracted. — Cali said, not waiting for anyone to respond and following in the direction I had pointed.

—It's annoying when she acts like the boss, but she's not wrong. — said Max.

And with that we continued heading towards the cabin.


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After just over 1 hour, we arrived at the cabin, usually it would take around 30 minutes, but thanks to Max's shout we had 4 more fights against the monsters, ironically they were much easier than their first fight and they managed feel like rising in the dungeon. They seemed more surprised by the feeling of the Elevation than by the Elevation itself, wait, I'm confused, it's like they had already elevated themselves normally under each other's orders, but according to them, elevations in general were more... uncomfortable, not to mention painful. I have never elevated other than here at the Ordeal so I have no basis, but according to my master, elevations are generally more painful.

Well, whether they are painful or not, one thing that remains the same is the fact that there is a need to rest after it happens, it is not mandatory, but rest helps the newly absorbed Energy (Aeter) to "get used to" the person's body. And luckily the river hut has great beds, so good that they even spread a rumor that if you rest in them after an Elevation, you recover much faster, which would take 5 hours of uncomfortable "rest", in the hut's beds it takes 1 hour and a half of completely comfortable sleep.

—Hey, is that what I think it is? — Mav said pointing to a clearing ahead.

—It's exactly what you think it is. — he said looking at the two-story wooden hut, which was even bigger than the village chief's house. — Uhhh huumm, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the river cabin! — I said smiling at everyone.